Delegates to the East Asia Summit SOM pose for a group photo
Deputy Foreign Minister Nguyen Quoc Dung, who is headof the country’s SOM ASEAN, attended the ASEAN Plus Three SOM and East AsiaSummit (EAS) SOM, which were held within the framework of the ASEAN SeniorOfficials' Meeting (SOM) in Bangkok on May 30.
Speaking at themeetings, Dung stressed the importance of ASEAN Plus Three and EAS mechanismsin promoting dialogue and cooperation, and building an open, transparent,inclusive and rule-based regional structure, thus contributing to maintainingpeace, security, stability, cooperation and development in the region.
He suggestedintensifying collaboration in connectivity, maritime issues, and adaptation tothe Fourth Industrial Revolution within the ASEAN Plus Three framework, whileaffirming that Vietnam is willing to foster new cooperation initiatives withinthe EAS framework, including cooperation in preventing drug smuggling.
The official sharedstances of other countries on the East Sea issue as well as the situation inthe Korean Peninsula and Myanmar’s Rakhine state, and reconfirmed ASEAN’s pointof view on the East Sea as well as Vietnam’s commitment to working with otherASEAN member states and China in building a Code of Conduct in the East Sea(COC) effectively.
At the meetings,partner nations showed their support for the theme and priorities of ASEAN in2019 as well as the bloc’s efforts to realize the ASEAN Community Vision 2025,promote connectivity, narrow development gap and strengthen cooperation inresponse to arising challenges.
They emphasised theirbacking for ASEAN’s central role in the regional structure, and theirwillingness to continue participating in cooperation mechanisms led by the blocsuch as ASEAN Plus Three, East Asia Summit, ASEAN Regional Forum and ASEANDefence Ministers’ Meeting Plus.
ASEAN Plus Threecountries affirmed their pledges to consolidate an open and rule-basedmultilateral trade system, foster the region’s economic connectivity, and striveto complete negotiations on the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership(RCEP).
Meanwhile, thecountries participating in the EAS SOM agreed to continue consolidating andpromoting the role of the mechanism, strengthen its capacity of coping with challenges,and to improve the effectiveness of coordination between EAS and othermechanisms such as ARF and ADMM in the regional structure.
Discussing regionaland international issues, representatives of countries reaffirmed their supportfor dialogue and diplomatic efforts for peace, stability and de-nuclearisationof the Korean Peninsula, and for the Myanmar Government in its efforts toaddressing the humanitarian issue in Rakhine state.
Regarding the East Sea issue, they underlined the importance of maintaining peace, stability, andaviation and navigation safety and freedom in the East Sea; refraining from andavoiding using or threatening to use violence; avoiding conducting actions thatcomplicate the situation; addressing disputes peacefully on the basis ofinternational law, including the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea;implementing the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC)fully and seriously, and building an effective and valid COC.
Within the frameworkof the meetings, the Vietnamese official had bilateral meetings withrepresentatives from India, the Republic of Korea, Australia, New Zealand,Canada, the US, and the European Union.-VNA

Vietnam represents ASEAN in committing to jointly protecting civilians in armed conflicts
Ambassador Dang Dinh Quy, head of Vietnam’s permanent mission to the UN, reiterated the commitments of ASEAN countries on the protection of civilians during armed