The Su That (Truth) National Political Publishing House has published two new books by Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.

The books are titled “Turning challenges into opportunities with resolve to create breakthroughs for rapid, sustainable development” and “Building pure, strong Party and political system to contribute to successfully implementing the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress”.

The two books comprise outstanding speeches, articles, letters and messages by the Party leader during three years implementing the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress from 2021 to 2023, which reflect the Party leader’s comprehensive leadership and instructions of all sectors, all-level administrations and localities.

The book “Turning challenges into opportunities with resolve to create breakthroughs for rapid, sustainable development” introduces speeches, articles, interviews, letters and messages of the Party General Secretary from April 2021 to December 2022.

In the context of complex developments of the COVID-19 pandemic, which put severe impacts on the world and Vietnam as well, the strategic direction by the Party Central Committee headed by General Secretary created an important impetus for the entire Party and people to overcome difficulties and challenges, quickly concretise and implement the Resolution and targets set by the 13th Party Congress.  

Meanwhile, the book “Building pure, strong Party and political system to contribute to successfully implementing the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress” reflects the Party leader’s close direction over important matters of the country in 2023 – the pivotal year in implementing the Resolution of the 13th Congress.

The two books’ electronic versions are also available at

State President delivers Tet greetings in Thu Duc city

State President Vo Van Thuong extended warm Tet greetings to disadvantaged people and workers with difficulties while attending the “Tet sum vay – Xuan tri an” (Tet reunion – Spring gratitude) programme in Ho Chi Minh City’s Thu Duc city on February 2 (the Kitchen God Day- 23rd day of the 12th lunar month).

The State leader said HCM City, an economic, cultural, educational and sci-tech hub of the country, has initiated an array of social welfare programmes to take care of disadvantaged people in the city and those residing in the nearby as well as remote and mountainous localities.

Despite formidable challenges, the city has made concerted efforts to retain economic growth, helping ensure social welfare for impoverished people and those with difficult circumstances, he stressed.

He described the “Tet sum vay – Xuan tri an” annually held by trade unions at all levels as a practical programme to bring a warm Tet festival for all, asking the Vietnam Fatherland Front, the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour and competent agencies continue to expand the programme in order to assure that Tet is always full of joy for everyone, especially poor workers and students, and people in difficulties.

On the occasion, President Thuong presented hundreds of gifts to workers, families of policy beneficiaries and poor people in the city.

Vietnam-Italy Year 2023 wraps up in Milan

Vietnam-Italy Year 2023 wraps up in Milan hinh anh 1
Vietnamese Ambassador to Italy Duong Hai Hung speaks at the event (Photo: VNA)

The Vietnam-Italy Year 2023 wrapped up at a ceremony in Milan city held by the Vietnamese Embassy in Italy on February 2, both in online and in-person formats.

Speaking at the event, Vietnamese Ambassador to Italy Duong Hai Hung said the diverse activities taking place during the Vietnam-Italy Year 2023 have yielded positive results, contributing to the bilateral friendly relations. These endeavors have portrayed Vietnam as a friendly, innovative and progressing country to Italy, opening up new opportunities for cooperation between the two nations, he said.

Schiavo, Deputy Director General for Global Affairs and Director for the Countries of Asia and Oceania at the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, also emphasised the success of the Vietnam-Italy Year, highlighted by a multitude of activities, even including visits at the highest level such as President Vo Van Thuong's visit to Italy.
Leaders of various Italian regions, cities and provinces demonstrated profound friendship and solidarity with Vietnam, considering Vietnam one of the priority countries for internationalisation efforts in the coming period.

This year, two more Vietnamese language departments are scheduled to be opened at Italian universities to meet the growing demand for understanding Vietnam. The Vietnamese Embassy in Italy is also planning more cultural and people-to-people exchanges, as well as economic diplomacy activities such as holding forums, workshops, roundtable discussions and talks in many cities.

At the ceremony, Ambassador Hung presented the Vietnamese President’s Friendship Order to President of the Italy-Vietnam Fund Maily Anna Nguyen and General Secretary of the Italy-Vietnam Chamber of Commerce Walter Cavrenghi, who have actively assisted the Vietnamese Embassy in advancing relations with Italian localities and partners, contributing significantly to the flourishing bilateral ties.

Prime Minister offers incense in memory of late Government leaders

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh offered incense in memory of several late Government leaders at their houses and extended Lunar New Year greetings to the late leaders’ families on February 3.

Paying respect to late Chairman of the Council of Ministers Pham Hung (1912 -1988), PM Chinh praised the late leader as a model example of revolutionary ethics and a prestigious leader of the country.

Offering incense to late PM Vo Van Kiet (1922 - 2008), Chinh recalled his memories with the late leader, stressing that he left deep imprints on the cause of Doi Moi, integration and development of the country.

Remembering late PM Phan Van Khai (1933 - 2018), the PM highlighted that the late leader had brought about many new things in institution building and economic integration, contributing to national development.

Russian expert: CPV serves as foundation of Vietnam's reputation

Chairman of the Expert Council of the Eurasian Ideas Foundation (EIF) Grigory Trofimchuk has penned an article underscoring the role played by the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) in Vietnam's national construction and development, as the party marks the 94th founding anniversary.

Trofimchuk asserted that within less than a century since its establishment in 1930, the CPV has evolved into a development factor, ensuring the stability and security of not only Vietnam but also Southeast Asia and the wider global community.     

Nowadays, Vietnam has become a trailblazer with unique characteristics and unparalleled perseverance in carrying out its plans. This is why the CPV stands out in the general context, including within socialist systems, he wrote, adding that under the leadership of the CPV, Vietnam’s political situation remains stable amid escalating global uncertainties. This stability, coupled with a skilled workforce, has transformed Vietnam's economy into a magnet for leading global manufacturing companies.

According to him, Vietnam's balanced position in international political relations is becoming a model for many countries. Vietnam has shared its experiences at prestigious international forums as well as multilateral organisations as an active member, from ASEAN to the United Nations.

The visits to Hanoi by Chinese President Xi Jinping and US President Joe Biden to Hanoi in 2023 underscored Vietnam's position in the contemporary world. Vietnam has truly become a focal point of regional events, playing a crucial role in addressing the tasks and issues that Asia and the world are facing, including not only political matters but also infrastructure and transportation issues. This demonstrates that the CPV serves as a foundation of Vietnam's reputation. 

About the fight against corruption in the country, Trofimchuk mentioned several serious and complex corruption-related cases that have been investigated and strictly prosecuted. The actions of law enforcement agencies have instilled confidence in the Government and Party leadership at all levels, among both the people and partner countries, forming a foundation for trust in Vietnam as a strategic and reliable partner in future projects.

He expressed admiration for Vietnam's economic indicators despite external instability and accompanying challenges, noting that Vietnam's economy continued to achieve a growth rate of above 5%, and rice exports surpassed 8 million tonnes in 2023, with a value of nearly 4.7 billion US, the highest level since 2009. Foreign direct investment hit an all-high since 2020, while trade surplus exceeded 26 billion USD for the eighth consecutive year.

In conclusion, Trofimchuk asserted that through every challenge and triumph, the CPV has presented not only the Vietnamese people but the world at large with a model of building a successful socialist State. Unwavering in its commitment, the CPV has adapted to the spirit of the times while remaining faithful to its foundational principles, such as the milestone year of 1986 which laid the groundwork for Vietnam's Doi Moi process, with reform policies that have strengthened and developed the State.

Vietnamese embassies celebrate Tet with friends in Laos, Egypt

The Vietnamese embassies in Laos and Egypt on February 2 held gatherings for a joyous anticipation of the upcoming Lunar New Year (Tet) festival.

In Vientiane, Vietnamese Ambassador Nguyen Ba Hung said as a cherished tradition, each year the Vietnamese community and three Vietnamese Consulate Generals in Laos join hands in hosting a vibrant year-end party for their closest friends in Laos.

Building on the achievements of the past year, he expressed confidence that the arrival of the Lunar New Year in 2024 would usher in a renewed spirit, bringing invigorated energy to both Vietnam and Laos.

Lao Deputy Prime Minister Gen. Chansamone Chanyalath conveyed his belief in the enduring strength of the great friendship, special solidarity, and comprehensive cooperation between the Parties, States, and people of Laos and Vietnam. He believed in continued elevation of these ties, ensuring tangible benefits for the citizens of both nations.

Participants were treated to traditional dishes from Vietnam's Tet holiday and songs extolling the bonds of solidarity and friendship between the two countries.

A similar event also took place in the Vietnamese Embassy in Egypt the same day.

President presents 45-year Party badge to Secretary of HCM City Party Committee

Politburo member and State President Vo Van Thuong presented the 45-year Party membership badge to Politburo member and Secretary of the Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee Nguyen Van Nen during a ceremony on February 3.

Speaking at the event, President Thuong congratulated Nen on being awarded the badge, a noble distinction of the Party recognising his dedication and significant contributions to the revolutionary cause of both the Party and the nation.

He stressed that Nen has always upheld the spirit of a communist, remaining unwaveringly loyal to the Party, the Fatherland and the people during his 45 years of Party membership, regardless of circumstances or positions, whether in wartime or peacetime. He added that since becoming a high-ranking Party member, Nen has worked alongside the Politburo, the Party Central Committee and the Secretariat to lead the entire Party, people and army in overcoming difficulties and challenges, achieving significant accomplishments, and building a Party that is increasingly clean and strong.

Nen, for his part, expressed his gratitude to the Party, President Ho Chi Minh and the preceding generations for their guidance and teachings, as well as to the generations of leaders who entrusted him with opportunities to serve the Fatherland and the people through each specific task.

He pledged that in any circumstance, he will remain steadfast in his ideal goal to continue learning and working more dedicatedly to meet the expectations of leaders and the people.

Born in 1957 in the southern province of Tay Ninh, Nen has held various positions throughout his career, starting from grassroots levels.

Vietnam suggests measures to strengthen ASEAN-EU strategic partnership

Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son has made a series of recommendations on measures to step up cooperation between the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and the European Union (EU) while attending the 24th ASEAN-EU Ministerial Meeting (AEMM) in Brussels on February 2.

Acknowledging positive progress in the two regional groupings’ strategic partnership, the minister stressed the need for resolute and effective implementation of decisions made by leaders at the ASEAN-EU Commemorative Summit in 2022, particularly regarding economic, trade, investment, sustainable development, and maritime cooperation. He also underscored the importance of fostering new growth drivers such as digital transformation, energy transition, green economy, and circular economy.
Son went on calling on remaining EU countries to swiftly ratify the EU-Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA) and further enhance the effectiveness of existing cooperation frameworks, including the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA). He proposed that the EU support Vietnam in implementing its Resource Mobilisation Plan (RMP) for the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP).

It is necessary for ASEAN and the EU to coordinate efforts to ensure peace, security, and stability in the Indo-Pacific region, to strengthen multilateralism, and to promote dialogue and cooperation, thereby reinforcing an open, transparent, inclusive regional structure based on international law with ASEAN at the center, said the diplomat.

The minister reaffirmed Vietnam's and ASEAN's stance on the East Sea issue, urging EU countries to support ASEAN’s and China's efforts in fully and effectively implementing the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties (DOC) and building a substantive, effective Code of Conduct (COC) in accordance with international law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

At their biennial meeting, the two blocs underscored the importance of their strategic partnership established during Vietnam's ASEAN chairmanship in 2020, while also acknowledging the positive progress in the relationship over time. Currently, the EU stands as ASEAN's third largest partner in terms of trade and foreign direct investment, while the latter is the former's third largest trading partner outside Europe.

Participating ASEAN FMs considered the EU as one of the bloc’s top strategic partners with positive contributions to the ASEAN Community-building process. Meanwhile, their EU counterparts affirmed their support for ASEAN's centrality and wished to enhance the sides’ comprehensive cooperation and regular dialogue and consultation, as well as to continue negotiating free trade agreements (FTAs) with remaining ASEAN member countries following the EU’s FTAs with Vietnam and Singapore.

ASEAN and the EU agreed to effectively implement the joint statement of the 2022 commemorative summit and the action plan for 2023-2027. Their priority areas include economy-trade-investment cooperation, the connectivity and self-reliance of supply chains, climate change response, food and energy security, digital economy, innovation, green economy, and green services, aiming at the establishment of an ASEAN-EU Free Trade Agreement in the future.

Amidst increasing complexity, instability, and conflicts, both agreed on the need to strengthen cooperation in maintaining a peaceful and stable environment for development. They emphasised the importance of multilateralism, compliance with international law, dialogue and cooperation promotion, and peaceful handling of disputes and conflicts.

The FMs also reiterated the importance of ensuring peace, stability, security, and safety of maritime navigation and overflight across waters, including the East Sea, based on international law, especially the UNCLOS.

Concluding their meeting, ASEAN and the EU adopted a joint statement.

While in Brussels on February 1 and 2, the Vietnamese FM had separate sidelines meetings with Luxembourg Deputy PM and FM of Xavier Bettel, Portuguese FM João Gomes Cravinho, Cyprus FM Constantinos Kombos, and Australian Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs Tim Watts. Son also met with his Bangladeshi counterpart Hasan Mahmud, and Secretary-General of the Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA) Salman Al Farisi.

Uruguayan press hails 94-year glorious history of Communist Party of Vietnam

The Grupo Multimedio of Uruguay ran a series of three articles on both its printed and electronic newspapers highlighting the 94-year glorious history of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) on the occasion of the CPV’s foundation anniversary (February 3, 1930 – 2024).

In an article, author Leonardo Pérez Piña, affirmed the leadership role of the CPV which led the Vietnamese working class and nation in the struggle against imperialism and feudalism. Only 15 years after its foundation, the Party successfully led the August Revolution to topple colonial and feudal regimes and establish the first State of workers and farmers in Southeast Asia, opening up a new era in Vietnam’s history.

The Party then led the Vietnamese people to conduct resistance wars against aggressive French colonialists from 1946-1954 and against the US for national salvation from 1954-1975.

The article also highlighted the sound policy of the CPV in launching the Doi Moi (renewal) in 1986, which brought about admirable economic accomplishments after nearly 40 years. In external relations, Vietnam has set up diplomatic relations with nearly 200 countries and partnerships at difference levels with dozens of states.

Another article in the series highlighted Vietnam’s attraction of foreign direct investment (FDI) over the past 35 years. Pérez Piña assessed that Vietnam’s flexible and sound policy had successfully attracted nearly 439 billion USD worth of investment from 129 economies by the end of 2023, with 274 billion USD disbursed.

According to the article, the expansion of economic diplomacy by the CPV and the Vietnamese Government has created greater opportunities in drawing quality investment capital in new industries.

Yet another article of Pérez Piña underlined Vietnam’s policy considering the semiconductor industry a spearhead industry in the future, noting that many US companies had inked deals on investment in Vietnam in this area.

Malaysia to showcase unique traditional cultures at HCM City’s Nguyễn Huệ Flower Street

The Consulate General of Malaysia to HCM City and Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board (Tourism Malaysia) in Việt Nam will participate in HCM City’s Nguyễn Huệ Flower Street festival 2024 from February 7 to 14.

The festival is organised by the municipal People's Committee.

In 2021, it began welcoming the participation of diplomatic missions in HCM City to showcase the unique festive traditions of other nations.

This year, Tourism Malaysia in Việt Nam will present a booth with a strong traditional touch inspired by the Hari Raya festival and the Wau kite.

Hari Raya marks the end of the Ramadan fasting month for the Muslim community in Malaysia, and is also a time for them to gather, socialise, and exchange well wishes.

During this time, the image of Wau kites with their eye-catching patterns and colors is considered an indispensable feature of the festival.

It takes artisans in Kelantan from two to three months working on hand-painted batik, one of Malaysia's signature materials, to carefully craft each Wau kite, from the bamboo frame to the intricate details.

Therefore, the Wau kite is not just a traditional toy, but a symbol of Malaysia that is worthy of pride.

Nor Hayati Zainuddin, director of Tourism Malaysia in Việt Nam, said the Malaysia booth at the festival will contribute to the festive atmosphere of the Vietnamese people.

“We hope to introduce to Vietnamese people a colourful and diverse Malaysia, not only from its natural scenery and people, but also from the unique traditional cultures of the Malaysians,” she said.

She expects to welcome more Vietnamese tourists to Malaysia in 2024.

Tourism Malaysia recorded over 344,000 Vietnamese tourists to Malaysia last year, showing the great potential for tourism development of the two countries.

In 2024, it aims to attract 400,000 Vietnamese tourists with a series of activities organised throughout the country, especially in the four key states of Melaka, Perlis, Perak and Kelantan.

The 2024 Nguyễn Huệ Flower Street festival is themed ‘Spring of Love – Tết Reunion’.

Over the past two decades, the festival has become a familiar meeting place for the people in the city during Tết (Lunar New Year), contributing to maintaining the city’s unique cultural identity and serving as a bridge for cultural exchange between Việt Nam and other countries around the world, including Malaysia.

It contributes to strengthening long-term cooperation and sustainable tourism development between Việt Nam and Malaysia.

President attends Homeland Spring programme for overseas Vietnamese

State President Vo Van Thuong on February 2 evening attended a special art performance as part of the Homeland Spring programme for overseas Vietnamese to welcome the 2024 lunar New Year – the Year of the Dragon.

Addressing the programme, President Thuong extended his best wishes to overseas Vietnamese worldwide on the occasion of the 2024 Lunar New Year, and affirmed that overseas Vietnamese, no matter where they live, are an inseparable part of the Fatherland.

Recalling his meetings with Vietnamese expatriates during last year’s business trips abroad, the President appreciated their will, aspiration and desire to rise and to contribute to the Fatherland’s development.

He noted that despite living far away from the Fatherland, Vietnamese expatriates always uphold the spirit of patriotism and national self-esteem; preserve cultural traditions, and turn their heart to the homeland. Many people have made spiritual, material and even bloody contributions to the cause of national liberation and unification, as well as national construction and defense.

Many overseas Vietnamese have succeeded in various fields, making positive contributions to their host country, bridging Vietnam and the world, playing an important role in people’s diplomacy, while preserving and popularizing Vietnam’s cultural values, helping to enhance Vietnam’s position and reputation in the international arena, said the President.

He stated that the Party and State always sincerely wish overseas Vietnamese abroad to live a stable life, bring into full play their potential, strengths, and creativity to reap successes and well integrate into their host society.

“The success of every Vietnamese abroad always brings joy and pride to the Vietnamese Fatherland,” he stressed.

The President expressed his hope that young Vietnamese expatriates will look towards the Fatherland, speak Vietnamese, and stay proud of their Vietnamese origin and good traditional values of the nation.

At the ceremony, he also reminded that Vietnam has become a model of healing post-war wounds, building good relationships with other countries, including former foes. He called on Vietnamese people worldwide to overcome prejudices and disagreements, promote mutual understanding and trust, and work together towards national harmony for the bright future of the country, people and future generations.

Homeland Spring is held annually for representatives of Vietnamese expatriates to celebrate the start of the lunar Near Year festival, the largest of its kind in Vietnam in a year. This year, about 1000 Vietnamese expatriates have returned home for the programme that took place in Ho Chi Minh City on February 1-2.

Currently, nearly 6 million Vietnamese nationals are living, working and studying in about 130 countries and territories worldwide.

Cambodian delegation pays pre-Tet visit to Long An province

A delegation from Cambodia’s Svay Rieng and Prey Veng provinces, led by the provinces' governors Peng Posa and Soun Somalin, visited and extended Lunar New Year wishes to the authorities of Long An province in the Mekong Delta region on February 2.

At the reception, Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Nguyen Van Duoc briefed the guests on Long An's socio-economic achievements in 2023, notably a 5.77% economic growth, higher than the national average of 5.2%. The material and spiritual life of local residents continued to improve and annual income per capita reached 96.4 million VND, he said.

To enhance cooperation in all fields between the three provinces in 2024, the official suggested that the three localities continue to well implement border demarcation work in line with the 2019 Protocol, contributing to building and maintaining a border of peace, friendship, cooperation and development.

He also noted the necessity to invest in road and waterway networks in border areas, including international border gates shared by the three provinces, to facilitate the development of trade, services, and goods exchange between the two countries.

The leaders of the three provinces pledged to improve the effectiveness of all-round cooperation, aiming to create new driving forces for the development of each locality.

Vietnamese, Chinese Party leaders exchange Lunar New Year greetings

General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong and General Secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and Chinese President Xi Jinping on February 2 exchanged greetings on the occasion of the upcoming Lunar New Year festival celebrated by people in both countries.

In their well-wishing letters, the leaders expressed delight at the positive development trend and significant progress in the relations between the two Parties and the two countries across all fields following the Vietnamese Party chief’s historic visit to China in October 2022 immediately after the 20th National Congress of the CPC.  

They particularly valued the significance and diverse outcomes of the State-level visit to Vietnam by the Chinese Party and State leader in December 2023, which included the issuance of a joint statement on continuing deepening and elevating the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between the two countries and building a Vietnam-China community with a shared future that carries strategic significance, and the signing of 36 cooperation agreements, demonstrating both sides' determination and laying a strategic orientation for the long-term development of the bilateral ties in the new period.  

Looking towards 2024, Party General Secretary Trong expressed his wish that all sectors, administrations at all levels, and localities of both countries will grasp and effectively implement the high-level agreements and common perceptions already reached, promoting the healthy, stable, and extensive development of the Vietnam-China relationship in a substantive and efficient manner, for the development and interests of the two peoples and contributing to peace, stability, cooperation, and development in the region and the world.

Xi Jinping, meanwhile, noted his hope that both sides will take the bilateral relations to new heights and promote high-quality exchanges and cooperation across channels, levels, and fields, thus providing further impetus for the modernisation causes of the nations and making greater contributions to the cause of peace and progress of humanity.

The two leaders wished the Parties, States, and peoples of both countries peace, health and happiness in the year ahead, with Vietnam and China obtaining greater prosperity and development.

Free entry to Complex of Hue monuments during Tet holiday

The Complex of Hue monuments, a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site, is set to open to the public with free admission from February 10 to 12 or the first, second and third days of the Lunar New Year holiday (Tet), according to the Hue Monuments Conservation Center.

Free entrance will be offered to visitors to sites belonging to the Hue Monuments Complex such as Hue ancient citadel, the majestic tombs of Gia Long, Minh Mang, Tu Duc, Thieu Tri Kings, Dong Khanh Mausoleum, An Dinh Palace, Hon Chen Palace, and the Hue Museum of Royal Antiquities.

Simultaneously, a number of interesting cultural activities will be held on this occasion in order to provide tourists with exciting experiences when visiting Hue heritage sites.

International tourists learn to make lunar New Year cake

Visitors from Australia, Finland, and the Republic of Korea participated in a Chung cake (square glutinous rice cake) wrapping festival, which was held on February 3 at The Cliff Resort and Residences in Phan Thiet City in the southern province of Binh Thuan province.

At the festival local cooks taught participants how to make a Chung cake, an indispensable item during the lunar New Year holiday (Tet) in Vietnam, and told them the legend of the cake.

The square glutinous rice cake is stuffed full of glutinous rice, fat meat, and green beans. All of the ingredients are wrapped using phrynium leaves and then tied up by bamboo strings.

Wearing a traditional Vietnamese costume, Ringsaker from Norway shared that he has taken part in the festival several times. He noted that he really likes the meaning of the local delicacy, as well as traditional Vietnamese culture during Tet.

Meanwhile, Kicki and Jorgen, a couple from Sweden, noted that they had heard a lot about Vietnamese Tet, although this was the first time they could wrap the cake.

 “It is not an easy task but very interesting,” they excitedly said.

A number of interesting programmes, including a food festival, calligraphy writing, and folk games, also took place during the event.

A representative from The Cliff Resort & Residences’ Management Board said that the cake making event will help international tourists gain a better understanding of the traditional cuisine and culture of the Vietnamese people.

Japanese cuisine, culture fest opens in HCM City

The 2024 GENKI! FUKUSHIMA Food Festival is being held at Aeon Mall Tân Phú Celadon in HCM City from today through February 4 to promote the culture and cuisine of and tourism to Fukushima Province in Japan.

Fukushima is considered a place of convergence of various Japanese attractions such as hot springs, castle architecture, cherry blossoms, fresh seafood such as oysters and scallops, and fresh fruits such as peach.

It is impossible not to mention dishes such as Kitakata ramen and Kozuyu soup and various tourist attractions that help visitors enjoy the rich nature and ancient traditions of Japan.

Fukushima has gradually recovered since the 2011 earthquake and tsunami and become a completely new tourist destination.

Visitors also have the opportunity to see photos that have recorded Fukushima's road to reconstruction and tourism development.

The festival is organised by the Japan Reconstruction Agency along with the Japan National Tourism Organisation and Japan External Trade Organization.

Hà Nội Museum delivers the flavour of traditional Tết

Hà Nội Museum organises numerous exhibitions and events to celebrate Tết (Lunar New Year) 2024, introducing traditional cultural values, especially Tết customs in the capital city to the general public.

With the theme Phong vị Tết xưa Hà Nội (Flavours of Traditional Tết in Hà Nội), the exhibition introduces the custom of wrapping bánh chưng (square sticky rice cake), enjoying couplets and Vietnamese traditional calligraphy during Tết, and appreciating bonsai, Tết fireworks and Tết market.

To reflect the traditional customs, practices and cultural essence of the past, the exhibition features a collection of images by Vietnamese and foreign photographers, integrated with installation art in the Nếp Xưa (Ancient Tradition) exhibition space.

Along with the exhibition, Hà Nội Museum also organised a discussion themed Phong vị Tết xưa Hà Nội (Flavours of Traditional Tết in Hà Nội) to help the general public understand the traditions expressed at the exhibition. 

The speakers discussed traditional Tết preparation customs of Hanoians and traditional New Year greetings.

Bùi Xuân Đính, Associate Professor at Hà Nội Open University, underlined that Tết (Lunar New Year) is one of the most special holidays for Vietnamese people.

"The journey to prepare for Tết has numerous customs, and each custom has its specific requirements. Therefore, the ancient Hà Nội citizens must be meticulous and thoughtful, with unanimity among family members," Đính said. 

In addition, Hà Nội Museum also presents the thematic exhibition Năm Thìn kể chuyện Rồng (The Year of the Dragon Tells Dragon Stories).

The dragon is a mascot of this new lunar year and also a mascot associated with the land of Thăng Long – the ancient name of the capital city.

The exhibition includes three themes: the dragon mascot in religious and belief, the dragon mascot in daily life, and the dragon mascot in contemporary life.

The exhibition introduces more than 100 documents and artefacts related to dragon symbols in architecture, religious and belief artwork through the Hà Nội Museum's collection of artefacts. 

Craft village products and handicraft products displayed at the exhibition also convey the application of dragons in contemporary life and fine arts.

Nguyễn Tiến Đà, director of Hà Nội Museum, highlighted that the specialised exhibition of Năm Thìn kể chuyện Rồng conveys good fortune for Tết, ushering in luck, happiness and prosperity to every home. 

HCM City to open 10th Bình Điền Spring Flower Market

HCM City will open the 2024 Bình Điền Spring Flower Market for the upcoming Tết (Lunar New Year) holiday from February 5 at District 8’s Bình Điền Commercial Centre on Nguyễn Văn Linh Avenue.

Organised by the Saigon Trading Group (SATRA), this year marks the 10th anniversary of the market.

There will be farms from the outskirts of the city and the Mekong Delta joining the market.

It will have over 282 stalls offering many traditional ornamental plants, including yellow apricot blossom, sunflower, Taiwanese chrysanthemum, and gerbera daisy.

There will also be new varieties, like Korean chrysanthemum morifolium, chrysanthemum from Holland, and dragon-shaped kumquat trees.

Favourable policies have helped the market attract more flower farms this year, said Nguyễn Tuấn, deputy director-general of SATRA and head of the market’s steering committee.

Farmers can rent the stalls for a relatively low price, and lights, outdoor umbrellas, and cleaning services will be provided for free.

They can also cut back on delivery costs by keeping the unsold flowers at the market until the end of the holiday, Tuấn said.

Green business communities and subsidiaries of SATRA will also participate in the market to introduce food and foodstuff products and dried and fresh fruits.

They include food and foodstuff companies, such as Satrafoods, COFIDEC, VISSAN, Heineken, Cacao Land, Fujiwa Vietnam, as well as others sectors, including Bioplas JSC (household items), Anh Kim JSC (food manufacturing), and Deng Fab High Technology Trading Production Co. Ltd.

The market will also have festive, picturesque set-ups for photography and host musical performances to attract a large number of visitors and customers. 

Source: VNA/SGT/VNS/VOV/Dtinews/SGGP/VGP/Hanoitimes