The Prime Minister has approved participation in the regional project on observing persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in Asia funded by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) through the non-refundable aid of the Global Environment Fund (GEP).

POPs are chemicals that remain intact in the environment for long periods of time and are toxic to humans and wildlife. They circulate globally and can cause damage wherever they are found.

The project will help Vietnam realise its commitment to the Stockholm Convention treaty designed to protect humanity and the environment from the threats of POPs, of which Vietnam is one of the first 14 signatory parties.

In addition, it will update the national action plan to implement the convention.

The project covers conducting inventory of new POPs, updating the current list of POPs, and evaluating Vietnam’s POPs management to identify specific prioritised projects in accordance with current conditions.

As many as 11 updated toxic chemicals are inequitably distributed, presenting difficulties in measurement and reporting.

Vietnam signed the Stockholm Convention treaty in 2002, which targets the management and elimination of 23 dangerous chemical groups.