Vietnam deploys 12 more officers for UN peacekeeping operations hinh anh 1

Senior Lieutenant General Hoang Xuan Chien, Deputy Minister of National Defence (the seventh from the left) presents decision to the 12 officers. (Photo: VNA)

Vietnam has so far sent 41 female soldiers to work at the UN peacekeeping missions, accounting for nearly 16 percent of the total Vietnamese peacekeeping personnel, much higher than the average ratio of other countries.

Since the 2021-2022 term, the United Nations has assigned two more positions to Vietnam at the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilisation Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA), of which the post of communications officer is reserved for women, meeting gender equality policy and increasing the number of female soldiers participating in UN peacekeeping operations.

Addressing the event, Senior Lieutenant General Hoang Xuan Chien, Deputy Minister of National Defence, head of the MOD’s steering committee for Vietnam’s participation in UN peacekeeping operations, requested deployed officers to firmly grasp the external policy of the Party, State and army and perform the assigned tasks to the highest standards possible 

Source: VNA