VietNamNet Bridge – Viet Nam and Laos have always attached much importance to consolidating and boosting their special friendship and comprehensive co-operation.

Laos Party General Secretary and President Choummaly Sayasone (left) and Vietnamese Party General Secretary and NA Chairman Nguyen Phu Trong review the guards of honor. (Photo: VNS)

Laos Party General Secretary and President Choummaly Sayasone, together with Party General Secretary and National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Phu Trong, consolidated the two countries' relationship during a meeting held in Vientiane yesterday, June 20.

Trong praised the success of the 9th National Congress of Lao People's Revolutionary Party (LPRP), expressing his belief that, under the leadership of the LPRP, the people of Laos stand a good chance of achieving its five-year socio-economic development goals.

The two countries are equally determined to further boost co-operation based on independence, self-reliance, mutual benefit, improving the quality and efficiency of development as well as peace, stability, co-operation and development in Southeast Asia.

The two leaders praised results from the 33rd Session of the Viet Nam-Laos Intergovernmental Committee, which affirmed economic, cultural, educational, scientific and technical co-operation during 2011-2020, set to increase mutual trade to US$2 billion by 2015 as well as link the two economies to the world market.

The two countries reached further agreements on national defence and security, the prevention of cross-border crimes, the continued search for and repatriation of the remains of Vietnamese volunteers and experts still buried in Laos.

During the meeting, the two sides confirmed their commitment to developing a stronger ASEAN community, agreeing on maintaining, protecting and using the Mekong River efficiently and sustainably while tackling climate change.

Both sides stressed the importance of settling current East Sea issues peacefully and in accordance with international law, the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 1982 and the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC).

General Secretary Trong stated that Viet Nam fully supported and would do its utmost in helping Laos enter the World Trade Organisation and organise the 2012 Asia-Europe Meeting.

During his visit, Trong, on behalf of the Vietnamese Party, State and people, granted a cultural house to the Xamvannakhet Province, homeland of late President Kaysone Phomvihane in order to boost local cultural development.

The two sides agreed on naming 2012 as the Viet Nam-Laos Friendship and Solidarity year in order to celebrate the 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties and the 35th anniversary of the signing of the Viet Nam-Laos friendship and co-operation agreement.

To conclude his trip Trong invited Lao Party General Secretary and President Choummaly Sayasone and his wife to pay an official visit to Viet Nam at their convenience.

Enhanced exchanges

At a meeting with Lao NA President Pany Yathotou in Vientiane yesterday, Party General Secretary and National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Phu Trong wants the Vietnamese and Lao NAs and their legislative agencies to enhance exchanges of expertise on legislative and other important areas.

He said the two NAs should join in inspecting, supervising and promoting the two Governments to implement bilateral co-operation agreements, helping deepen the special solidarity and comprehensive ties between the two countries.

The Vietnamese NA leader also proposed that the two legislative bodies continue increasing exchanges of information and close co-ordination at international forums, particularly the framework of co-operation between the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and other related sub-regional co-operation mechanisms.

Pany thanked the Vietnamese Party, State and NA for promoting ties between the two NAs which, she said, contributed to development in the two countries.

While meeting with Lao Prime Minister Thongsing Thammavong the same day, Trong said he was happy at the constant development of the traditional friendship, special solidarity and comprehensive co-operation between Viet Nam and Laos, despite complicated regional and world situations.

At a reception on the same day for Tong Yeutho, the Lao Deputy President of the Lao Front for National Construction (LFNC), Party General Secretary and NA Chairman Trong highlighted the important role of the Front in the political system of each country.

He said he hoped the Viet Nam Fatherland Front and the LFNC would continue exchanging experience and mutual assistance.

Tong Yeutho said the LFNC would actively popularise the tradition of Laos-Viet Nam relations in all walks of life in Laos.

At a meeting with President of the Laos-Viet Nam Friendship Association (LVFA) Phankham Viphavan, Trong spoke highly of its diversified and practical activities, which, he said, had contributed to strengthening multifaceted co-operative relations between the two countries.

Lao General Secretary and President, Choummaly Sayasone, and his wife, held a reception for Party General Secretary and NA Chairman Trong and his delegation.

VietNamNet/Viet Nam News