Vietnam calls for IOF’s greater attention to women, children

Vice President Nguyen Thi Doan has called on the French-speaking community to pay greater attention and increase resources for the protection and promotion of women and youngsters’ engagement in political, economic and social life.

Addressing the 15th Summit of the International Organisation of La Francophonie (IOF) that opened in Dakar, Senegal on November 29, the Vice President shared Vietnam’s experience in strengthening gender equality as well as the great contributions that Vietnamese women and young people have made to the country’s past struggle for independence and current national construction.

She also spoke highly of IOF’s increased attention to strengthening relations with Asia-Pacific countries, vowing that Vietnam will do its utmost to foster ties between the IOF and the ASEAN and Asia-Pacific region as a whole.

She highlighted Vietnam ’s external policy of independence, self-reliance for peace, cooperation and development, and international integration, and emphasised that Vietnam attaches much importance to multilateral foreign activities, including its role as an active member of the UN Human Right Council and its participation for the first time in UN peacekeeping operations.

Vice President Nguyen Thi Doan, the only representative of the Asia-Pacific region at the event, expressed concern about the increasingly complicated political and security situation in the world, with more hot spots, conflicts and rising global challenges such as terrorism, climate change, poverty and pandemics.

She stressed the need for the IOF to enhance solidarity and strengthen joint efforts in order to cope with these common issues.

At the same time, she underlined that all disputes must be, and can be solved through peaceful measures on the basis of dialogue and cooperation.

The Vietnamese leader called on the IOF to continue supporting the stance of the ASEAN and Vietnam on dealing peacefully with conflicts, including the East Sea dispute, on the basis of respect for international law and the United Nations Charter.

Held under the theme “Women and Children in the Francophonie: Peacemakers and Key-Players for Development,” the 15 th IOF Summit gathered 28 presidents, prime ministers and senior leaders of 77 IOF member governments and states, as well as representatives from regional and international organisations, including the UN and the African Union.

The event heard a report on the organisation’s operation by outgoing IOF Secretary-General Abdou Diof, who is the former President of Senegal. The report also gave assessment on the implementation of action plans in politics and diplomacy made during the previous summit in Kinshasa , Congo in 2012, as well as a summary on multilateral cooperation among the community.

During the two-day summit, participants are scheduled to elect a new Secretary-General for the IOF and issue a Dakar joint statement.

In the framework of the event, the Francophonie Village in Daka was held from November 24-30 with nearly 100 booths organised by IOF members. Vietnam also showcased products of the Vietnam Post and Telecommunication Corporation.

A series of workshops were held on November 26-28 to boost collaboration in education and seek ways to help women and children escape violence, as well as to boost sustainable development in the community.

A Francophonie economic forum will also be held on December 1-2 under Senegal’s initiative, which aims to draw measures to make the community a positive factor in global sustainable economic growth.

Currently, the IOF has 57 member countries and territories, and 20 observer members.

The IOF Summit is held every two years, with the first one taking place in 1986 in France. Vietnam hosted the 7 th IOF summit in 1997.

Vietnam hopes for further ties with Ethiopia

Vietnam always wishes to expand mutually beneficial cooperation with African countries, including Ethiopia, said Deputy Prime Minister Vu Van Ninh during talks with his visiting Ethiopian counterpart Demeke Mekonnen in Hanoi on November 28.

Ninh congratulated the Ethiopian people on their impressive achievements gained during the national development and spoke highly of the country’s active contributions to peace, stability and cooperation in Africa.

Demeke Mekonnen said his country wants to study Vietnam’s development experience in agriculture, industry and trade, especially its international integration and negotiations for joining the World Trade Organisation (WTO).

At the talks, the two sides informed each other of their respective countries’ situation as well as exchanged views on regional and international issues of mutual concern, including the East Sea issue.

They also discussed orientations and measures to strengthen bilateral collaboration in the fields of politics-diplomacy, economy-trade, investment, agriculture, air transport, education and health.

Both sides agreed to increase the exchange of high-level delegations, maintain regular contacts between ministries and agencies, and continue close and effective coordination at international forums such as the United Nations and the Non-Aligned Movement.

Regarding the economic field, they agreed that trade and agriculture will be two priorities in their cooperation in the coming time.

Ninh affirmed that Vietnam is willing to serve as a bridge for Ethiopia to enter its market in particular and the ASEAN market in general. He also thanked the Ethiopian Government for recognising Vietnam as a market-oriented economy.

President Truong Tan Sang greets Ethiopian Deputy PM

President Truong Tan Sang hosted a reception in Hanoi on November 28 for Ethiopian Deputy Prime Minister Demeke Mekonnen, who is also Vice Chairman of the ruling Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF).

The Vietnamese leader said the time-honoured relations between Vietnam and Ethiopia are a prerequisite for the countries to foster their bilateral cooperation, especially in fields of their strength.

He suggested affiliation in telecommunications, infrastructure construction, and agro-forestry-fishery processing. Both sides should conduct thorough surveys, sign agreements on trade and investment, organise joint goods fairs, and consider opening a direct air route to facilitate all-round cooperation, he said.

Regarding the collaboration between the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) and the EPRDF, President Truong Tan Sang said Vietnam is willing to ink cooperation deals and share its experience, including in personnel training.

For his part, Demeke Mekonnen congratulated Vietnam on its renewal attainments, adding that with similarities in history and poverty reduction, both countries can exchange experience in national development.

Welcoming the host’s recommendations, the Ethiopian official voiced his wish for further cooperation between the two Parties.

Giving a brief on the outcomes of his working sessions with Vietnamese ministries and agencies, he said it is the right time for both countries to beef up their relations in three channels, including the Party, Government, and people. He also suggested Vietnam and Ethiopia open embassies in each other as soon as possible.

The Deputy PM also pledged the best possible conditions for foreign investors, including those from Vietnam, while proposing collaboration in environment and hydropower plant issues.

The same day, Demeke Mekonnen had a meeting with deputy head of the CPV Central Committee’s Commission for Organisation Nguyen Ngoc Lam.-

VFF leader meets voters in Bac Giang province

President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front’s (VFF) Central Committee Nguyen Thien Nhan and National Assembly deputies met with voters in Yen The district of northern Bac Giang province on November 30.

At the meeting, provincial National Assembly deputies informed the outcomes of the eighth session of the 13 th legislature which wrapped up on November 28 after more than one month of working with a heavy agenda dealing with many important issues.

The voters proposed the Government seek more effective measures to generate jobs for university graduates and increase the number of teachers in mountainous and disadvantaged regions.

They also asked for increased investment in building roads and bridges in mountainous areas, policies to assist farmers in production and selling farm produce, and more effective implementation of social welfare policies.

The VFF chief took note of the recommendations and shared experience of other localities nationwide in building new-style rural areas.

Get-together held on threshold of Vietnam-Romania ties’ anniversary

The Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations and the Vietnam-Romania Friendship Association held a get-together in Hanoi on November 29 on the threshold of the 65th anniversary of the two countries’ diplomatic ties (February 3, 1950-2015).

The event was attended by Romanian Chargé d’affaires Valeriu Arteni, Romanian entrepreneurs, and representatives from the Vietnamese Party Central Committee’s Commission for External Relations, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Chairman of the friendship association Tong Van Nga thanked the European country for supporting Vietnam during the struggle for national liberation in the past and national construction at present, noting that Romania ran training courses for more than 3,000 Vietnamese officials.

He said bilateral ties have been developed and deepened over the past years, adding that his association will exert every effort to foster the solidarity, friendship and mutual understanding between the two peoples.

Romanian Chargé d’affaires Valeriu Arteni also expressed his delight at the growing friendship between the two nations recently and announced that a number of political, cultural, economic and sci-tech activities will be held to celebrate their 65 years of relations.

He said he hopes that friendship and cooperation between Vietnam and Hungary will continue flourishing in the future.

Vietnam, Francophone countries enhance all-round links

Vice State President Nguyen Thi Doan had separate meetings with leaders of some Francophone countries in Dakar capital city, Senegal on November 28, aiming at enhancing all-round cooperation.

During talks with Mauritius President Rajkesmur Purryag, Vice President Doan, who is in Dakar to attend the 15th Francophone Summit, said Vietnam treasures traditional relations with African friends, including Mauritius.

She suggested the two countries conduct negotiations on the signing of trade and investment agreements to accelerate bilateral cooperation.

The Mauritius President expressed the wish that Vietnam will support his country’s bid for the position as Secretary General of the Francophone organisation at this vote.

At the meeting with caretaker Prime Minister of Tunisia Medhi Jomaa, the Vietnamese leader underscored the need to strengthen business delegation exchange, promote trade and investment activities, while asking Tunisia to recognise Vietnam as a market economy and speed up the organisation of the third session of the Vietnam-Tunisia Joint Committee in 2015.

The PM affirmed Vietnam is Tunisia’s important partner and vow to promote the two countries’ all-round cooperation.

At a reception for Foreign Minister of Haiti Duly Brutus, Doan highlighted the development in the relationship between the two countries in recent times.

She said she was delighted at the initial cooperation results of Vietnamese businesses such as Viettel and Vinafood.

She conveyed an invitation from President Truong Tan Sang to the Haitian President to visit Vietnam.

FM Duly Brutus pledged to facilitate Vietnamese businesses’ operations.

During the meetings, she also asked the countries to support Vietnam’s candidacy for the UNESCO Executive Council for the 2016-2018 term, the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) for the 2016-2018 term and the UN Security Council for the 2020-2021 term.-

AARM-24 helps tighten solidarity among ASEAN armies

The 24th ASEAN Armies Rifle Meet (ARRM-24) concluded successfully at the Mieu Mon National Training Centre in Hanoi on November 28 after ten days of competition.

Addressing the closing ceremony, Lieut. Gen. Nguyen Quoc Khanh, deputy chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People’s Army, said the event contributed to the friendship, solidarity and mutual understanding among ASEAN armies.

It also offered a chance for the regional armies to show their determination to strongly boost collaboration in protecting the development and sustainable development of their countries and the region as a whole, he added.

Also at the ceremony, the ASEAN army commanders presented the ARRM-24 Cup to shooters with excellent performances during the event.

The Vietnamese army team won nine medals, including one gold, two silvers and six bronzes.

Vietnam commits to actively engaging in WEF’s activities: PM

Vietnam always attaches great importance to its cooperation with the World Economic Forum (WEF) and pledges to actively engage in the latter’s activities, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung told WEF Managing Director Philipp Roesler in Hanoi on November 28.

The Vietnamese leader highly valued recent progress made in the Vietnam-WEF collaboration, especially the organisation’s assistance in successfully hosting the WEF Meeting on East Asia in Ho Chi Minh City in 2010 and effectively implementing the “New Vision for Agriculture” initiative.

He asked the WEF to extend its support in popularising Vietnam’s image to the global business community, adding that his country is willing to coordinate with the organisation in implementing joint popularisation programmes.

The PM also hoped for the WEF’s close collaboration with Vietnam in mutually concerned issues such as competitiveness promotion, business climate improvement, and sustainable development.

Philipp Roesler appreciated Vietnam’s socio-economic development achievements and thanked the Southeast Asian country for its active participation in and important contributions to WEF meetings. He said he hopes that the country will continue such a performance at upcoming WEF events like the meetings in Davos and on East Asia.

The organisation will work closely with the Vietnamese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and relevant agencies to design programmes and conduct activities popularising the country’s national image at the WEF Meeting in Davos, he added.

Later on the day, the WEF leader had a working session with Deputy PM and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh and representatives of Vietnamese businesses which are members of the WEF.

They discussed measures to further promote Vietnam’s image at WEF forums and other international events. Deputy PM Minh asked the WEF to help Vietnamese businesses partner with the world’s leading companies.

Also on November 28, Philipp Roesler attended a workshop on businesses’ role in the improvement of the national competitiveness in international integration.

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung receives WEF leader

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung asked for the World Economic Forum (WEF)’s close coordination in figuring out weaknesses facing the national economy and coming up with solutions to sharpen its competitive edge.

The Prime Minister hosted a reception in Hanoi on November 28 for WEF Managing Director Philipp Rosler, who is on a working visit to Vietnam to attend a workshop on national competitiveness improvement.

Hailing the sound cooperation between Vietnam and WEF, the Government leader also asked WEF to support Vietnam in organising events that could bring together world leading politicians and executives to talk about the country’s economy situation and developmental orientations and ASEAN’s prospects.

He informed that a high-level Vietnamese Government delegation will attend the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland, in January 2015.

For his part, Rosler underscored Vietnam’s vanguard role in building an ASEAN Community by 2015, saying that ideas and information related to Vietnam and ASEAN attracted attentions of international business communities.

The upcoming World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos will arrange a host of events focusing on Vietnam, including a “Vietnam night” with the participation of many leading politicians and businesspeople worldwide, he noted.

Regarding to national competitiveness, Rosler voiced that this is a global issue drawing growing concern of all countries. For this reason, WEF will coordinate and support Vietnam in assessing as well as improving the country’s competitiveness.

The workshop themed “the role of business in enhancing national competitiveness in international integration” was jointly held by the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, and Planning and Investment, the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry and WEF in Hanoi on the same day.

It focused on the relationship between enterprise competitiveness and national competitiveness, and proposing policies for Vietnam to improve its competitiveness.

Vietnam attends ruling Malaysian party’s 68th general assembly

A delegation from the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) took part in the 68th General Assembly of Malaysia’s ruling United Malays National Organisation (UMNO) from November 24-28.

The delegation, led by Nguyen Huy Tang, deputy head of the CPV Central Committee’s Commission for External Relations, also attended an international forum themed “Hyperconnected World: Challenges in Nation Building” which was hosted by UMNO.

This year’s event drew the participation of over 2,700 delegates representing 3.47 million party members and 27 delegations from 20 countries’ political parties.

During his stay in Malaysia, Tang paid a courtesy visit to UMNO President and Prime Minister Najib Razak, and UMNO Vice President and Home Affairs Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi.

The UMNO leaders spoke highly of the friendship and cooperation between the two Parties, suggesting they well implement a memorandum of understanding on their collaboration, especially in personnel training and young leader exchanges.

The Vietnamese officials praised the national development achievements the Malaysian people have made under the leadership of UMNO and affirmed that the Vietnamese Party and State wish to further strengthen the relations with Malaysia.

Vietnam is willing to effectively coordinate with Malaysia at regional and international forums, especially in 2015 when the latter assumes the ASEAN Chair, Tang said.

On the sidelines of UMNO’s General Assembly, the Vietnamese delegation met with some participating delegations to discuss issues of common interest and visited the Vietnamese Embassy in Kuala Lumpur.

Laos’ 39th National Day celebrated in Hanoi

The Lao Embassy in Vietnam in conjunction with the Vietnam-Laos Friendship Association and the Ministry of Public Security organised a ceremony in Hanoi on November 28 to mark the 39 th anniversary of Laos’ National Day (December 2, 1975-2014).

At the event, Sen. Lieut. Gen. To Lam, Deputy Minister of Public Security, highlighted the special traditional relation between Vietnam and Laos, which was initiated by President Ho Chi Minh and President Kaysone Phomvihane and has been fostered by generations of the two countries’ leaders and people.

That relationship has become an invaluable asset of the two nations, he said, noting with pleasure that it has been continuously developing in all aspects.

Lao Ambassador to Vietnam Somphone Sichaleune said that the Lao Party, Government and people always remember Vietnam ’s valuable, timely and effective support and assistance during their national protection and construction over the past time.

Vietnam now ranks second among investors in Laos with 423 projects worth 5.3 billion USD, he said, adding that it has also assisted Laos in human resources training and many other fields.

Mexico keen to foster ties with Vietnam

Vietnam is a priority in Mexico’s external policy of looking the Asia-Pacific region, said Senator Teofilo Torres Corzo, Chairman of the Mexican Senate’s Foreign Affairs Committee for Asia Pacific.

At a reception for Vietnamese Ambassador Le Linh Lan in Mexico on November 27, the Senator said Mexico’s government is determined to foster cooperation with Vietnam in a more effective and substantial manner.

He spoke highly of Vietnam’s recent socio-economic achievements and the application of flexible economic policies.

The Chairman expressed his belief that the two countries will beef up and expand bilateral ties by implementing key projects for the benefits of their peoples.

He said he is pleased to welcome the upcoming visit to Mexico by a delegation of the Vietnamese National Assembly’s Committee for External Relations in December and suggested organising a Vietnamese culture week in 2015.

Ambassador Lan hailed the fine relations between the two countries, especially the ties between the two legislatures, and pledged to spare no effort to contribute to promoting Mexico-Vietnam relations cooperation and

The Vietnamese diplomat informed the host of major events to be held in Vietnam next year, including the 40th anniversary of the two countries’ diplomatic ties, saying that this will be a good chance for the two people and closer and understand better each other through a number of political, diplomatic and cultural activities and delegation exchanges.

Romanian National Day celebrated in HCM City

A meeting to mark the 96th Romanian National Day (December 1) was held in HCM City on November 30 by the Vietnam Union Friendship Organisations (VUFO) and the Vietnam-Romania Friendship Association.

At the event, Romanian ambassador to Vietnam, Valeriu Arteni said over the past 65 years, the two countries have implemented a number of cooperative programmes on judiciary, education, science and technology, and radio and television broadcasting.

This year, a memorandum of understanding on cooperation between Timisoara and Danang, Iasi and Hue, Tulcea and Ben Tre provices and cities have been signed, helping promote cooperation between the two countries.

Hundreds of Romanian engineers and experts are currently operating in Vietnam and more than 1,000 Vietnamese skilled workers are working in Romania.

The ambassador underscored that Romania strongly supports Vietnam’s determination to enhance cooperation with the European Union, including the signing of a free trade agreement (FTA).

Currently, two-way trade turnover between the two countries hit more than US$100 million annually and is expected to increase significantly in the future after the Vietnam-EU FTA is signed.

Vietnam, Africa vow to bolster all-round links

State Vice President Nguyen Thi Doan held talks on November 29-30 with a number of leaders of African nations aimed at enhancing all-round cooperation on the sidelines of her visit to Senegal to attend the 15th Francophonie Summit in Dakar .

At a meeting with Mauritius President , State Vice President Nguyen Thi Doan said Vietnam has attached high importance to the development of the traditional friendship with African friends including Mauritius.

She suggested that both nations should  conduct  negotiations on signing  trade and investment agreements to accelerate bilateral cooperation.

During talks with Tunisian Prime Minister Medhi Jomaa, Ms Doan underscored the need to strengthen business delegation exchange , promote trade and investment activities while asking Tunisia to recognize Vietnam as a market economy and speed up the organization of the third session of the Vietnam-Tunisia Joint Committee in 2015.

At a reception for Minister of Foreign Affairs of Haiti, Duly Brutus, Ms Doan highlighted the rapid advancements in the Vietnam-Haiti relationship in recent times.

Doan said she was delighted at the initial cooperative results of Vietnamese businesses such as Viettel and Vinafood and asked Haiti to continue facilitating Vietnamese businesses’ operations.

She conveyed an invitation from State President Truong Tan Sang to visit Vietnam.She also requested that the nations voice support for her nation’s candidacy for the UNESCO Executive Council during the 2016-2018 term, the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) for the 2016-2018 term and the UN Security Council for the 2020-2021 term.