us 5 billion long son petrochemical complex to operate commercially by 2024 picture 1

This information was unveiled on October 30 by a representative of Long Son Petrochemical Company Limited (LSP), the investor of the Long Son petrochemical complex project.

Kulachet Dharachandra, general director of LSP, said the company would pay special attention to ensuring both safety and environmental protection during test runs and official operation by investing in the most modern and advanced technologies worth roughly US$100 million. 

Long Son petrochemical complex has a total investment of US$5.1 billion. Once in operation, the complex is anticipated to annually produce about 1.4 million tonnes of plastic pellets - an input material to produce a range of plastic products used in daily activities.

According to LSP leaders, nearly 1,000 Vietnamese employees are expected to work at the petrochemical complex that will generate about US$1.5 billion I revenue next year.

Source: VOV