A delegation from the Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA) led by its Vice President Marsha Lynn Four toured the central province of Quang Nam as part of the “Veterans Initiative” programme aiming to provide information on Vietnamese soldiers killed or reported missing in action (MIA) during war.

Quang Nam is one of the hardest hit localities during the US war, where over 14,970 Vietnamese soldiers died in battle and another 445 went missing in action.

At a meeting with the provincial veterans’ association, the US veterans handed over dossiers with information about 1,200 Vietnamese martyrs killed in the southern province of Dong Nai and Ho Chi Minh City to support efforts to search for remains.

Since 1993, the VVA has provided Vietnam with 295 dossiers on nearly 10,000 Vietnamese soldiers, assisting with the discovery of the remains of 1,200 martyrs.

Founded in 1978, the VVA is a non-governmental organisation specialising in supporting issues related to US veterans of the war in Vietnam . Over the past year, the VVA has also engaged in a number of activities to assist Agent Orange/dioxin victims in Vietnam.