The Highway Smart Camp Inauguration Ceremony (Photo: Vietnam Corps of Engineers)

On May 7, the Vietnam Corps of Engineers held the Highway Smart Camp Inauguration Ceremony in Abyei, the first smart camp at the UN Mission. The project, which kicked off on March 28, 2023, has three phases with 30 pre-engineered modules. 

These include offices, houses, centralized cafeterias, kitchen, physical exercise room, toilets and other supporting utility items, such as water treatment, solid waste treatment, repair station, areas for electricity generators and solar power stations, lighting system, security network, and landscape building.

The Corps of Engineers is also building smart camps for other units stationed in Abyei. The project provides ideas to the Vietnam’s Corps of Engineers for building barracks in areas with difficult conditions in Vietnam.

Colonel Nguyen Viet Hung, Captain of the Vietnam Engineer Team, expressed his honor and joy at having been trusted and assigned the task of implementing the smart camp project at the Mission. This is the first project implemented by the Vietnam’s Corps of Engineers. The results demonstrate Vietnam's capacity and responsibility.

The success of the smart camp project has created favorable conditions for UN’s officers to contribute to the mission of preserving peace and stable development in Abyei.

Speaking at the ceremony, Hung said May 7 is also a significant day for the Vietnamese Army and people. Seventy years ago, the Vietnam People’s Army and Vietnamese people gained a victory at the Dien Bien Phu battle.

He said that the inauguration of the smart camp at the mission is of great importance for Vietnam, because in the period of peace building, integration and development, the success represents Vietnam’s responsibility and political commitments before the international community when sending forces to the UN peacekeeping mission, for the common goal of carrying out the tasks of humanitarian assistance, construction, stability and global development.

Robert Kirwood, head of the Department of Operational Support, congratulated Vietnam for completing the project, commenting that Vietnamese officers gained an amazing result within a short time.

Acting Head cum Commander of the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA) Benjamin Olufemi Sawyerr commented that the Vietnam Corps of Engineers helped turn the Highway from a shabby place into one of the most beautiful bases of the mission.

Engineering Unit Rotation No 2 of Vietnam, with 203 officers, including 19 females, left for the UN peacekeeping mission in August 2023.

Tran Thuong