VietNamNet Bridge – Vietnam has committed to tougher laws and enforcement against the illegal trade in wild animals at a conference in London.





Alongside representatives from 45 other countries, many of which are also heavily affected by poaching and the trade in wildlife, the Vietnamese representative signed the so-called London Declaration to act to eradicate the market for illegal wildlife products.

The 46 countries at the conference have agreed to cooperate to strengthen law enforcement efforts and ensure that effective legal frameworks and deterrents are in place.

The declaration also includes community programs to promote sustainable livelihoods through positive engagement.

Prince Charles and Prince William were among the representatives at the two day closed door meeting in London.

South Africa, Mozambique, China and Vietnam, which are at the centre of the rhino horn trade chain, were all represented.

Vietnam lost its last rhino in 2010. It died from a bullet wound and was found in Cat Tien National Park near HCMC with its horn removed.

District People’s Committees are at the coal face of fighting the wildtrade as under Vietnamese law they have legal jurisdiction.

“Governments signing the London Declaration on Wednesday sent a strong message: Wildlife crime is a serious crime and it must be stopped,” Heather Sohl, Chief Species Advisor at WWF-UK, said.

“This trafficking devastates species populations, but also takes the lives of rangers, impedes countries’ economic development and destabilises society by driving corruption,” she said.

Source: SGT