Vietnam’s export of fishery products is expected to reach 4.4 billion USD during January-June, a year-on-year increase of 6%, despite such formidable challenges as extreme weather conditions and competitive pressure regarding export prices, high input costs and shortage of materials, according to the Vietnam Association of Seafood Exporters and Producers (VASEP).

The country shipped an estimated 3.6 billion USD worth of fishery products abroad in the first five months of this year, up 6.5% from the same time last year.

Export markets have showed signs of recovery, both in demand and prices, with fishery shipment to the US, Japan, the EU, and the Republic of Korea (RoK) posting positive growth from 5% to 26% in May.

As of the end of May, export to the US increased 13% to 635 million USD while that to Japan, the RoK, and the EU witnessed modest expansion of 3-4%.

With a view to realising the set target of 10 billion USD in fishery export revenue for the whole year, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has asked localities to join hands with enterprises and associations to keep close tabs with the market development so as to have rational production plans.

Meanwhile, enterprises should work together to expand markets, comply with market regulations, and propose amendments to policies to facilitate exports. Besides, they are urged to capitalise on advanced technologies to reduce production costs, promote linkage, and remove technical barriers./.

Aero-K to launch direct air service between Seoul and Khanh Hoa in late June

Carrier Aero-K of the Republic of Korea (RoK) recently announced plans to launch a new direct air route linking capital Seoul with the southcentral province of Khanh Hoa from June 25 in an effort to meet growing demand among travelers between the two countries.

This will see the airline regularly operate the Cam Ranh (Khanh Hoa)-Incheon (Seoul) route with a frequency of four flights a week on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays.

The flights will depart from Cam Ranh International Airport at 0:15 a.m. before arriving at Incheon International Airport at 7:25 a.m.

In addition, the carrier will provide pet transportation services.

The airline is also set to offer promotions on the round-trip ticket price, which is around US$170 per person, on June 25, June 27, and June 29.

Founded in 2016, Aero-K Airlines Co., Ltd. is a low-cost airline in the RoK that aims to develop flights to destinations within Asia such as China, Japan, Taiwan (China), and Vietnam.

This marks the second air route to be launched by Aero-K to connect the RoK and Vietnam. Previously, the airline opened direct flights from Da Nang to Cheongju on February 6.

Canadian enterprises interested in Vietnamese market

The Vietnam Trade Office in Canada has coordinated with agencies of the host country to hold a business dialogue in Toronto, drawing the attention of Canadian businesses that have invested in Vietnam and those planning to seek opportunities in this dynamic Asian market.

Trade Counsellor at the Vietnamese Embassy in Canada Tran Thu Quynh noted that experts and speakers at the event highly valued trade and investment opportunities in Vietnam.

Those having operated or planning projects in Vietnam all consider it as a good market with a plenty of opportunities and a safe place to invest and do business in, said Quynh.

Experts in the field of supporting Canadian businesses to invest abroad and enterprises shared the view that the Vietnamese market has not only multiple opportunities, but also effective support from all-level administrations. The country also boasts political stability and fewer financial risks or market frauds compared to others.

Christine Nakamura, Vice-President of the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada, stated that Vietnam, one of the fastest growing economies in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), is paying attention to foreign investment attraction, so it is taking various measures to create more conditions for foreign companies and investors to pour capital into the country.

Many Canadians are also interested in the Vietnamese market, she said, adding that whether it is trade or investment, opportunities are truly open for both sides.

In addition to Vietnam's strong changes over the past years, the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) and the Indo-Pacific Strategy have helped draw more attention from Canadian investors to the Southeast Asian nation, she said.

Saina Fan, Ontario Regional Director at Export Development Canada (EDC), said Vietnam is one of the markets that EDC cannot miss. As a specialised export development agency, it has all necessary tools to assist Canadian firms to export to Vietnam, one of the important strategic markets and also the largest export market of EDC in ASEAN.

In the first five months of this year, Canada's exports to Vietnam increased by 27%. The North American country also had 10 new investment projects and 13 mergers in this market, with each project worth about US$2 million, statistics showed.

Vietnam Airlines operates new passenger service system

National flag carrier Vietnam Airlines has successfully deployed an Altéa Passenger Services System (PSS) of the Amadeus IT Group along with a series of advanced technological solutions, marking a significant step forward in its digital transformation strategy.

Amadeus's PSS provides Vietnam Airlines with comprehensive solutions for managing seat supply, booking, ticketing, departure control, and digital technology to enhance customers' experiences. It equips the airlines with advanced technologies in the aviation and tourism sectors, thus improving operational efficiency.

Notably, the system also provides modern and efficient booking services, facilitating frontline staff to assist passengers in purchasing, changing, and using services from the airline.

Besides, Vietnam Airlines is transitioning to the Xchange Payment Platform (XPP) from Outpayce, the payment service provider of Amadeus. This platform enables the airline to easily accept various types of payment cards and other payment methods from passengers. With XPP, the airline can accept global payments by connecting with numerous service partners worldwide.

Singaporean newspaper: Vietnam’s economy poised for gradual recovery

Singapore’s recently published an article on the recovery of the Vietnamese economy, citing the latest World Bank Taking Stock bi-annual economic update with growth forecast to reach 5.5% in 2024 that will gradually rise to 6% by 2025.

The article said after experiencing a slowdown in 2023, the economy is showing mixed signs of recovery in early 2024. While exports are recovering, consumption and private domestic investment are growing more gradually. Real exports are expected to grow by 3.5% in 2024, reflecting gradual improvement in global demand.

In addition, a turnaround in the real estate sector is anticipated later this year and next, bolstering domestic demand as investors and consumers regain confidence. Real total investment and private consumption are projected to increase by 5.5% and 5% in 2024, respectively.

It quoted the WB East Asia and Pacific Practice Manager for Macroeconomics, Trade and Investment Sebastian Eckardt as saying that investing in public infrastructure projects goes beyond immediate economic stimulus. Efforts to enhance public investment management will also address critical infrastructure gaps in energy, transportation, and logistics, which are fundamental for Vietnam’s long-term economic growth.

According to the article, the WB recommended expediting infrastructure investment projects financed by public resources. This would help further stimulate the economy, with an additional potential 0.1 percentage point of GDP growth for every 1 percentage point increase in public investment as a share of GDP.

The report’s special section offers recommendations for supporting innovative startups to contribute to Vietnam’s productivity growth, it said./.

Number of newly-established firms in five months highest on record

As many as 64,758 enterprises entered the market in the first five months of this year, marking the highest number ever recorded, and a 4.5% increase from the same time last year, according to the Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI)’s Business Registration Management Agency. The average registered capital per business reached 9.3 billion VND (over 365,500 USD), up 1.2% year-on-year.

During the five-month span, the country saw 34,067 enterprises resume operations, bringing the total count of new and revived businesses to 98,825 firms, a 4.1% rise from the same period last year, and 1.2 times higher than the figure recorded for the same period each year during 2019-2023. Meanwhile, 97,299 businesses withdrew from the market in five months, dropping 10.5% year-on-year.

The agency said however, the recovery remained humble that reflected challenges in business climate, particularly enterprise adaptation to the global political tensions and market volatility.

In a recent meeting with the MPI, the business community put forth several measures to bolster production and business activities, including mechanisms on effective use of renewable energy, Government support in the update of green production regulations, simplification of procedures to grant new business certificates, and formation of a more favourable and transparent investment climate.

They also highlighted their burdens such as logistics costs, difficulties in container rental, and access to capital.

The MPI said it will continue completing legal documents, promote renewal, listen to enterprises' difficulties and proposed suitable measures and policies to competent authorities.

It suggested associations promote innovation, get updated on international experience and study to invest in the domains of their strengths./.

RoK’s SK Ecoplant eyes bigger share in Vietnam’s solar market

SK Ecoplant Co, an energy and environmental solutions provider from the Republic of Korea (RoK), said on June 11 that it has completed the installation of rooftop solar panels at Samil Vina plant in the southern province of Dong Nai.

All energy generated from the 1-megawatt plant will be used by the Vietnamese textile exporter, without the need for additional power grid infrastructure as well as energy loss during transmission and distribution.

In addition, SK Ecoplant is working on rooftop solar projects totalling nearly 7 megawatts in the industrial areas of Dong Nai and Binh Duong provinces in the south as well as Hai Phong city in the north.

For its carbon credit acquisition initiative, the company completed the registration of a Clean Development Mechanism project under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in Vietnam in 2021.

On June 10, SK Ecoplant signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Sudokwon Landfill Site Management Corp and Bamboo Capital Group Energy in Ho Chi Minh City to develop a greenhouse gas reduction project in Vietnam, aiming to acquire international greenhouse gas reduction credits.

According to Managing Director of SK Ecoplant Factory Solutions Business Department Kim Jeong-hoon, as the Vietnamese Government is encouraging rooftop solar projects to ensure stable power supply for economic growth and industrial development, SK Ecoplant has an opportunity to leverage its expertise in renewable energy solutions./.

Stronger aviation - tourism cooperation crucial for both sectors: Experts

Stronger cooperation between the aviation and tourism sectors are crucial to further promote tourism activities, which is expected to benefit both industries and the whole economy, according to experts.

This year, Vietnam tourism sector aims to serve 17-18 million international visitors and 110 million domestic travellers to earn about 840 trillion VND (33.01 billion USD).

Experts held that tourism and aviation have a close relation, sharing a mutual support and inseparable ties in their development process. Both are service industries, meaning products cannot be stored and they rely heavily on technology to provide effective and convenient services for customers.

According to the Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam (CAAV), domestic airlines are currently operating 45 air routes connecting Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, and Da Nang city with 19 localities across the country, with nearly 600 domestic flights per day.

Last year, there were 43,000 flights conducted on the Hanoi-HCM City route, accounting for 17.5% of the total domestic fights, making it one of the 10 busiest in the world.

At present, 63 foreign airlines and four domestic carriers are operating 164 international routes, connecting 33 countries and territories with six destinations in Vietnam, namely Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Da Nang, Khanh Hoa, Phu Quoc, and Da Lat. The international flight network has been completely restored to the pre-COVID-19 level, and expanded to new markets in Central Asia, India, and Australia.

CAAV Deputy Director Do Hong Cam said that international air transportation has contributed to strong international tourist growth. The country recorded 7.6 million international arrivals during the first five months of this year, respectively increasing 61.7% and 3.9% over the same period last year and the pre-pandemic 2019. The figure is expected to reach 18 million this year.

Statistics showed that the number of tourists arriving in Vietnam by air accounts for a very high rate of nearly 80% compared to other modes of transportation.

However, due to many reasons, including high fuel prices, engine rents and USD/VND exchange rate differences, domestic airfares have surged over the recent past, while global airfares are predicted to rise 3-7% this year and more in following years.

The hike has negatively affected the aviation and tourism sectors as well as other economic areas and the livelihood of local communities.

According to experts from the Vietnam Tourism Advisory Board (TAB), domestic air ticket prices can be reduced through comprehensive coordination among relevant entities, including the Government, ministries, sectors, localities, and businesses.

The cooperation should go beyond joint advertisements and promotions to building a phased general plan to generate long-term effects, said Hoang Nhan Chinh, head of the TAB Secretariat.

He held that the two sectors should organise forums to discuss each other’s strengths and weaknesses, along with urgent actions to support each other to ensure benefits for all, including aviation and tourism firms, destinations, local administrations, and communities./.

Việt Nam among six ASEAN countries with good economic growth: Maybank

The gross domestic product (GDP) growth of six ASEAN countries – Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Việt Nam – will recover to 4.5 per cent and 4.7 per cent in 2024 and 2025, respectively, from 4 per cent in 2023, according to Maybank Research Pte Ltd’s forecast.

In a report 'ASEAN Frontiers: The New Trailblazers', researchers from Maybank said the recovery in GDP growth would be driven by manufacturing and exports, particularly electronics, which were supporting a modest growth recovery in the first half of the year.

Maybank also said that artificial intelligence (AI), data centre boom, and broadening global electronics demand were brightening the trade and foreign direct investment (FDI) outlook.

Despite elevated interest rates, strengthening economic activities resulted in loan growth picking up across ASEAN, Maybank said.

Visa waivers in Malaysia, Thailand and Singapore and a ramp-up in flight capacity are boosting Chinese tourists to ASEAN, according to the report.

Commenting on ASEAN’s inflation rate, Maybank said this had fallen sharply from its highs in 2023 due to supply chain disruptions from the Russia-Ukraine crisis.

ASEAN central banks are however constrained from trimming policy rates, as a resilient US economy and ‘higher for longer’ US interest rates have increased pressures on emerging market currencies, according to Maybank.

It is expected that the US Federal Reserve will cut the funds rate by only 50 basis points in 2024, starting from September.

Maybank also noted that ASEAN had emerged as one of the preferred destinations as multinational companies (MNCs) diversify their manufacturing supply chains away from China.

FDI approvals and applications to several ASEAN countries including Malaysia, Thailand, Việt Nam and Indonesia, had risen sharply.

Meanwhile, private investment strengthened in the first quarter of this year in Malaysia, Việt Nam, Thailand and Indonesia, suggesting that the recent surge in FDI pledges was materialising.

ASEAN countries are securing investments not only from the US and its allies, but also from China, as the country’s FDI has increased strongly in Việt Nam, Thailand and Malaysia since the reopening.

Malaysia appears to be drawing the biggest investments in data centres as AI spurs an investment boom in this sector across ASEAN. It has drawn investments from Google, Nvidia, GDS and Equinix while Thailand has secured investments from Amazon, Microsoft and Google.

Meanwhile, Indonesia has attracted Amazon, Alibaba and Edgnex, among others and Việt Nam’s nascent market has received commitments from the likes of Keppel, Alibaba and Gaw Capital. 

Measures to boost organic and sustainable agriculture in the Northern Midlands and Mountainous regions

Organic farming areas are often fragmented and lack sufficient barriers to prevent chemical contamination from neighbouring conventional farms, a conference recently organised at the National Agricultural Extension Centre, under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, heard.

Organised in collaboration with the Bắc Giang Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, the regional Agricultural Extension Forum heard that sustainable agricultural development was potentially highly lucrative in this part of Việt Nam.

The Northern Midlands and Mountainous regions are considered to have significant potential and advantages for developing organic agriculture, thanks to abundant soil, water and climate resources, supportive policies and increasing local expertise. The region is focused on integrated multi-value and sustainable agricultural development.

However, organic and circular farming areas are often fragmented and lack sufficient barriers to prevent chemical contamination from neighbouring conventional farms, particularly through irrigation channels. Additionally, small and scattered farming operations in this region must be transformed into concentrated production areas, ensuring water and environmental standards meet organic certification criteria.

In response to these challenges, the 2024 Agricultural Extension Forum aims to find policy solutions for organic and circular agriculture, strategies for production links and market expansion and methods to enhance capacity and communication for sustainable, value-driven organic farming.

At the forum, Lê Bá Thành, Deputy Director of the Bắc Giang Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, shared that Bắc Giang province has implemented various policies to promote organic and circular agriculture. These include linking production with consumption, supporting agriculture, forestry, and fisheries, providing seed support and encouraging OCOP product development.

Currently, the province has six certified organic farming models and several circular agriculture models, such as integrated pig and duck farming with vermiculture, combined poultry and organic fertiliser production, rice-fish systems and rice-mushroom-organic fertiliser production. These models have increased economic value by 12-300 per cent and reduced input costs by 10-30 per cent.

However, challenges remain, such as limited market differentiation for organic products, small-scale operations, a lack of diverse organic inputs, limited participation from businesses and residents and insufficient incentive policies.

Dương Thị Luyện, Chairwoman and Director of the Lục Trúc Bamboo Shoot Cooperative in Tân Yên District, Bắc Giang, shared that the cooperative has been actively building and developing its brand. They have registered the trademark 'Lục Trúc Bamboo Shoot' with the Intellectual Property Office under the Ministry of Science and Technology.

The cooperative has also signed contracts with reputable firms to protect their brand, including a recent contract with the Anti-Counterfeiting Technology Centre in Bắc Ninh in 2023. With these brand protection measures in place, the cooperative has participated in trade promotion conferences, engaged in e-commerce and collaborated with clean food stores. They are currently negotiating with several companies to export their products to Japan, the USA, and South Korea.

Đào Thanh Vân, Vice President of the Vietnam Organic Agriculture Association, shared international development experiences. He emphasised that developing organic agriculture requires linking production, processing and consumption chains to build markets, establish trust, and create high value for organic products.

Deputy Director of the National Agricultural Extension Centre Hoàng Văn Hồng collected feedback for the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to adjust policies. He also urged provincial Agricultural Extension Centres to advise local leaders on promoting organic agriculture.

The forum underscored the importance of overcoming the current challenges faced by organic and circular farming in the Northern Midlands and Mountainous regions. By consolidating fragmented farming areas, enhancing market differentiation, increasing the participation of businesses and improving incentive policies, the region can fully harness its potential for sustainable agricultural development.

The active participation and shared experiences of various stakeholders at the forum highlight the collaborative effort needed to advance organic agriculture. As the region continues to develop its organic farming models and policies, the insights and strategies discussed at the forum will play a crucial role in shaping the future of sustainable agriculture in Bắc Giang and beyond. 

Date set for relocation of Biên Hòa 1 Industrial Zone

A date has been set to relocate factories and businesses in the Biên Hòa 1 Industrial Zone, according to Võ Tấn Đức, acting chairman of the Đồng Nai Province People's Committee.

Phase 1 of the relocation is expected to be completed by the end of November this year, freeing up approximately 75.1 hectares in the southern part of the zone, which could affect up to 14 factories and businesses.

Phase 2 is expected to be completed before the end of next year.

The provincial authority had earlier approved a plan to transform the industrial zone into a new urban service-residential centre.

All relocation and compensation must be finished by December 31, 2025, Đức said. According to the committee, the industrial zone's relocation could cost the province up to VNĐ7.5 trillion, including compensation for nearby residential areas.

The Biên Hòa 1 Industrial Zone, first established in 1963, was among the first industrial zones in the country and is home to 76 factories and businesses.

WE.VN e-commerce platform launched to promote wellness tourism in Vietnam

The WE.VN tourism e-commerce platform has debuted as a means of strengthening connectivity among travel firms, tour guides, and companies that provide tourism products, especially wellness tourism products.

Addressing a workshop in Hanoi on June 11, Truong Thi Bich Ngoc, representative of We Fusion company, emphasized that apart from outstanding natural resources, tourism, and cuisine, healthcare services in Vietnam have lower prices than that of other Asian countries.

In line with this, healthcare facilities have met international standards and boast highly qualified human resources, Ngoc added.

Furthermore, Vietnam also has long-standing and effective traditional medicine, with a wide range of indigenous herbs which are good for health, she noted.

Sharing the viewpoint, Associate Professor, Dr. Pham Hong Long from Hanoi University of Social Sciences and Humanities stated that although wellness tourism has existed in the country, there are few specialised tours. 

As part of efforts to further develop health tourism products locally, Dr. Long underscored the importance of enhancing connectivity among service providers and trave operators in order to meet the rising demand for wellness tourism in Vietnam.

Through the launch of tourism e-commerce platform WE.VN, travel agencies can provide high-quality wellness tourism products for tourists to enjoy, he emphasized.

During the course of the workshop, there was a signing ceremony of strategic co-operation in wellness tourism among partners. 

Vietnamese canned tuna exports to US see drastic upturn

Vietnamese canned tuna exports to the United States displayed a consistent upward trend during the initial months of the year, with April alone seeing the export of the item to the highly lucrative market surge by 127% to more than US$10 million, according to the Vietnam Association of Seafood Exporters and Producers (VASEP).
During the four-month period, the country’s canned tuna exports fetched more than US$38 million, representing a year-on-year rise of 102%.

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) reported that Vietnam is currently the US’s second largest canned tuna supplier, accounting for 16% of their total import volume, just behind Thailand.

According the VASEP, Vietnamese canned tuna exports to the US market soared by 53% on-year to gross over US$196 million.

Although the US is moving to increase imports of canned tuna from the Vietnamese market, the North American nation's total imports decreased slightly in the first quarter of the year, standing at nearly 33,000 tonnes.

The decrease is attributable to the US' falling tuna imports from Thailand- the largest tuna supplier for the vast market, making up  for 51% of the former's total import volume. In addition, the US’ canned tuna imports from Thailand dropped by 9% throughout the reviewed period.

Meanwhile the US is poised to reduce its  imports from Thailand to limit dependence on this supply source, and increase imports from other countries, including Vietnam.

Vietnam Cycle Expo 2024 to take place in HCM City in September

The Vietnam Cycle Expo – a major international event in Vietnam for bicycles, electric bikes, electric motorcycles, motorcycles and accessories will return in September in Ho Chi Minh City.

The event, co-organised by the VINEXAD company under the Ministry of Industry and Trade (MoIT) and the Vietnam Automobile, Motorcycle and Bicycle Association (VAMOBA), is expected to attract 180 exhibitors from 12 countries and territories across the worlds.

With up to 300 display booths in an area of 2,500 sq.m, the exhibitors will introduce latest products and services relating to bikes, electric bikes, electric vehicles, components and accessories. Besides world famous brandings, the expo also welcomes newly established start-ups.

Visitors to the expo can take part in interactive activities, an adventure cycle show and a bike fashion show.

The expo will take place at the same time and venue with other major exhibitions including the Vietnam Sport Show 2024 and Zhejiang Expo Fair. The series of events featuring more than 500 display booths are expected to attract over 20,000 visitors.

A report by Mordor Intelligence shows that the world bicycle market is estimated to reach US$56.16 billion in 2024 and US$69 billion in 2029.

In Vietnam, the trend of using bicycles for exercise and transportation has been increasing sharply in recently.

Data from Statista - a German market research company, shows that revenue from the bicycle segment in Vietnam was estimated at US$295.8 million in 2023, and is expected to reach US$371.8 million with 2.49 million bicycles sold in 2027.

Meanwhile, according to the MoIT, electric motorbike sales in Vietnam have increased by about 30-35%, making Vietnam the largest electric motorbike market in Southeast Asia and the second largest in the world, just behind China.

Environmental issues and fluctuations in petrol prices are also factors that affect consumer demand for electric vehicles, which are expected to increase sharply in the near future.

Vietnamese projects help improve Lao livelihoods

As one of the top three foreign investors in Laos, Vietnam has funneled nearly 5.5 billion USD into 240 projects in the country so far, contributing greatly to the local socio-economic development.

One typical example is the Nam Laos agricultural company in Attapeu and Sekong provinces, which is invested by private conglomerate Truong Hai Group (THACO). The company is building an agricultural complex on 27,000ha of land at the total cost of 750 million USD from 2024-2028. It expects to generate 25,000 jobs in 2028.

Lone Phommachak, a local in Attapeu province, said she and her husband have been working at the company for three years, and earned total 461 USD per month, much higher than the wage that her friends could get working in urban areas hundreds of kilometres away from their homes.

Besides, free medical examinations, free accommodations with essential items and insurance coverage are among the benefits that the couple have got.

In the same vein, Ichnaly Khamsuan and Duangchan Sengduong, all residing in Attapeu, feel satisfied and want to stay with the company for a long period.

Deputy Director of the company Nguyen Nhat Tuan told the Vietnam News Agency's correspondents in Laos that as human resources development is a prerequisite for the firm’s foundation, it has created attractive wage policies, paid due attention to social welfare work, and arranged training courses to improve workers’ skills.

Speaking highly of the company’s investment, Director of the Department of Planning and Investment of Attapeu province Sounnakhone Keoviengkham said that the company’s policies have helped workers feel more secure about a stable life.

He highlighted that the Vietnamese firm has created a large number of jobs for Lao workers, contributing to handling unemployment in Attapeu province and the southern region of Laos as a whole./.

Sixth Denimsandjeans Vietnam Show to opens in HCM City

The sixth edition of the Denimsandjeans Vietnam Show is scheduled to take place in Ho Chi Minh City on June 26-27 with the participation of many big denim manufacturers from more than 10 countries.

Organised by the Balaji Enterprises of India, under the theme of "Room to Roam", the expo will showcase the latest fashion trends and innovations in the global denim industry, focusing on sustainable development.

Denimsandjeans will continue to introduce a “Denim Bazaar” area where Vietnamese fashion brands will display their innovative denim products, including recycled ones.

Vietnam has become one of the leading destinations for investors interested in the textile and garment industry. The country exports more than up to 70 million pieces of denims every year, and the figure is expected to increase in 2024, with large orders coming in and more investments being made to take advantage of the Vietnam-EU Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA).

Denimsandjeans International Exhibition 2024 is also an opportunity for Vietnamese denim manufacturers to prove to buyers around the world its ability to meet the increasingly demanding denim supply services for sustainable production./

Source: VNA/SGT/VNS/VOV/Dtinews/SGGP/VGP/Hanoitimes