Laos honours VN repatriation mission

The Lao government honoured 63 Vietnamese organisations and 148 individuals at a ceremony in Ha Noi yesterday (Sept 23) for their efforts to locate and repatriate the remains of Vietnamese soldiers and non-combat servicemen who died in Laos during the American War in Viet Nam.

On behalf of the Lao State and Government, Deputy Defence Minister and head of the Lao Government's Special Working Commission, Lieut. Gen. Chansamon Channhalat presented the Friendship Order, the Friendship Medal and Ministry of Defence certificates of merit to recipients and representatives.

Addressing the event, Deputy Defence Minister Chansamon Channhalat thanked the Vietnamese Party, State, army and citizens for offering Laos whole-hearted support in its past fight for independence and its current drive for development.

He said the excellent work of collectives and individuals in searching for and repatriating the remains of Vietnamese people who lost their lives in conflict had helped tighten the special friendship, solidarity and comprehensive co-operation between Laos and Viet Nam.

Commander of the Military Zone 4, Lieut. Gen. Nguyen Huu Cuong expressed his honour at receiving an accolade, saying that it was a manifestation of the Party and State's policies on war heroes.

Prime Minister Dung arrives in France

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung arrived in Paris on September 24 (Vietnamese time), beginning his official visit to France at the invitation of Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault.



PM Nguyen Tan Dung was received at Orly airport (Source: VNA)

PM Dung’s visit to France, Vietnam’s leading European partner, aims to affirm the strategic importance of the Vietnam-France relations and contribute to deepening and elevating the two countries’ relationship to a new height.

During his stay in France, the PM is scheduled to hold talks with his French counterpart Jean-Marc Ayrault and meet with French President Francois Hollande.

He will also engage in a dialogue with leading French businesses, deliver a speech at the French Institute of International Relations and attend the opening ceremony of the new headquarters of the Vietnamese Embassy in France.

Vietnam - a UN proactive and responsible member

The Vietnamese delegation’s participation in the high-level meetings of the UN General Assembly’s 68th regular session (UNGA 68) shows the country’s deep international integration and its rising international status.

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung will lead a Vietnamese delegation to the UNGA 68 scheduled to take place in New York on September 26-27 with a view to further promoting relations between Vietnam and the UN.

The UNGA 68 themed “Post-2015 Development Agenda: Setting the Stage” aims to review mid-term implementation of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and build the post-2015 development agenda and set targets for sustainable growth.

Vietnam-UN relations have developed vigorously since Vietnam officially joined the UN on September 20, 1977. Immediately after its UN admission, the country has received great support from UN members for its post-war reconstruction.

Vietnam-UN cooperation is regarded as a typical example of international development cooperation between UN members, affirming the organization’s role in dealing with issues related to economics, social affairs, culture and humanitarian activities.

UN aid for Vietnam over the past 30 years totaled more than US$2 billion which is of special significance for the country’s development as the funding is primarily focused on stimulating economic growth, building institutions and laws, and solving urgent social issues.

PM Dung’s speech to the General Assembly will touch upon Vietnam’s experience in carrying out the MDGs and highlight the country’s stance on major international issues including solutions for peace and security, and the post-2015 UN development agenda in the face of global challenges.

PM Dung’s meetings on the sidelines of the high-level meetings will create a good opportunity for fostering relations with other nations and garner international support for Vietnam's development and global integration.

Party leader greets Japan's Communist delegation

General Secretary of the Communist Party of Viet Nam (CPV) Nguyen Phu Trong yesterday (Sept 23) received Executive Committee Chairman of the Japanese Communist Party (JCP) Shii Kazuo during his ongoing visit to Viet Nam.

At the meeting, Chairman Shii Kazuo spoke highly of the huge achievements made by the Vietnamese people in the renewal period and hoped that more accomplishments would be reaped during the national construction process.

He also appreciated outcomes of the two parties' co-operation in recent time and said he believed their relations would be further reinforced and developed for mutual understanding as well as for regional and global peace, stability and social progress.

Meanwhile, General Secretary Trong congratulated the JCP on their success in the recent elections of the upper houses of Japanese Diet and Tokyo city council, deeming this a great advance and evidence proving the Japanese people's confidence in the party.

The host highly valued exchange activities between the two parties, especially in discussion on theory and practice in the new context. The two sides agreed on the need to boost multifaceted co-operation via various forms to build strong parties and lift their co-operation to new heights.

Earlier on the same day, Politburo member and Standing member of the CPV Central Committee's Secretariat Le Hong Anh held talks with Chairman Shii Kazuo.

The two sides discussed orientations and concrete measures to promote their friendship and traditional co-operation, thus enhancing Vietnamese and Japanese peoples' ties.

Cambodia, Vietnam boost technical cooperation

Deputy Defence Minister Senior Lieutenant General Truong Quang Khanh on September 23 received a visiting delegation from the Cambodian Royal Armed Forces’ Technical Equipment General Department led by its deputy head General Pech Choeun.

Khanh congratulated Cambodia on the successful fifth National Assembly election while affirming that the Vietnamese Government, Army and people always place great value on reinforcing solidarity with the neighbouring country and will do all they can to maintain their close relationship.

Choeun briefed Khanh on his country’s current political situation as well as outcomes of the delegation’s working session with the Vietnamese Defence Ministry’s General Department of Technology.

Both sides shared experience and information in their work, reviewed the results of bilateral cooperation over the years and defined orientations in the time to come.

The Vietnamese defence official said it is essential to pay heed to delegation exchange and human resources training to improve operational efficiency as a contribution to consolidating the fine traditional relations between the two nations.

Japanese ambassador to Vietnam appraised

Politburo member and Secretary of the Party Central Committee To Huy Rua thanked the Japanese Ambassador to Vietnam Yasuaki Tanizaki for his support and assistance to Vietnam during his working tenure in Vietnam in a meeting in Hanoi September 23.

Politburo member Rua highly valued the East Asia country’s efforts to offer an increase in official development assistance (ODA) to Vietnam despite its difficult time.

The Politburo member, who is also the president of the Vietnam - Japan Friendship Parliamentarians Group, c ongratulated the outgoing Japanese ambassador on receiving the Vietnam ’s Friendship Medal for his extensive efforts and contribution to promoting Vietnam-Japan friendship.

For his part, the Japanese diplomat thanked Vietnamese party, government, parliament and people for helping him to fulfill his working missions in Vietnam. The Ambassador Yasuaki Tanizaki also said returning to Japan he would like to be special Vietnam’s ambassador in Japan as he wanted to continue to boost the bilateral ties in the coming time.

Senior Lieutenant General Do Ba Ty visits India

A high-ranking military delegation led by Senior Lieutenant General Do Ba Ty, Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People’s Army, began its four-day official visit to India on September 23.

They were invited by India’s Air Chief General Nak Browne, who is also Chairman of the Chiefs of Staff Committee.

The visit aims to boost the traditional friendship and cooperation between Vietnam and India within the framework of bilateral strategic partnership previously reached by leaders of both countries.

Defence official welcomes Cambodian guests

Deputy Defence Minister Senior Lieutenant General Truong Quang Khanh on September 23 received a visiting delegation from the technical equipment general department under the Cambodian Royal Armed Forces led by its deputy head General Pech Choeun.

Khanh congratulated Cambodia on the successful fifth National Assembly election and affirmed that the Vietnamese Government, Army and people always attach importance to developing the solidarity with the neighbouring country and will do their utmost to maintain their close relationship.

The guest informed the host of Cambodia’s current political situation as well as outcomes of the delegation’s working session with the General Department of Technology under the Vietnamese Defence Ministry.

He said during the session, the two sides shared experience and information in their work, reviewed the results of bilateral cooperation over the past time and worked out directions in the time ahead.

The Vietnamese Deputy Defence Minister suggested that the two sides pay attention to delegation exchange and human resources training, in order to enhance the effectiveness of their cooperation, contributing to the fine traditional relations between the two armies and peoples.

Ambassador presents credentials to Finnish President

Vietnam always treasures the assistance, cooperation and sentiments given by Finland during the past struggle for national liberation and the current cause of national renewal, industrialisation and modernisation.

Vietnamese Ambassador to Finland Bui Van Khoa made the remarks when presenting his credentials to Finnish President Sauli Vainamo Niinisto in Helsinki on September 19.

At the follow-up reception, President Sauli Vainamo Niinisto said he hopes the new ambassador will take practical moves to further promote the growing traditional friendship between the two countries.

He showed his joy at the achievements Vietnam has obtained over the past years and asked the ambassador to convey his regards to State President Truong Tan Sang.