unicef goodwill ambassador danny glover arrives in vietnam picture 1
UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Danny Glover (R) samples Bún Chả in Hanoi on August 1 evening. (Photo: VTC.VN)

Talking with VTC News reporter, Glover said this was his first visit to Vietnam and he found that Vietnamese people are both very warm and enthusiastic.

On August 2, Danny Glover visited the UNICEF Office in Hanoi and talked with UNICEF Representative Rana Flowers about issues related to children's rights in the country.

On August 1 evening the American actor sampled Bún Chả, Vietnamese grilled pork and rice noodle dish, at Bún chả Hương Liên, aka “Bún Chả Obama”, where former US President Barrack Obama and Anthony Bourdain ate their US$6 dollar dinner in 2016.

The celebrity was full of compliments for the famous Vietnamese dish.

As an actor, producer, and humanitarian, Glover has been a commanding presence on the screen, stage, and television for more than 30 years. 

As an actor, his film credits range from the blockbuster Lethal Weapon franchise to smaller independent features, some of which he also produced. 

He was originally appointed as UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador in 2004, travelling first to Ethiopia, where he met and listened to the stories of children who had been maimed by mines. He then called on nations that stockpile anti-personnel mines to ratify the Mine Ban Treaty.

In 2013, Glover was presented with the Audrey Hepburn Humanitarian Award, honouring him for his decades-long advocacy on behalf of the most vulnerable children.

Source: VOV