Vietnam attends second RoK-Vietnam Forum for the Future in Seoul

The 'Republic of Korea-Vietnam Forum for the Future' opened in Seoul, the Republic of Korea (RoK) on March 19, discussing strategic issues of mutual concern.

This is the second time the forum has been held by the Korea International Exchange Fund and Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences following the first in Hanoi in 2012 on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of Vietnam-RoK diplomatic ties.

This year's forum sees the participation of 12 Vietnamese delegates led by Prof.Dr Nguyen Xuan Thang, President of Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences and more than 20 delegates of the host country led by President of the Korea International Exchange Fund Yu Hyun-seok.

The forum is being organised in three sessions, discussing three topics: Vietnam-RoK relations - economic and foreign affairs co-operation; the Korean Peninsula and regional political situation, and bilateral cultural issues.

Delegates will also discuss strategic issues of mutual concern including the conclusion of negotiations on the Vietnam-RoK free trade agreement in December 2014, the process of building trust on the Korean Peninsula, the policies for social harmony after the unification of Vietnam, measures to promote cultural exchange, and the development of Korean wave (Hallyu).

The event is also expected to open up dialogue opportunities for scholars of the two countries and contribute to strengthening the bilateral relationship and co-operation in the international arena.

Earlier, President Nguyen Xuan Thang met and held talks with leaders of RoK's research and policy advice agencies starting March 15. During the talks with leaders of Korea’s National Diplomatic Academy, the Korean Institute for National Unification and the Korean Economic Research Institute, the two sides discussed diplomatic and foreign trade policies of RoK, business operations of RoK's corporations and the strategy to build a global production chain of RoK's economic groups.

Prof.Dr Thang also delivered a presentation entitled 'Political and security situation in the region and Vietnam-RoK Relations' at the Asia Research Centre under the Seoul National University.

Aussie newspapers cover PM Nguyen Tan Dung’s Australian visit

A number of major Aussie newspapers ran articles highlighting the outcomes achieved during the Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung’s recently concluded visit to Australia from March 17-18.

The 9News reported that Australia and Vietnam have signed a broad-ranging deal covering issues from security to climate change.

It quoted Australian PM Tony Abbott as saying that the relations between the two nations would be further strengthened should the Trans-Pacific Partnership be finalised this year. The next step would be to develop 2015-2017 action plans.

The Australian cited comments from the University of New South Wales' Carl Thayer that the visit by the Vietnamese leader will revitalise the partnership. Vietnam, he says, has been looking to deepen diplomatic ties in defence, security, education and infrastructure investment.

Meanwhile, the Skynews, the Australian and others reported that the Vietnamese military forces will train alongside Australian defence personnel.

Australia and Vietnam have a strong shared interest in regional peace and stability, Abbott was quoted as saying.

The newspapers mentioned that two leaders also discussed greater cooperation between the two nations' special forces and agreed on the need for maritime security and freedom of navigation in the East Sea.

Vietnamese Party delegation visits Mexico, El Salvador

A Vietnamese Party delegation led by Deputy Head of the Party Central Committee’s Commission for External Affairs Pham Quang Thao paid working visits to Mexico and El Salvador from March 12-18.

In Mexico, Thao attended and delivered a speech at the international seminar themed “The Parties and A New Society”, held by the Mexican Labour Party (PT) and attended by more than 700 delegates from 40 nations worldwide.

In his speech, he briefed participants on the achievements of and challenges facing Vietnam during its 30-year Doi Moi (reform) process.

Thanks to the sound leadership of the Communist Party, Vietnam has achieved numerous results in developing its socialist-oriented market economy, accelerating industrialisation and modernisation and expanding international cooperation.

Vietnam’s reform cause has received significant support from the international community, including Mexico and Latin America, affirmed Thao.

On the sideline of the seminar, the Vietnamese delegation met with other foreign delegations, including those from Cuba and the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.

It was also received by PT General Secretary and Senator Alberto Anaya Gutierrez and Secretary for External Relations of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) Javier Vega Camargo.

While in El Salvador, the Vietnamese delegation met with General Secretary of the Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN) Medardo Gonzalez, Vice President Oscar Ortiz and Speaker of the Parliament Sigfrido Reyes.

The Salvadoran leaders thanked Vietnam for supporting the FMLN’s struggle against dictators in the past and expressed their hope for intensified cooperation through delegation exchanges and sharing experience in socio-economic development during the reform process.

Agenda announced for international parliamentary meeting

The organising board of the 132nd Inter-Parliamentary Union Assembly (IPU-132) held a press conference on March 19 to announce the agenda and working programme of the assembly, which will take place in Hanoi from March 28-April 1 under the theme “Sustainable development goals: Turning words into action”.

Ngo Duc Manh, deputy head of the National Assembly (NA)’s Committee for External Relations, said that during the four-day event delegates will attend 67 sessions, discussing and adopting several draft resolutions on cyber warfare, water governance, and international law in relation with national sovereignty.

A ceremony to mark the 30 th founding anniversary of the Meeting of Women Parliamentarians will also take place.

On the sidelines of the IPU-132 there will be bilateral meetings between the participating delegations.

According to Tran Van Hang, head of the NA Committee for External Relations and the permanent deputy head of the IPU-132 organising board , over 160 delegations have registered to attend the event so far.

Vietnam is working hard to complete all preparations for assembly, the biggest diplomatic event ever held in the country, said Hang.

President upbeat about prospects of Vietnam – RoK ties

President Truong Tan Sang has expressed belief that ties between Vietnam and the Republic of Korea (RoK) would go forward via parliamentary channels.

Meeting Speaker Chung Ui-hwa of the RoK National Assembly in Hanoi on March 19, the President pointed to the community of 100,000 Koreans in Vietnam and over 100,000 Vietnamese in the RoK as a crucial factor deepening friendship between the two countries.

He said confidently that the RoK will retain its top investor status in Vietnam along with its position as the leading partner in trade, tourism, labour and the supply of official development assistance.

Chung, who is on Vietnam visit, told his host that the number of Korean firms operating in Vietnam amounts to nearly 4,000.

He said Korean businesses want more incentives in taxation and less red tape so as to expand operations in Vietnam.

Hungarian Ambassador honoured with friendship insignia

The Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations (VUFO) awarded the insignia “For Peace and Friendship among Nations” for Hungarian Ambassador to Vietnam Torda Eszter at a ceremony in Hanoi on March 19.

Addressing the event, VUFO’s Vice President Don Tuan Phong acknowledged the diplomat’s meritorious service to the friendship and wide-ranging cooperation between Vietnam and Hungary, particularly in banking, education, trade, judicial system, and wastewater treatment.

During her three-year tenure, Ambassador Torda Eszter has contributed to facilitating high-ranking visits between the two nations and played a role in the signing of several important bilateral agreements and memoranda of understanding at governmental and ministerial levels, he said.

For her part, the diplomat revealed that a series of activities will be launched to cement the Vietnam-Hungary ties.

Accordingly, Hungary will reopen its consulate general in Ho Chi Minh City, present 100 scholarships to Vietnam which double 2014’s figure, and implement two collaborative programmes in healthcare and water.

This year, Vietnam and Hungary celebrate the 65th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations (Feb 3, 1950).