Vietnam, Japan hold strategic partnership dialogue

Vietnam and Japan consented to work closely together at multilateral forums at their fourth strategic partnership dialogue in Tokyo on November 11.

Deputy Foreign Minister Ho Xuan Son and his Japanese counterpart Shinsuke Sugiyama discussed each country’s foreign policy, national defence and security, as well as regional and global issues of mutual interest.

They agreed that the next round of dialogue will take place in Vietnam next year.

Receiving Son the same day, Japanese Deputy Foreign Minister Seiji Kihara declared that Vietnam is in the echelon of Japan’s top partners.

They expressed satisfaction with the progress of the bilateral strategic partnership over the past time, adding that activities during the Vietnam – Japan Friendship Year to celebrate the 40th anniversary of diplomatic ties have strengthened mutual understanding and friendship between their people.

Both sides were unanimous on increasing all-level visits and exchanges, effectively making use of existing dialogue mechanisms while augmenting cooperation in the fields of economics, trade and investment between the two countries as well as the ties between the two ministries.

List of Deputy PMs submitted to National Assembly


PM Nguyen Tan Dung on November 11 submitted to the National Assembly (NA) a presentation asking for an increase in the number of Deputy PMs from four to five.

PM Nguyen Tan Dung submits to the National Assembly (NA) a presentation to ask for an increase in the number of Deputy PMs from four to five, Ha Noi, November 11, 2013 - Photo: VGP/Nhat Bac

A Deputy PM will undertake a mission as Minister of Foreign Affairs.

A Deputy PM will be in charge of the general economic situations and rural development policies, the other is responsible for the economic sectors and manufacturing development. Of the remainder tow, one will take on cultural, social, scientific and educational affairs and the other on internal affairs and works as Vice Chairman of the Central Steering Committee for anti-Corruption Prevention.

The PM proposed the NA to approve the removal of Mr. Nguyen Thien Nhan from his duties as Deputy PM following his assumption of the new post as new President of the Viet Nam Fatherland Front.

On August 2, 2011, at its firth session, the 13th NA approved Mr. Nguyen Thien Nhan as Deputy PM.

At the 6th consultative conference of the Viet Nam Fatherland Front (VFF) on September 5, 2013 , Mr. Nguyen Thien Nhan was elected as President of the VFF.

VN, Flanders to bolster seaport ties

Viet Nam and Belgium's northern region of Flanders yesterday, Nov 11, signed a letter of intent to co-operate over the use of seaports from 2014-16.



Viet Nam and Belgium's northern region of Flanders yesterday signed a letter of intent to co-operate over the use of seaports from 2014-16.




The deal promises further exchanges in seaport administration, safety and environmental protection for seas and water ways as well as human resources training.

Speaking to the visiting Minister for Mobility and Public Works in Flanders, Hilde Crevits, the Vietnamese Minister of Transport, Dinh La Thang, said Viet Nam wanted Flanders to strengthen its assistance and co-operation on port development, management and construction.

Minister Crevits said she valued the potential of port development in Viet Nam and said Belgium would do all it could to assist the endeavour.

The two ministers reviewed co-operation and exchanged plans for the future, especially in maritime services, railways, domestic waterways and the environment.

The Belgian minister also met Deputy Prime Minister Hoang Trung Hai. The Vietnamese official told his guest that Viet Nam attached importance to reinforcing co-operation with Belgium.

The Deputy PM hailed the support from Flanders and Wallonia-Brussels through several education and human-resources training projects.

Before her trip to Ha Noi, the Belgium minister also visited the Soai Rap dredging project financed by Belgium in HCM City. Of the project's VND2.8 trillion (US$134 million) investment, VND2.2 trillion ($105 million) was in the form of official development loans from Belgium and the remainder from the city budget.

When completed in 2014, the Soai Rap River will be able to receive vessels of up to 50,000-70,000 deadweight tonnes (DWT) and will help speed up the construction of the Hiep Phuoc Port.

The use of the Soai Rap River, together with the Cai Mep-Thi Vai River in southern Ba Ria-Vung Tau Province, is expected to greatly help development in the southern economic zone and make Hiep Phuoc Port one of the major ports in the region.

NA deputies agree with socio-economic agenda

Lawmakers adopted a Resolution on socio-economic development plan in 2014 and deliberated personnel work at their plenary sitting in Hanoi on November 11.

Before voting in favour of the Resolution, they heard a report by the National Assembly Economic Committee on how it processed public feedback on the draft Resolution.

Later in group discussions, legislators considered the removal of Nguyen Thien Nhan from his duties as Deputy Prime Minister and the appointment of more deputy PMs to the Cabinet.

In the afternoon, they mulled over the draft amendments to the Laws on Construction and Environmental Protection.

On November 12, personnel work will be top of the NA’s agenda again, besides the Law on amendments and supplements to some articles of the Law on inland waterway navigation and the draft revised Notary Law.

President Sang welcomes Ad Asia 2013 delegates

State President Truong Tan Sang on November 11 received foreign delegates who are attending the Asian Advertising Congress 2013 (AdAsia) in Hanoi.

He noted despite the global economic recession, Asia’s investment, industrial and trade sectors are on track to recover.

He welcomed foreign delegates to the congress, the first of its kind to be held in Vietnam, and expressed his belief they will play an important role in fostering economic connectivity among AdAsia member nations to help Asia get out of the woods soon and regain its growth momentum.

He hoped Vietnam will learn from participating countries’ experience so as to promote its image and increase exchange and cooperation.

Vietnam creates the best possible conditions for foreign investors to do business effectively in the country, he assured his guests.

The delegates briefed Sang on the working agenda of the November 11-14 congress and hailed Vietnam’s thorough preparations for the event.

They pledged to make a greater effort to strengthen cooperation and stimulate growth among the member nations.

PM supports Vietnam-Russia energy cooperation

Vietnam will do its utmost to increase cooperation in various areas, including energy, with Russia, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has said.

Dung made the statement at a reception in Hanoi on November 11 for Alexander V. Dyukov, Chairman of Gazprom Neft – one of Russia’s leading oil and gas producers.

He voiced the Vietnamese government’s support for bilateral energy cooperation, including joint projects between the Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (PetroVietnam) and Gazprom Neft.

He noted with satisfaction the effective cooperation between PetroVietnam and Gazprom Neft in recent times, which has brought practical results to both sides.

He said Vietnam is looking forward to receiving Russian President Vladimir Putin during his November 12 visit to Hanoi to deepen the strategic partnership between the two countries.

Dyukov briefed the PM on the result of cooperation between Gazprom Neft and PetroVietnam and proposed the government of Vietnam continue creating conditions for his company to carry out investment plans in Vietnam.

Russian public praises Putin’s visit to Vietnam

The Russian daily newspaper Izvestia ran an article on November 11 in praise of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to Vietnam.

According to the article, before his visit President Putin declared Vietnam to be the most important growth centre in the Asia Pacific.

Vietnam’s participation in a Free Trade Area (FTA) together with Russia, Belarus and Kazakstan will contribute to doubling bilateral trade turnover between Russia and Vietnam to 10 billion USD by 2020, the article said.

Director of the ASEAN centre under the Moscow State Institute of International Relations (MGIMO University) Viktor Sumskyi said in its diplomatic policy, Russia considers Vietnam as an important geopolitical partner.

The two countries have cooperated effectively in many fields such as oil exploitation, mining, construction, culture and education, he stressed.

Russia set up a comprehensive strategic partnership with Vietnam in 2012.

Training course for Lao Party officials concludes

A training course on organisation work for officials of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party (LPRP) concluded at the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics and Public Administration in Hanoi on November 11.

During the three-month course, trainees from 16 Lao cities and provinces were equipped with the fundamentals of Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh Thought.

They also learnt about the leadership experiences of the Communist Party of Vietnam and the LPRP in the causes of national liberation, renewal and national protection.

The Lao officials also went on field trips to several Vietnamese localities such as Hanoi and Bac Giang province in the north, and Ho Chi Minh City, Ba Ria-Vung Tau and Binh Duong provinces in the south to exchange experiences in the implementation of Party guidelines and State policies.

Through the trips, the officials got a deeper understanding of the land and people of Vietnam, thus contributing to enhancing the friendship and special cooperation between the two Parties, States and peoples in the new situation.

Scholars suggest ideas for East Sea stability

Domestic and foreign scholars suggested ideas for maintaining peace and stability in the East Sea at the ongoing international symposium on the East Sea workshop in Hanoi on November 11.

Reports at the event revolved around the recent developments in the East Sea, its relationship with ASEAN and major powers, international law and the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

Chinese scholar Dong Manyan said he believes the territorial border row in the region will ease off in the coming time as China has exerted efforts to settle down its ties with ASEAN and neighbouring countries, including an agreement with India on border management, progress with Vietnam on maritime cooperation and a New Model of Major Country Relations with the US.

Researcher Carl Thayer from Australia shared the view that Indonesia, Brunei and Thailand have played a key role in forging ASEAN’s unity in the East Sea issue. The region has started negotiations with China on a Code of Conduct in the East Sea, he noted.

According to senior Thai journalist Kavi Chongkitttavorn, Thailand will actively work to urge ASEAN to seriously consider China’s proposal on signing an Amity Treaty with the bloc. Meanwhile, the country - as one of the ASEAN founders - will help maintain the region’s common voice, bridging the grouping with China in the issue.

A majority of opinions stressed the importance of adherence to international law in general and the UNCLOS in particular in the settlement of the dispute.

Concurring with them, Nguyen Dang Thang from Vietnam said international law is crucial to an upcoming model of jointly tapping mineral sources in the East Sea. China also needs to make clear its point about this and its claim about a nine-dot line.

East Sea claimants should seek explanations about legal regulations set under the UNCLOS from a third independent agency, he said.

Others argued that as international regulations on the behaviour of all stakeholders are insufficient, the formulation of a Code of Conduct in the East Sea is a pressing issue to keep disputes under control and prevent conflicts.

On November 12, delegates will continue their discussions on the recent legal developments in the East Sea, and regional and international experience in the settlement of maritime disputes.

They will also take stock of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC) and its enforcement, tension management, the future of the East Sea and recommend more sound policies.

Nguyen Thien Nhan relieved of Deputy PM position

With a majority of votes in favour, the National Assembly on November 12 approved PM Nguyen Tan Dung’s proposal to relieve Nguyen Thien Nhan of his position as Deputy PM.

As of November 12 Nhan no longer works as Deputy Prime Minister and now focuses on his current position of President of the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) Central Committee.

The VFF Central Committee elected Nhan president of the committee at its consultative conference in Hanoi on September 5.

Born in Tra Vinh province in 1953, Prof. and Dr. Nguyen Thien Nhan studied economics at Magdeburg University in Germany, community administration at Oregon University in the US. He was also trained in investment project appraisal at Harvard University, the US.

He held key Party and administration positions in HCM City and was elected member of the 10th and 11th Party Central Committees.

He was elected Minister of Education and Training of Vietnam between 2006 and 2010.    

He was elected Deputy Prime Minister of Vietnam in 2007 and a member of the Party’s Political Bureau in May 2013.

*** In a report presented at the current National Assembly on November 12, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung proposed electing two more Deputy Prime Ministers to the cabinet.

He nominated Minister and Government Office Head Vu Duc Dam and Foreign Minister Pham Binh Minh to the posts.

The National Assembly will consider the proposal and make a decision on November 13.

Vietnam attends defence dialogue in Seoul

A high-level delegation from the Ministry of National Defence, led by Deputy Minister Sen. Lieut. Gen. Nguyen Chi Vinh, is attending the second Seoul Defence Dialogue (SDD) in the Republic of Korea (RoK) from November 11-13.

The Vietnamese delegation will attend four sessions to discuss peace cooperation in Northeast Asia, the role of Asia-Pacific states to curb global nuclear proliferation, the military role in cyber security governance, and development of international cyber security norms.

It will also chair a fifth session on defence planning under budgetary constraints.

From November 23-15, Vietnam and the RoK will hold their second deputy ministerial level national defence strategy dialogue to exchange views on Northeast and Southeast Asia security, and each country’s military and defence policies.

The results of bilateral defence cooperation and orientations for future cooperation between the two countries will also be discussed at the dialogue

The first Vietnam-RoK deputy ministerial level national defence strategy dialogue was held in Hanoi on March 19.

Vietnam, Cambodia strengthen religion cooperation

A Government Committee for Religious Affairs delegation led by its head Pham Dung is visiting Cambodia from November 11-15.

At a working session with Cambodian Minister of Cult and Religious Affairs (MCRA) Min Khin on November 11, both sides agreed to further their religious cooperation.

The main purpose of the visit, from November 10-15, was to meet with.

They reviewed their cooperative results in recent times and discussed measures to improve future cooperation between the two countries’ religious management agencies.

They also examined draft supplements to the 2007 memorandum of understanding (MoU) to be submitted to the two governments for approval.

Under the MoU, both sides agreed to maintain cooperation and management of religious affairs, provide mutual technical and property support, increase the performance capacity of the two agencies, increase visit exchanges and develop relations with other foreign countries.

The Vietnamese delegates are scheduled to meet with King Norodom Sihamoni and Deputy Prime Minister Sar Kheng. They will also pay courtesy visits to Great Supreme Patriarch Tep Vong and Samdech Preah Sanghareach Bour Kry.  

Friendship Order given to New South Wales Governor

Deputy Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc on November 11 presented the Friendship Order to Australia’s Governor of New South Wales Marie Bashir, in recognition of her contributions to developing Vietnam-Australia ties.

Speaking at the awarding ceremony, Deputy PM Phuc stressed that Bashir has contributed to not only the healthcare and education sectors but also other fields in Vietnam.

She is the sponsor for the “forever learning” fund, a useful centre that has supported Vietnam in a number of health, educational and community healthcare projects, and created conditions for Vietnamese health officials to exchange experience with Australian colleagues.

He expressed his hope that the Governor will further strengthen the two countries’ friendship and cooperation.

Marie Bashir affirmed her deep sentiments to Vietnam, adding that she will do her utmost to intensify the bilateral ties, especially in health.

On this occasion, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs also awarded the minister’s certificate of merit to Bruce Robinson, Dean of Medicine at Sydney University.