Vietnam and Cambodia issued a joint statement on the conclusion of Vietnamese President Truong Tan Sang’s official visit to Cambodia from December 23-24 at the invitation of King Norodom Sihamoni.

During his stay, President Truong Tan Sang met with Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni, National Assembly Chairman Heng Samrin, and Prime Minister Hun Sen, First Vice President of the Senate Say Chhum, and Great Supreme Patriarchs Tep Vong and Bour Kry.

The leaders exchanged in-depth opinions on the friendship and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Cambodia as well as regional and international issues of mutual concern.

They rejoiced at the development of the countries’ amity and all-embracing affiliation in recent years which have practically benefited the two peoples.

President Truong Tan Sang stressed that Vietnam always treasures the valuable support and assistance of late King Norodom Sihanouk, King Norodom Sihamoni, and Cambodian leaders and people to his country during the past struggle for national independence and the current development.

King Norodom Sihamoni and the Cambodian leaders thanked Vietnam for great assistance in the past as well as at present, affirming that the Cambodian people always keep in mind Vietnamese volunteer soldiers’ help in liberating them from the Khmer Rouge regime in 1979.

The two sides affirmed that they will continue developing bilateral relations in line with the motto of “good neighbourliness, traditional friendship, and comprehensive and sustainable cooperation”.

They agreed to fully implement principles stated in the Vietnam-Cambodia Joint Statements in 1999, 2005, 2009, and 2011 while respecting each other’s independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity; not intervening each other’s internal affairs; not allowing any hostile forces to use their respective territories to threaten the other’s security; and peacefully solving problems arising between them.

Vietnam and Cambodia will increase high-level meetings and all-level visits, and encourage people-to-people exchanges, especially between border localities. They also underlined the importance of educating the two peoples about their time-honoured friendship and mutual assistance.

Both sides consented to consider policies aimed at bringing two-way trade to 5 billion USD in 2015 and higher in the following years as well as instruct relevant ministries and agencies to adjust mechanisms and agreements to promote bilateral investment.

They reiterated the continued effective implementation of treaties, conventions, and agreements on border issues along with the determination to complete border demarcation and marker planting as soon as possible in order to build a boundary of peace, friendship, cooperation, and development.

The two sides also agreed to create more favourable conditions and provide equal treatment for the Vietnamese and Cambodian communities in their respective countries. The Vietnamese side thanked the Cambodian Government for ensuring legitimate rights of Vietnamese citizens.

The leaders voiced their pleasure at the two countries’ coordination at multilateral forums over the past time. They pledged to continue collaboration, information sharing and mutual support at multilateral forums to which both Vietnam and Cambodia are members.

The two nations will actively engage in the construction of the ASEAN Community, scheduled to be formed on December 31, 2015, and build major orientations for its next stage of development. They will exert all efforts to consolidate and uphold the solidarity and the central role of ASEAN, and contribute to regional peace, security, stability, and development.

Vietnam and Cambodia support the peaceful settlement of disputes in line with internationally recognised principles and regional commitments. They pledged to continue coordinating closely with each other and with other member countries of the Mekong River Commission in ensuring the sustainable management and use of the river’s water resources.

The two sides highly valued President Truong Tan Sang’s State visit to Cambodia and considered it a significant event in reinforcing the countries’ solidarity, traditional friendship and all-round cooperation.

The Vietnamese President invited King Norodom Sihamoni and the Cambodian leaders to visit Vietnam at appropriate times. The Cambodian King and leaders expressed their thanks and accepted the invitation with pleasure.