According to statistics from the department, as of June 15, the country exported 934,900 tonnes of coffee, down 3.7% compared to the same period in 2022 with export prices increasing nearly 2 USD per tonnes.
The sector has been listed in “one-billion-USD” club since 2010 and reached its peak of 4.056 billion USD in 2022. The club includes exports that fetch at least 1 billion USD a year.
Vietnamese coffee has been present in 38 markets worldwide, of which it enjoys an export turnover of over 10 million in 25 markets and more than 100 million USD in six traditional ones.
If export turnover reaches about 360 million USD a month from now until end of this year, the sector will set a new record of 4.5 billion USD in 2023, an increase of 10.9% compared to 2022.
To reach the target, the sector needs to implement several measures, including boosting production, expanding coffee growing area and increasing the ratio of processed coffee in order to increase export value.
The sector is also asked to restructure domestic and foreign consumption while expanding market shares in new foreign markets./. VNA