VietNamNet Bridge – The total stock assets of the 500 richest stock millionaires in 2012 reach VND75 trillion. More than a half of the 500 millionaires have the assets of over one million dollars.


There is no big gap in the individuals’ assets of the stock millionaires ranking from the 150th to 500th like the one existing in top 100. The stock assets of the person ranking the 150th are only VND47 billion higher than that of the person on the 500th. Meanwhile, the asset gap between the first and the 100th richest stock millionaire is VND17 trillion.

This explains why the list of top 500 changes a lot every year. The 2012’s list sees 300 new faces, including the ones who appeared in the 2010’s list, disappeared in the 2011’s list and then re-appeared in the 2012’s list.

Though Vietnam has experienced a gloomy real estate market in 2012 with very few transactions and apartments unsold, real estate developers remain very rich. That can be seen in the fact that up to 103 faces in the top 500 are the most outstanding representatives from the real estate sector, nearly the same with the last year’s figure.

Meanwhile, the number of the stock millionaires from the seafood and farm produce sector increased from 34 last year to 51 this year. This is the sector which has the second biggest number of representatives listed in the top 500.

The same situation occurred with the banking sector. Though 2012 was not a good year for bankers, the number of bankers listed in top 500 increased sharply from 23 last year to 37 this year.

This is the result of a lot of merger and acquisition deals taking place in 2012 in the banking sector, which have led to a lot of banks changing hands. Meanwhile, the family members of banks’ big shareholders purchased more shares in 2012, thus enriching their stock assets.

Steel manufacturing and investment services are also the two sectors that see many their representatives listed in the top 500.

There is a common thing which can be seen in all the lists of top 100, top 50 women and top 30 families that despite the stock price decreases and the stock market difficulties, stock millionaires are still getting richer and richer.

The total assets of the 500 richest millionaires in 2012 reach VND74,975 trillion, an increase of VND10.5 trillion over the last year’s. The huge assets have been mostly come from the persons in top 100.

The 2012 list of top 500 showed that 290 individuals now own the stock assets worth over one million dollars, or 20 individuals more than the last year’s. However, the figure is still far below the 2010’s figure of 450.

The 500th richest stock millionaire now has the assets worth over VND10 billion dong, or VND1.5 billion higher than the 500th person in the 2011’s list.

The list of top 500 stock millionaires has been released by VnExpress newspaper with the cooperation of VNDirect Securities Company.

Some days ago, the lists of top 100 stock millionaires, top 50 richest women and top 30 families were released.

The president of Vingroup--Pham Nhat Vuong, has for the third consecutive year, been recognized as the richest stock millionaire in Vietnam with the total assets of VND17.185 trillion dong.

Vuong’s wife, Pham Thu Huong, tops the list of the 50 richest women with VND2,960 billion dong worth of VIC shares.
