The installation art exhibition "Phieu," by Cao Thanh Tha, is professionally sponsored by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The event aims to raise awareness about the importance of sea turtle conservation, marine biology preservation, and the celebration of World Sea Turtle Day on June 16.

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The sea turtles are impressively arranged in the artwork titled "Ocean Currents."
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Sand from the sea has been transported to the exhibition house to help viewers visualize the natural habitat of these creatures. A total of 1001 ceramic sea turtles, prepared by Cao Thanh Tha over many years, are showcased to the public.
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A giant ceramic sea turtle, placed at the center of the exhibition space, creates a striking impression on viewers. 
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The number 1001 symbolizes the survival rate of sea turtles: only 1 out of every 1000 born survives to adulthood.
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This marks the first time in Vietnam that an art exhibition features 1001 ceramic sea turtles.
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Each ceramic turtle is hand-molded by Cao Thanh Tha, making each one unique in shape and color. 
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The artist funded the creation of these intricate works herself, emphasizing human responsibility towards the planet and its inhabitants.
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After spending 12 days and nights participating in sea turtle rescue and conservation in Con Dao, Cao Thanh Tha was inspired to develop this art project. With support from the IUCN, she aims to contribute to sea turtle conservation and marine environment awareness through this exhibition.

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The exhibition includes installation art clusters such as "Beautiful Ocean - Real Space - Future," "Ocean Current," "Underground Eddy," "Dawn - Sunset - Darkness," and "Return." Additionally, it features interactive and experiential activities. "Phieu," the exhibition of 1001 ceramic sea turtles, is not just an art event but a call to action, encouraging individuals to help protect the marine environment.
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A young audience member enjoys exploring the tiny ceramic sea turtles at the exhibition. The event runs until June 19, 2024, at the exhibition house at 93 Dinh Tien Hoang, Hanoi.

Quynh An