President Vo Van Thuong hosted in Tokyo on November 28 separate receptions for leaders of Japanese parties and Japanese lawmakers and friends who are close to Vietnam.

Receiving former Prime Minister and Vice President of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) Aso Taro, President Thuong wished that Aso, with his reputation, would continue making effective contributions to strengthening the Vietnam-Japan cooperative ties and the relationship between the LDP and Vietnam, especially facilitating exchanges between the two parties and lawmakers, as well as enhancing bilateral economic, trade and investment ties.

Aso expressed his desire to bolster Vietnam-Japan ties in economy and people-to-people exchange. He praised Vietnam as a preferred destination for Japanese investors in the supply chain shift, given its attractiveness in terms of labour resources and potential market.

During a reception for President of the Komeito party Yamaguchi Natsuo, Thuong proposed continuing to increase cooperation between the two countries, especially in high-level exchanges, coordination between the Komeito party and the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV), as well as locality-to-locality cooperation.

Yamaguchi, for his part, affirmed that the Komeito party will continue deepening ties with Vietnam in the near future, especially in high-quality infrastructure, healthcare, labour, and education in which Komeito party members hold ministerial positions and leadership roles in the Japanese Cabinet.

Talking with Chairman of the Japanese Communist Party (JCP) Kazuo Shii, the Vietnamese President suggested that Shii continue supporting and promoting further cooperation and exchanges between the two countries. This includes developing ties between the two communist parties, flexibly and effectively upholding Party exchange mechanisms, sharing information and experience in Party building, theory and practices related to socialism building, and assisting Vietnam in carrying out the three strategic breakthroughs adopted by the 13th National Party Congress.

Shii wished to step up exchanges between the two communist parties, thanked Vietnam and sought its continued support for nuclear non-proliferation efforts.

Meeting with close Japanese parliamentarians, President Thuong affirmed that the exchange between young leaders and parliamentarians, as well as people of the two countries is a crucial factor in building trustworthy and sustainable relations between the two nations.

The parliamentarians vowed to do their best to contribute to the development of Vietnam-Japan ties, including enhancing exchanges between young leaders and parliamentarians.

President attends ceremony marking 50 years of Vietnam-Japan diplomatic ties

President Vo Van Thuong and his spouse attended a ceremony marking the 50th anniversary of Vietnam-Japan diplomatic ties held in Tokyo on November 28.

Speaking at the event, Vietnamese Minister of Foreign Affairs Bui Thanh Son said since the establishment of diplomatic ties five decades ago, the Vietnam-Japan cooperative and friendly relations have developed strongly, substantively, extensively, with accomplishments in almost all areas thanks to cultural similarities, the convergence of interests, political trust, and especially the relentless efforts of generations of leaders and people of both countries.

He said the Vietnamese community in Japan is growing stronger with over half a million people, making it the second largest foreign community, contributing significantly to Japan's socio-economic development.

For Vietnam, Japan is not only the leading and long-term comprehensive strategic partner but also a sincere and reliable companion, he said, wishing that the two foreign ministries would effectively work together, contributing to concretising the bilateral comprehensive strategic partnership.

Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs Kamikawa Yoko said Vietnam and Japan not only boost cooperation for peace and stability in the region and the world but also aim to maintain and strengthen the international order that is free, open and based on the rule of law.

Referring to the vision for the next five decades in the bilateral relationship, she highlighted the utmost importance of promoting youth exchanges and cooperation in new areas, particularly in addressing environmental issues, green transformation, digital transformation, and more.

At the event, President Thuong and his spouse, Crown Prince Akishino and Crown Princess Kiko, Speaker of the Japanese House of Representatives Nukaga Fukushiro and guests enjoyed the Vietnam-Japan friendship concert which was co-hosted by the Vietnamese Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the Vietnamese Embassy in Japan, with performances by artists from the Vietnam National Symphony Orchestra and the NHK Symphony Orchestra of Japan, under the direction of conductor Honna Tetsuji.

On the occasion, a photo exhibition marking the anniversary opened, showcasing historical milestones in diplomatic ties between the two nations.

President appreciates Tokyo's multifaceted cooperation with Vietnamese localities

President Vo Van Thuong on November 28 thanked generations of Tokyo leaders for actively supporting the multifaceted cooperation between the capital city of Japan and Vietnamese localities, especially Hanoi capital.

The leader, who is paying an official trip to Japan, made the remarks while joining Tokyo Governor Koike Yuriko in visiting “Banh mi Xin chao”, a Vietnamese sandwich restaurant opened by two former students from Vietnam, in the morning of the day.

The chain of “Banh mi Xin chao” restaurants was established in 2016 by Bui Thanh Duy, 37, and Bui Thanh Tam, 32, who are brothers from the central province of Quang Nam. Weathering numerous initial difficulties, they have created many new flavours from the original “banh mi” of Quang Nam’s Hoi An city. The chain now has 15 restaurants across Japan.

Via “banh mi”, they hope to help popularise the Vietnamese cuisine and culture as well as enthusiasm and wisdom of young Vietnamese people to locals, contributing to the solidarity and development of the Vietnamese community in Japan and to the cultural and economic ties between the two counties.

At the restaurant imbued with Vietnamese characteristics in Tokyo, President Thuong, his spouse, and Japanese officials tasted typical dishes of Vietnam such as “banh mi”, the Quang noodles, “pho”, coffee, fresh spring rolls, and sweetened porridge.

Appreciating generations of local leaders’ promotion of multifaceted ties between Tokyo and Vietnamese localities, President Thuong also highly valued their facilitation for Vietnamese enterprises and people to do business and work in the city.

He noted that Vietnam and Japan share many cultural and culinary similarities which have contributed to the particularly good relations between the two countries and their peoples.

The State leader said he is proud that more and more young people of Vietnam like the two founders of “Banh mi Xin chao” have been exerting efforts to grasp development opportunities in Japan. He also considered their efforts as a contribution to the popularisation of the Vietnamese culture here and the enhancement of bonds between the two peoples.

Governor Koike congratulated President Thuong on his successful talks with Japanese Prime Minister Kishida Fumio, and on the leaders’ adoption of a joint statement on the elevation of the countries’ relations to a “comprehensive strategic partnership for peace and prosperity in Asia and the world”.

She described this as a greatly significant moment during the Vietnamese leader’s visit, organised amid the 50th anniversary of the two countries’ diplomatic ties with numerous celebrations being held in both countries.

She expressed her belief that the visit will be successful and create a particularly important hallmark in bilateral relations.

The Governor added Tokyo is deploying a high-tech anti-flooding system, and it is ready to cooperate with Vietnamese cities in this field.

President Thuong called on Koike to continue creating favourable conditions for Vietnamese people to work, live, and study in Tokyo. He also took this occasion to thank leaders of major Japanese enterprises for investing in Vietnam, thus substantially helping with the country’s socio-economic development and life quality improvement.

The establishment of the comprehensive strategic partnership is an important milestone heralding a new chapter of bilateral relations, he went on.

He also asked the Tokyo Governor to promote the sharing of the city’s anti-fire and anti-flooding experience with Hanoi and other Vietnamese localities.

PM hopes for stronger science-technology cooperation with Brazil

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh hosted a reception in Hanoi on November 28 for Brazilian Minister of Science and Technology Luciana Santos, who is also President of the Communist Party of Brazil.

Chinh expressed his belief that Santos’s visit will contribute to raising the efficiency of the comprehensive cooperation between the Brazilian Party and the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) as well as the two countries, especially in science-technology and innovation.

The PM asked the official to convey his regards to Brazilian President Lula da Silva, saying Vietnamese high-ranking leaders wish to welcome the President to the Southeast Asian nation on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of the bilateral diplomatic ties.

The leader noted his hope that the Brazilian government will accelerate the process so that Brazil will soon recognise Vietnam’s market economy mechanism, contributing to deepening the bilateral economic and trade ties.

He also urged Brazil to promote consensus within the Southern Common Market (Mercosur) on the early launch of free trade agreement negotiations with Vietnam.
Chinh also expressed his hope for more specific cooperation projects to make the bilateral relationship more practical and effective.

Vietnam stands ready to accompany Brazil in multilateral and international issues, including promoting priorities of shared concern at the G20 Summit scheduled to take place in Brazil next year.

For her part, Santos handed over a letter from the Brazilian President to PM Chinh, and informed the host leader about outcomes of her talks with the Vietnamese Minister of Science and Technology, during which the two sides agreed to strengthen collaboration, particularly in science-technology, and emerging technologies like quantum technology, AI, biotechnology, and semiconductor industry.

Vietnamese, French scientific research establishments mark 40 years of cooperation

The Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (VAST) held a ceremony in Hanoi on November 28 to celebrate its four-decade cooperation with the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS).

Addressing the event, VAST Vice President Le Truong Giang highlighted that since 1983, the two sides have jointly implemented hundreds of research projects and field surveys, dozens of classes and in-depth scientific seminars, published thousands of high-quality works in reputable international journals, and trained hundreds of doctors now holding key positions in their apparatuses.

Their extensive and solid collaboration can be considered a symbol of effective and successful cooperation between the two countries, he affirmed.

In the coming time, Giang expressed his hope that the sides will further team up in training and research to deal with such global sci-tech challenges as artificial intelligence, data science, new energy and materials, biotechnology, serving green growth and climate change response.

French Ambassador to Vietnam Olivier Brochet affirmed that the CNRS is proud to continue accompanying Vietnam in addressing current global challenges like climate change, energy transition, and the protection of oceans.

The diplomat unveiled that the French minister of science and technology will visit and work in Vietnam to sign an intergovernmental sci-tech cooperation agreement. In 2024, a French oceanographic research vessel will come to the northern port city of Hai Phong to conduct a joint research project with Vietnamese scientists.

Deputy PM receives state forensic examination official of Belarus

Deputy Prime Minister Le Minh Khai on November 28 hosted a reception for Chairman of the State Forensic Examination Committee of Belarus Volkov Alexei Aleksandrovich who is paying a working visit to Vietnam.

Deputy PM Khai highlighted that over the past years, the cooperative ties across politics, economy, culture, society, security and defence between Vietnam and Belarus have been constantly reinforced, contributing to the stable and sustainable development in each country.

He spoke highly of the outcomes of the talks between Minister of Public Security General To Lam and the Belarus official, expressing his approval of the specific and practical measures that both sides have agreed on to promote cooperative relations, as well as the effective implementation of the agreement on judicial expertise cooperation signed between the two countries in Minsk in July 2019.

Recalling his meetings with the Belarusian Minister of Internal Affairs and Minister of Emergencies earlier this year, Khai said he and the two ministers had discussed practical collaboration in crime prevention and control, fire prevention and rescue, among others.

He said the visits to Vietnam by high-ranking delegations of the Belarusian government demonstrate the resolve to bolster cooperation between the security and law-enforcement agencies of both nations, towards enhancing the traditional collaboration between the two countries.

Touching on education cooperation, Khai said the Vietnamese government had approved the content of an agreement on education cooperation with Belarus, and suggested both nations early roll out the agreement. 
He added that Vietnam will do its utmost to prepare for the visit by the Belarusian Prime Minister in December.

Aleksandrovich, for his part, informed Khai about his talks with Minister of Public Security To Lam, and affirmed that close cooperation between two sides in the fields of judicial expertise has helped deepen and consolidate the Vietnam – Belarus traditional friendship.

He said he hopes that the bilateral ties will be elevated to a new high following the talks.

Earlier, Minister of Public Security To Lam hosted a welcome ceremony for and held talks with the Chairman of the State Forensic Examination Committee of Belarus.

During the talks, the two sides discussed cooperation in a number of fields of mutual interests, including delegation exchanges at all levels, effective implementation of the agreement on cooperation in judicial expertise activities, and training for forensic officers of Vietnamese Ministry of Public Security.

Besides, they concurred to organise more workshops and conferences in each country so that judicial experts can share new techniques, methods and documents in the field, as well as introduce each other to advanced technologies and equipment for crime scene examination, criminal technical expertise and forensic examination towards technology transfer.

10-year reform in education and training reviewed

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha chaired a meeting in Hanoi on November 28 with ministries, agencies and localities to review the 10-year implementation of a Resolution on basic and comprehensive reform in education and training, meeting the requirements of industrialisation and modernisation in the context of the socialist-oriented market economy and global integration.

Speaking at the event, Deputy PM Ha highlighted the significant role of the Resolution in concretising the Party and State's policies and guidelines, considering education the foremost national policy, and developing human resources in the context of the global shift from a reliance on natural resource exploitation to a knowledge-based, green and digital economy.

Deputy Minister of Education and Training Nguyen Van Phuc said the draft project on reviewing the resolution implementation has clearly outlined important achievements in the work over the past decade, contributing to improving intellectual capacity, developing human resources and nurturing talents for the country’s socio-economic development and global integration.

Notably, the institutional framework and policies regarding education and training have been basically completed, laying an important legal foundation for the innovation process, he said.

He added that preschool education has made strides in terms of scale and quality. The outcomes of human resources training at various levels according to the Vietnam - National Qualifications Framework have been better.

Vocational education is increasingly attracting more students while higher education is experiencing a positive shift in the structure of majors, with the quality of graduates gradually meeting the demand of the labour market, he said.

The deputy minister also pointed out shortcomings in the process, such as the delayed issuance of legal policies on education and training, certain regulations on recruitment, use and management of civil servants, specific preferential policies regarding taxes, capital and investment, State management and autonomy in education institutions, and limited quality of higher education.

Delegates at the event proposed solutions to achieve the goals regarding preschool education enrollment rate, the high school graduation rate and its equivalents as outlined in the Resolution. They also suggested piloting new forms of international education collaboration in major urban areas and reconsidering management mechanisms and models in universities to ensure comprehensive autonomy, along with quality management and digital transformation.

Party official hosts Brazilian Communist Party leader

Secretary of the Party Central Committee and head of its Commission for External Relations Le Hoai Trung hosted a reception in Hanoi on November 28 for President of the Communist Party of Brazil (PcdoB) and Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation Luciana Santos.

Both sides informed each other about the situation of each Party and country, discussed the outcomes of the implementation of the cooperation agreement between the two Parties over the past years.

They agreed that the two Parties need to enhance the sharing of experience in various fields, promote effective cooperation, and make practical contributions to the development of relations between the two countries and peoples.

Host and guest pledged that the two Parties will strengthen coordination and support the holding of cooperation activities, friendly exchanges and celebrations for the 35th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties next year.

Second phase of support programme for ethnic minority groups launched

A seminar was held in the northern mountainous province of Ha Giang on November 28 to launch the second phase of the programme titled “Reaching the Furthest Behind - Improving the quality of life of especially disadvantaged community groups in Ha Giang, Quang Tri and Hoa Binh provinces”.

The event was co-organised by the provincial People’s Committee, the Irish Embassy in Vietnam, Care International Vietnam and the Research Centre for Initiatives in Community Development (RIC).

The second phase of the programme, funded by the Embassy of Ireland in Vietnam, runs from September 2023-August 2028. It aims to improve the quality of life for disadvantaged ethnic minority communities in six communes of Dak Rong and Huong Hoa districts in the central province of Quang Tri, four communes of Da Bac and Lac Son districts in the northern province of Hoa Binh, and five communes of Xin Man and Vi Xuyen districts in Ha Giang.

With a community-centred approach, the programme supports the implementation of socioeconomic development policies in ethnic minority and mountainous areas.

Speaking at the event, Irish Vice Ambassador to Vietnam Seán Farrell said it is one of the most important programmes of Ireland in Vietnam and the Southeast Asia, contributing to the implementation of national target programmes for mountainous areas and ethnic minority communities. Its objectives align with priority areas in Ireland's support policies for Vietnam.

Le Quynh Lan, Acting Country Director of Plan International Vietnam, said the results of the programme contribute to a commitment to support 2 million girls in education, leadership, decision-making, and development in the 5-year strategy of Plan International Vietnam for the 2020-2025 period.

Association contributes to forging Vietnam-Japan cooperation

The Vietnam-Japan Friendship Association in the Central Highlands province of Dak Lak on November 28 convened its fourth congress for the 2023-2028 tenure.

The congress elected a 28-member executive board, with Nguyen Thuong Hai, head of the provincial Party Committee’s Organisation Board, as the president of the association in the new term.

Participants agreed that the association will revamp its operational methods to create opportunities for people-to-people diplomacy, and strengthen solidarity, friendship and cooperation with Japanese firms, organisations, and partners.

It aims to send 1,000 Vietnamese students and workers to Japan within the five years, and raise the efficiency of foreign non-governmental aid mobilisation, targeting 5 billion VND (206,228 USD) in the tenure.

Addressing the congress, Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee H’Yim Kdoh, lauded the association’s performance, and asked it to step up communications work, and activities between Dak Lak and Japanese partners.

On this occasion, the Vietnam Union of Friendship Organisations (VUFO) presented the “For peace and friendship among nations” insignia to four individuals, and the certificates of merit to the association and four other individuals.

The People’s Committee also granted certificates of merit to individuals in recognition of their outstanding contributions to people-to-people diplomacy.

Resolution on pilot policies for road infrastructure investment gets approval

The National Assembly (NA) on November 28 afternoon approved a resolution on piloting some specific policies on investment in the construction of road infrastructure and transport facilities. 

The resolution won support from 464 of the 467 deputies casting votes, accounting for 93.93%.

Before the voting, Vu Hong Thanh, member of the NA Standing Committee and Chairman of the NA’s Committee on Economic Affairs delivered a report on amendments to the draft.

He said road transport infrastructure has received considerable investment from the State but there are shortcomings in the infrastructure construction, which has yet to meet the demand of socio-economic development. Meanwhile, developing modern infrastructure was identified as one of the targeted strategic breakthroughs.

To help successfully carry out the resolution of the 13th National Party Congress and the NA’s socio-economic development plan for 2021 - 2025, it is necessary to prioritise resources and issue specific policies to accelerate the building of modern road infrastructure, he noted.

Some pilot policies in the draft resolution were inherited from those already applied by the NA and recorded positive results, Thanh added.

Also on November 28 afternoon, the 15th-tenure parliament adopted the law on forces participating in the protection of grassroots security and order, which was supported by 386 of the 463 deputies casting votes (78.14%).

The law, comprising five chapters with 33 articles, is scheduled to come into force on July 1, 2024.

Two hospitals in Vietnam first to qualify for coveted AACI accreditation

City International Hospital and Gia An 115 Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City have become the first two in Vietnam to receive the accreditation from the American Accreditation Commission International (AACI), one of the world’s most prestigious healthcare accreditation organisations.

Speaking at a ceremony to receive the accreditation in HCM City on November 28, Tran Thi Lam, President of Hoa Lam Group which runs the two hospitals, said the two have met all the 14 different criterial of the AACI.

Deputy Minister of Health Le Duc Luan hailed the contributions by the Hoa Lam High-Tech Medical Complex in recent years as contributing to providing healthcare services to thousands of people each year.

He noted that the Party Central Committee’s Resolution No. 20-NQ/TW set a target to raise the rate of beds provided by the private medical system to 10% of the total beds in the country in 2025 and 30% in 2035, stressing that there is plenty of room for the private medical sector to grow.

The official expressed his hope that the two hospitals will continue to work hard to maintain international standards while further enhancing their services, contributing to turning HCM City into a healthcare centre of the ASEAN region in the future.

Headquartered in the US, the AACI provides healthcare accreditation and clinical excellence recognition. AACI certification was first issued in 2014, in many fields and types of health care services such as hospitals, primary healthcare, dentistry, outpatient services, and physical therapy.

The AACI Standards have been recognised by the International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua).

Second friendship exchange between Vietnamese, Chinese fronts held in Ha Long

The second friendship exchange between the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) Central Committee and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee, as well as among the VFF committees and the CPPCC committees in Vietnamese and Chinese localities along the shared border took place in Ha Long city of northern Quang Ninh province on November 28.

Nguyen Thi Thu Ha, Vice President and General Secretary of the VFF Central Committee, highlighted the long-standing relationship between Vietnam and China, describing it as a priceless treasure of the two countries that need to be further reinforced and developed.

The Party, State and people of Vietnam always remember the great support given by the Party, State and people of China during the past struggle for independence and the current national construction and development, Ha said.

The official affirmed that Vietnam always pays great attention to maintaining and promoting the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership with China, taking it as a consistent policy, a long-term strategy and a top priority in the country’s foreign policy.

She said that the exchange will help specify the common perceptions reached by the top leaders of the two Parties and two countries on further promoting and deepening the comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership between Vietnam and China.

Ha expressed her hope that the VFF and the CPPCC will increase the exchange and cooperation not only at the central level but also at the local one, especially in bordering localities, while strengthening people-to-people exchange and relations between the youth of the two countries, thus promoting the bilateral traditional neighbourliness.

At the same time, it is necessary to bolster substantial and win-win cooperation, especially in economy, trade, investment, transportation, culture, tourism, education and other fields.

For his part, Vice Chairman of the CPPCC National Committee Wang Yong said he hopes the two sides will work together to create a favourable environment for the exchange and cooperation between the two countries, while promoting the advantages of the two fronts in gathering forces and strengths of social circles for the reinforcement of friendship between the two peoples.

On the occasion, the VFF Central Committee and the CPPCC National Committee delegations participated in the great national solidarity festival in Ha Long city, and toured local industrial parks, Ha Long Bay and the Quang Ninh Museum and Library. They also engaged in a tree planting event in Ha Long.

Vietnamese in Connecticut state look towards homeland

Ambassador to the US Dang Hoang Giang, Permanent Representative of Vietnam to the United Nations (UN), on November 27 visited and presented gifts to a number of Vietnamese intellectuals in Connecticut state of the US on the occasion of Christmas and New Year.

The diplomat hailed Vietnamese in the US for their contributions to fostering the bilateral cooperation in economy, science and education over the past time, stressing the Party and the State always consider overseas Vietnamese in general and those in the US in particular an integral part and extremely important resources for national development in all aspects.

Giang expressed his wish that the professors, doctors, lawyers, engineers and intellectuals will play a core role in gathering Vietnamese intellectuals in the area, contributing to building a strong Vietnamese community there.

Representatives of the Vietnamese community pledged to contribute to activities and projects enhancing cooperation between the two countries, and work to lure more US investments in essential areas in service of national development in the new period.

Take part in ‘Charity Christmas Village’ to spread the spirit of sharing

A Christmas event in Hà Nội is being held to support primary schools in the northern province of Ninh Bình.

To spread the spirit of sharing for a better life, ‘Christmas Village 2023’ hosted by the JW Marriott Hanoi during December 2&3, will help purchase solar water purifiers for primary schools in Nho Quan District, Ninh Bình Province.

Aiming to bring a meaningful and warm Christmas season to all people who are in need, the organiser will donate part of the ticket proceeds to help orphaned and disadvantaged children and women in Việt Nam with AFV, ActionAid, HopeBox, and Blue Dragon. A silent auction will take place on Saturday and Sunday to raise funds to support the community.

At the Christmas village, guests can stroll down through the bustling stalls showcasing a vast array of domestic and international brands with many holiday season products such as handicrafts, decorations, toys, fashion, beauty among others.

Exciting outdoor activities such as a bouncy castle, Santa's playground, statue painting and live performances will also take place throughout the two days.

Festival-goers can also enjoy delicious delights such as pastries, German sausages, crispy chicken, or Japanese grilled skewers from Kumihimo restaurant.

Families can go on a picnic in the relaxing space of JW Lakeside Gardens, or enjoy drinks at the Beer Garden.

On Saturday evening, guests can immerse themselves in the magical moment as the entire hotel is lit up in sparkling lights and Christmas music at the Lighting Ceremony with the special presence of 31 underprivileged children from the Hữu Nghị Đống Đa School, with Santa Claus scheduled to make an appearance.

The entrance fee is VNĐ150,000 for adults, and 100,000 for children above 1.1-1.4 metres tall. Free for children below 1.1 metres tall. 

Agricultural products, rural tourism go hand-in-hand

Việt Nam has many advantages to develop rural tourism. — VNS Photo

Agricultural products play a vital role in constructing rural tourism products, while rural tourism, in turn, provides an environment for the development of agricultural products, said Phương Đình Anh, Deputy Head of the Central Coordination Office for New Rural Development.

The OCOP programme, initiated by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) in 2008, is meant to help develop the economy in rural areas and implement the national target programme on new-style rural area building.

According to the data from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, a total of 10,322 OCOP products nationwide have been rated at least three stars, including 51 five-star products.

“The OCOP products and the development of rural tourism have a close relationship with each other,” Anh said.

"Even though the quantity may not be sufficient for large-scale exports, OCOP products bring significant material and cultural value. The most valuable way to 'export' the essence of OCOP products is when these items are favoured by international tourists and brought back to their home countries," he added.

Nguyễn Hoàng Anh, Vice Chairman of the Vietnam Digital Agriculture Association and CEO of Nam Miền Trung Group, said the OCOP brand was being affirmed through high-quality products in the new phase.

“However, the programme needs to leverage the value of connectivity and market value so that the OCOP brand can facilitate trade connections and link values in services, culture and tourism,” he noted.

In addition, it is necessary to plan regional areas, establish locations and exhibition centres for showcasing and introducing OCOP products, as well as facilitate trade connections to boost their sales. These efforts will contribute to a stronger market presence and wider distribution of OCOP products.

According to him, transforming the OCOP Programme into a nationally recognised brand holds immense value for the agricultural sector in Việt Nam.

He recommended the establishment of additional standards and criteria to ensure the value of the products, preventing misuse and decline of OCOP products, thus maximising their full potential.

Meanwhile, Ngô Thị Phương Lan, the Rector of the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University Hồ Chí Minh City, said agriculture should focus on creating new values that align with emerging trends.

According to her, one of those new values is the development of agritourism. She believes that agritourism offers a sustainable solution that enables farmers to increase their income by utilising their own farmland, while promoting the consumption of local agricultural specialties, particularly OCOP products.

"Integrating tourism with agricultural development is not a new concept, but we need to determine how to make tourism more humane, green and ecological," she emphasised.

Sharing a business perspective, Hồ Kim Liên, Chairwoman of the Vietnam Fish Sauce Association and Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of Khải Hoàn Company, said: "Since participating in the OCOP Programme and receiving the 5-star rating, Khải Hoàn fish sauce has become a representative product of Phú Quốc, contributing to preserving local traditions."

Dương Minh Bình, Director of CBT Travel Company, acknowledged the significant development of community-based tourism in Việt Nam.

“This form of tourism helps local communities develop livelihoods and preserve their cultural heritage. It creates job opportunities, raises awareness of environmental restoration and ethnic identity, thereby establishing unique attractions to tourists.

However, according to Bình, rural tourism does not mean requiring tourists to experience the authentic rural lifestyle. All necessary amenities should be provided, but in harmony with the rural environment.

"In fact, we have invited chefs from five-star hotels to the spots to use local ingredients to cook dishes that are both authentic and appealing to a broader range of tastes. It is only when we attract guests to experience it firsthand that specialties like OCOP products receive attention, appreciation and acceptance from visitors," he explained.

Tourists are seen on lotus ponds in Ninh Bình Province. — VNS Photo

Realising rural tourism is a global trend and an advantage of Việt Nam, the MARD aims to exploit it as an economic sector and make it a national brand, with the support of OCOP products.

The ministry has signed a joint document with the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism to develop rural tourism, with the approval of Prime Minister Phạm Minh Chính.

Besides programmes to promote local agricultural specialties and tourism brands, the ministry has established pilot models for the development of rural tourism in various forms, including community-based, eco-agricultural and nature conservation-linked tourism, along with craft village, smart village and zero-emission tourism.

According to Trần Thanh Nam, the Deputy Minister of the MARD, promoting rural tourism is associated with harnessing the potential and advantages of agriculture, craft villages, culture, and ecological environment of localities. 

"The goal is to improve the material and spiritual quality of locals, contribute to the transformation of the rural economy towards integrated, value-added, comprehensive and sustainable development.

"This objective is outlined in Decision 922/QD-TTg issued by the Prime Minister regarding the development of rural tourism linked to the construction of new-style rural areas in the period from 2021 to 2025," he said. 

Bình Dương takes steps to become centrally-run city by 2030

The southern province of Bình Dương has issued a socio-economic development plan, focusing on becoming a centrally-run city by 2030, alongside major centres of Hà Nội, HCM City, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng, and Cần Thơ.

Accordingly, this locality aims to become a modern and livable urban area by 2030 with an economic growth rate from now to 2030 averaging 9-10 per cent. The transportation system connecting intra-regionally and inter-regionally will be completed to become a trade hub.

The province also expects to increase the proportion of the service industry to 30 per cent of its gross regional domestic product (GRDP), especially high-quality service industries, in the direction of becoming a financial, commercial, educational and health care centre in the region. GRDP per capita will reach VNĐ393-419 million and the urbanisation rate will reach over 90 per cent.

Regarding industry, Bình Dương has been forming specialised industrial parks and high-tech industrial parks into an industrial belt. The province also aims to develop the fields of culture, society, education/training, and healthcare to become among the leaders in the country. The proportion of the digital economy in 2030 will reach 30-35 per cent of total GRDP while the number of unemployed people will be below 3 per cent.

To achieve these indicators, Bình Dương proposes many solutions and tasks. In particular, it plans to synchronise transport infrastructure connecting with Tân Sơn Nhất Airport in HCM City and Long Thành Airport in Đồng Nai Province, Cái Mép - Thị Vải Port in Bà Rịa-Vũng Tàu Province and build Sóng Thần Station to become a cargo transit hub in the Southeast region.

The province is also planning about 10,000 hectares of industrial parks to go in a green direction, applying high technology to become carbon neutral. Industrial, urban, service and logistics belts will be built around Ring Road No. 3 and 4 in HCM City and highways throughout the area.

The province's agricultural sector accounts for a low proportion of economic output, and is encouraged to transform towards ecology, apply technology for sustainable development, protect the environment, and create a closed chain from farming to consumption. In the education sector, the province encourages higher education institutions to establish science and technology enterprises and cooperate with many parties to develop research.

The province's cities such as Thủ Dầu Một, Dĩ An, Thuận An, and Tân Uyên, are oriented to develop as urban centres. Bình Dương also reserves land funds for hypermarkets and office buildings to form financial centres in these areas. The river area is oriented to develop tourism along the Sài Gòn River and Đồng Nai River, forming urban areas along the river, and connecting Tây Ninh - Bình Dương - HCM City.

Bàu Bàng, Dầu Tiếng and Phú Giáo districts will be developed into high-quality entertainment, recreation, medical examination and treatment, and logistics centres, and connect with neighbouring areas of Tây Ninh and Bình Phước.

Bình Dương is the industrial capital of the Southeast region, and has seen rapid development over the years. According to results announced by the General Statistics Office, Binh Dương was the locality with the highest per capita income in the country in 2022, reaching more than VNĐ 8 million per person per month.

In the first 10 months of this year, Bình Dương industrial production index increased by 4.2 per cent over the same period a year earlier, the value of trade and services reached VNĐ251 trillion, an increase of 13.1 per cent, while export turnover reached US$25.29 billion. During this same period, the province attracted VNĐ71 trillion of domestic investment capital and $1.3 billion of FDI capital. 

Trà Vinh Province farmers embrace technology

More and more farmers in Trà Vinh Province are using safe and hi-tech farming methods to improve the quality of their produce and meet market requirements.

The Cửu Long (Mekong) Delta province has more than 24,300ha of land with hi-tech farming, where rice or vegetables are grown or aquatic species such as shrimp are bred, according to its Department of Agriculture and Rural Development.

In Duyên Hải District, farmers in Ngũ Lạc Commune have set up 23 net houses with a total area of 3ha to grow clean vegetables.

Lê Minh Tân, deputy chairman of the commune People’s Committee, said farmers were encouraged to build net houses to improve efficiency.

The net houses are equipped with automatic irrigation facilities which help save labour costs and protect vegetables from inclement weather and pests.

Farmers who build them are given a subsidy of up to VNĐ100 million (US$4,000) for building a 1,000sq.m net and also provided with soft loans.

The profits from vegetables in net house are 30-50 per cent higher than from traditional growing methods because of the lower expenses on labour and fertilisers and pesticides, and increased yields and quality, according to farmers.

Thạch Khanh, who has a 5,000sq.m field on which he grows rice and vegetables in Ngũ Lạc, built a 1,000sq.m net house at a cost of VNĐ100 million ($4,000) to grow morning glory in 2021 with encouragement from local authorities.

He received a subsidy of VNĐ50 million ($2,000) and a soft loan of VNĐ50 million.

He earned VNĐ150 million ($6,000) from growing morning glory in the net house last year, VNĐ50 million more than from traditional methods, he said.

"The net house model requires less tending than traditional models, faces lower risks of diseases and protects vegetables from heavy rains," he said.

The province plans to spend VNĐ390 billion ($15.9 million) to help restructure agriculture in 2021-25, and spent nearly VNĐ50 billion ($2 million) this year.

Lê Văn Đông, deputy director of the department, said the province also supported localities with adopting Vietnamese good agricultural practices (VietGAP) standards, improving mixed orchards and switching to high-value crops on unproductive rice fields.

It was also helping locals participate in the national “One Commune – One Product” programme, he said.

The department was co-operating with localities to encourage farmers to apply farming models that produce clean agricultural products to ensure sustainable farming, adapt to climate change and meet market requirements, he added. 

Điện Biên Airport construction being urgently completed for December re-opening

The Ministry of Transport has just issued a document requesting relevant units to urgently complete the construction of the Điện Biên Airport expansion project for re-opening on December 2.

To ensure the quality and progress of the project, the Ministry of Transport requested Airports Corporation of Việt Nam (ACV) to direct the Project Management Board and contractors to use all resources, equipment and staff to urgently complete all remaining work and organise the project acceptance according to regulations for the Civil Aviation Authority of Việt Nam (CAAV) to grant permission to put it into operation.

CAAV and Construction Investment Management Department were assigned to closely monitor the construction site, urgently resolve tasks according to their authority, and promptly report to the ministry any difficulties and problems beyond their authority, or progress not occurring as scheduled.

CAAV has to organise a working group to conduct a field inspection at the airport from November 24 and complete it before November 28 to put it into operation.

In addition, CAAV proposed that the ministry set up teams for inspection and acceptance of the runway, taxiway, aircraft apron and passenger terminal constructions at the airport immediately after ACV has completed the project acceptance.

The Ministry of Transport issues a document announcing the results of the project inspection and acceptance November 28, so that CAAV takes it as a basis for approving the construction items to put them into operation and license flying procedure evaluation flights (with landing) scheduled for November 29 and 30.

In addition, CAAV also grants air transport rights and flight licences to Vietnam Airlines for the Hà Nội-Điện Biên-Hà Nội route, and Vietjet Air for the HCM City-Điện Biên-HCM City route.

The investment project expanding Điện Biên Airport with a total capital of more than VNĐ1.4 trillion (US$57.6 million) was started by Airports Corporation of Việt Nam, the Ministry of Transport, and the People's Committee of Điện Biên Province on January 22, 2022.

After expansion, the airport can receive Airbus A320/A321 aircraft or equivalent.

Ngọc takes gold, Vy earns bronze at world kurash champs

Nguyễn Thị Bích Ngọc has won gold at the 14th World Kurash Championship which opened on November 27 in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan.

Ngọc defeated Gulshat Annayeva of the host nation in the women's 57kg final, successfully defending her number one place, at the Martial Arts Sports Complex, which is part of the infrastructure of the capital's Olympic village.

Her teammate Lê Huỳnh Tường Vy secured bronze in the women's 70kg category.

The competition continues on November 28 with different weight categories for men and women.

The two-day Ashgabat tournament features almost 500 athletes from 60 countries and regions.

They compete in seven classes for men ranging from 60kg to over-100kg and eight for women from 48kg to over-87kg. 

Renowned golfers attend Vinpearl DIC Legends Vietnam tournament in Nha Trang

A number of famous international golfers have arrived in Nha Trang city in order to attend the Vinpearl DIC Legends Vietnam 2023 tournament which is scheduled to run from November 27 to December 2.

According to details provided by the tournament’s organisers, several renowned golfers such as Michael Campbell, Euan McIntosh, James Kingston, and Emanuele Canonica are expected to compete in the tournament.
Campbell, who won the 2005 US Open Golf Tournament and the European Tour and is serving as the ambassador for this year's tournament, said he was impressed by the golf course system in Nha Trang and the organisers’ thorough preparations for the event, adding that he was very excited to explore the local tourism on offer.

Nguyen Ngoc Chu, former vice president and general secretary of the Vietnam Golf Association, said Vinpearl DIC Legends Vietnam 2023 represents a tournament within the framework of the Legends Tour which has been held for the first time in Southeast Asia.

Choosing Vietnam as a tournament venue has served to elevate the country's position and golf potential, while simultaneously offering an opportunity to attract golf tournaments from Europe and America, he added.

Chu emphasised that the organisation of the international tournament will also contribute to boosting professionalism in the local golf industry.

The Vinpearl DIC Legends Vietnam 2023 tournament is due to take place from November 27 to December 2 at Vinpearl Golf Nha Trang with two Pro-Am exchange rounds and three official Alliance competition days.

The event will be held as part of the European Legends Tour system with special competition formats, thereby opening up further opportunities for young talents and amateur golfers to share experience and improve their skills.

Vietnamese artists dominate world vovinam championship

Host athletes have earned 10 golds at the World Vovinam (Vietnamese traditional martial arts) Championship which is ongoing in HCM City.

Five fighters secured their titles at the Phú Thọ Gymnasium on November 26.

Nguyễn Tiến Sơn defeated Adel Safarov in the men's 72kg class while Nguyễn Đạt Duy Long overcame Indian Ishan Verma to take gold in the men's 54kg.

It was Hiền's second world title after the first in 2017, making her the number one athlete in her weight category.

Two other golds went to Lâm Thị Lợi and Nguyễn Thị Tuyết Mai in the women's duilian with swords and Mai Thị Kim Thùy in the women's individual performance with sword.

Earlier, Vietnamese gold medallists were Nguyễn Hoài Nam (men's 57kg), Bùi Thị Thảo Ngân (women's 66kg nữ), Nguyễn Hòa Ân/Vũ Duy Bảo/Phan Tấn Thành/Võ Trọng Nhân (four-men team with leg grappling techniques), Nguyễn Tứ Cường (ngũ môn quyền/five-gate form) and Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Trâm (long hổ quyền/dragon-tiger form).

In nine other events, the Algerian team secured three titles in female self-defence, men's duilian with swords and men’s duilian.

Cambodia bagged two golds in men’s performance with staff and team’s basic technique performance.  Thailand took gold in the men’s performance with the sword. 

The Philippines triumphed in the women’s 66kg combat. Belarus won in the men’s 90kg while Russia topped the podium in the men’s 77kg.

The seventh world championship features more than 650 athletes, coaches, officials and referees from 35 countries and territories. It is the largest number of participants in history.

Athletes will compete for 44 sets of medals in both combat and performance categories until November 30. 

Finswimmers take three golds at Asian championship

Việt Nam won three gold medals in the first day of competition at the Asian Finswimming Championship and 6th Asian Juniors Finswimming Competition on November 25 in Phuket, Thailand.

Phạm Thành Đại won twice in his first continental tournament.

He finished first in the boys' 100m surface category in a time of 38.04sec.

He was followed by South Korean Pae Jayu and Vietnamese Đặng Quốc Phú.

Later, Đại topped the podium of the boys' 400m surface. He finished in a time of 3:09.93.

Phú came second for silver and Sari Alharazneh of Jordan was third for bronze.

The third gold for Việt Nam went to Nguyễn Trần San San in the junior women's 400m surface in 3:30.22.

Lim Ji-won of South Korea and Nguyễn Anh Tú of Việt Nam were second and third, respectively.

The Vietnamese finswimmers also pocketed four silvers and three bronzes in other categories of both individual and team events.

More than 230 athletes from 15 nations will compete at the tournament which will wrap up on November 29. 

Nam beats Kokurkin to become first MFC champion

Phạm Văn Nam became the first champion of the “Master Of Fights Championship” (MFC) after his submission victory over tough rival Roman Kokurkin over the weekend in HCM City.

The Russian top mixed martial artist set his domination in the first two rounds with Nam mainly on the back foot. 

The Vietnamese LION Championship winner clearly understood his rival was master of jujitsu. He took advantageous of his striking and grappling technique to either put Kokurkin on edge of the cage or wrestle him to the floor.

Kokurkin successfully escaped several times but in the middle of the third round, Nam took him down, locked his arm and delivered a rear-naked-choke. Kokurkin tried to get out but finally tapped in submission. 

The referee immediately stopped the fight and Nam was announced winner of the match, taking away the 60kg belt.

Nam was delighted with his second belt within one year and celebrated with coaches and supporters.

Kokurkin was disappointed with his defeat, saying he was in leading position in the first two rounds but mistakes in the third cost him. He hoped to have a rematch with Nam in the near future.

The winner bagged his golden belt and VNĐ30 million bonus in cash while the loser was comforted with VNĐ20 million.

As the champion, Nam will have a match to defend his title in the next season which is scheduled early 2024.

Earlier, martial art lovers were entertained with seven other thrilling fights with four knockout wins of mixed martial art (MMA), kickboxing and Muay Thai at the MCV Complex stage.

In the MMA 69kg class, Hứa Văn Thanh Long beat Trần Tuấn by grappling him down and taking a rear-naked-choke in the second round.

Also in MMA, Nguyễn Đức Hải Triều overshadowed the 64kg bout, flooring Nguyễn Thanh Hiếu in the first round.

In the 60kg match of kickboxing, Đặng Từ Huy knocked out Lê Trung Hiếu near the end off the three-round match with just 30 seconds left.

The only female fight saw Trần Phan Ngọc Hân defeat Nguyễn Thanh Hằng in the 51kg category.

In Muay Thai, Vũ Đại Luật gave no chance to Nguyễn Quốc Thắng in the 57kg class. He dominated the bout with heavy attacks and made his rival collapse in second round.

Earlier, Bùi Trần Anh Tuấn beat Thomas Abati in the 51kg class and Dương Hoàng Tuấn defeated Đỗ Thành Đạt in the 54kg pool.

The MFC, jointly organised by the MCV Group and the Việt Nam Mixed Martial Arts Joint Stock Company, is scheduled to be held every three months in HCM City. 

There will be from seven to eight fights at each event in which local and international athletes invited to fight under the message of "Glory to the Brave Warriors".

According to organisers, MFC targets to be a combination of a professional sport competition and attractive entertainment experience. It is a stage where talented fighters can show off their skills and strength, and at the same time bring joy and excitement to supporters.

Province blames caterers for mass school food poisoning

Kien Giang Provincial Health Department stated that excess levels of bacteria were the main cause of recent mass food poisoning among more than 90 children at three schools in the southern province.

Pupils at three primary schools, Mac Dinh Chi, Le Van Tam, and Tran Van On, in Rach Gia City, were given meals consisting of rice, cabbage and bean soup with fish balls, braised pork, and jackfruit for lunch on November 15.

After having a short nap, they were given some noodles with vegetables at 1 pm. All the food was prepared by a local supplier, Cat Tuong Company.

At around 2 pm, many students started to develop the symptoms of food poisoning including stomachaches and vomiting. A total of 93 students had to be sent to hospital for treatment.

According to the department, sample food testing results showed that the braised pork was contaminated with bacteria exceeding the regulated levels, including Bacillus cereus, Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus, and that was the cause of the food poisoning.

Authorities found that the kitchen of Cat Tuong Food Supply Company where the meals were prepared, violated sanitary regulations.

Rach Gia City People's Committee has asked local schools to cancel their food supply contract with the company while local authorities are investigating its violations.

Farm owner wants to purchase wandering Cao Bang camels

An owner of a farm has expressed his interest in buying two camels found wandering the northern mountainous province of Cao Bang.

Vo Mai Tu, 35, is the owner of Alpaca Farm in Pleiku City in the Central Highlands province of Gia Lai.

The two camels were first discovered in Xuan Truong Commune in Bao Lac District in March this year. To date, no one has claimed the animals and they are being taken care of by the local border guards.

The two camels were first discovered in Cao Bang's Bao Lac District in March this year

According to Tu, his farm is raising five Alpaca camels that originated from South America. The two camels in Cao Bang are of the Bactrian breed, making them easy to raise, he claimed.

The two camels in Cao Bang seem to suffer from malnutrition, Tu said, adding that he wanted to take them to his farm so they could be cared for.

Tu’s farm has a separate area for camels which are monitored by veterinarians.

Cao Xuan Binh, a veterinarian from Pleiku City, said that the northern region is now in the winter, therefore, it is important to keep the camels warm and conduct regular deworming and blood parasite checks every six months.

Dam Van Thang, chairman of Xuan Truong Commune, said the purchase of the two camels would be decided by Bao Lac District authorities.

Hanoi set to host Korean Gastronomy Week 2023

The annual Korean Gastronomy Week 2023 will get underway at InterContinental Hanoi Landmark72 in the capital from November 30, with the occasion featuring a number of culinary and cultural exchange activities.

The annual Korean Gastronomy Week 2023 will be held  at InterContinental Hanoi Landmark72 in Hanoi on November 30.

The event will offer a unique opportunity for guests to taste extraordinary dishes created by two-star Michelin chef Lee Jun from SOIGNÉ restaurant.

Visitors will also have the chance to take part in a series of exciting workshops conducted by well-acclaimed chefs and mixologists who will be present at the function.

According to Korean Ambassador to Vietnam Choi Young-sam, the upcoming Korean Gastronomy Week 2023 will contribute to further promoting Korean cuisine to Vietnamese people, as well as enhancing cultural exchanges between the two countries. The event is due to last until December 9.

Dong Nai adds Cat Lai bridge construction planning to connect HCMC

The People’s Committee of Dong Nai Province sent an official letter to the departments and sectors on implementing the traffic connection plan between Ho Chi Minh City and Dong Nai Province.

Accordingly, the People’s Committee assigned the departments of Planning and Investment, Construction, Natural Resources and Environment, Transport and the People’s Committees of Long Thanh District and Nhon Trach District to collaborate with the relevant units to study, add the planning projects of Dong Nai Province in synchronization with the planning projects of Ho Chi Minh City.

Of which, the Provincial Department of Transport was assigned to chair and instruct the Transportation Works Construction Investment Project Management Board of the province to submit the pre-feasibility report of the project.

Besides, the People’s Committee of Dong Nai Province required the departments, sectors and localities to collaborate with relevant units of the People’s Committee of Ho Chi Minh City to study the investment of the projects, ensure the synchronization and promote the investment effectiveness.

Previously, the People’s Committee of Ho Chi Minh City sent an official letter to feedback on the proposal of the People’s Committee of Dong Nai Province to submit the pre-feasibility report and the schedule to implement the path road to Cat Lai Bridge from Ho Chi Minh City after the inter-port road of Cat Lai – Phu Huu – Ring Road No.3 is completed and put into exploitation.

The planning to build a bridge connecting Ho Chi Minh City and Dong Nai Province and replacing the current ferry of Cat Lai is expected to be implemented following the approval of the Prime Minister on May 9, 2017 in accordance with the general planning of the Nhon Trach urban area with a design of six lanes which would be implemented in the period of 2021 – 2025.

North-Central localities urgently stamp out African swine fever outbreaks

Authorities in the North-Central localities are collaborating with pig-farming households and residents to urgently stamp out African swine fever outbreaks in recent days.

The province of Nghe An has recorded 77 African swine fever outbreaks in 21 districts and towns, mostly in small pig-farming households due to negligence in the epidemic prevention and control; failure to fully allocate funding and human resources for ASF prevention and control works; low vaccination rates and a lack of biosecurity measures.

In addition, many cases of illegally trading and transporting sick pigs, dumping dead pig carcasses and causing the spread of disease and environmental pollution occurred.

Amid the situation, Chairman of People's Committee of Nghe An Province Nguyen Duc Trung has just asked localities to establish rapid response teams to promptly handle newly- detected outbreaks.

Besides, the People's Committees at the communal level are responsible for mobilizing forces to check, monitor and promptly collect and destroy animal carcasses in the environment; propagate people not to hide any information related to the epidemic; not to trade and slaughter or dump carcasses of ASF-infected or suspected animals into the environment.

The provincial police and relevant sectors are strengthening inspection, arresting and strictly handling cases of intentionally transporting and consuming animals illegally without quarantine and so on.

Similarly, the African swine fever outbreak spreads to six communes of Cam Xuyen, Duc Tho, Nghi Xuan districts and Hong Linh Town in Ha Tinh Province.

The local authority destroyed 100 pigs.

In addition, hoof-and-mouth disease also occurred in Xuan Hoi Commune, Nghi Xuan District, causing 25 sick buffaloes and cows.

The Ha Tinh Provincial People's Committee requested the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development to coordinate with relevant departments and sectors and localities to urgently review and organize vaccination for unvaccinated livestock herds, guide the measures of biosecurity measures in farming, hygiene and disinfection measures with lime powder and chemicals in livestock areas, slaughterhouses and tmarkets and so on.

The People's Committee of Quang Tri Province has just issued a letter on supporting livestock farmers damaged by African swine fever.

2024 desk calendars catch customers' attention

In recent years, the paper calendar has not attracted more customers but it is indispensable. Businesses have improved the quality and design of paper calendars to meet new market demands.

As a long-standing business specializing in printing calendars, An Hao Company continued to provide many kinds of products, such as bloc calendars, desk calendars, wall calendars, exclusive calendars, and others to meet the customers’ demand. Some highlight bloc calendars include “Vietnam’s Glory”, “Vietnam’s Prosperity”, “The green world” and ‘The colorful world”.

Huong Trang Culture Services and Trading Company Limited has published a set of bloc calendars with the themes of the homeland and country, natural landscapes nationwide, Vietnam’s sea and islands, fruits, and specialties.

Last year, the Su That (Truth) National Political Publishing House released two bloc calendars entitled “National Treasures” and “Country seen from the Sea” that attracted a large number of customers. The publisher continued to re-print these products along with the new one featuring the epic poem entitled Truyen Kieu (Tale of Kieu).

Although the pandemic has been controlled, it has affected the Vietnamese economy and enterprises. Consumers have tightened their wallets. However, cultural products at affordable prices, such as sets of calendars with elaborate and solemn designs, are expected to encourage clients to open their wallets, Deputy Director of the Su That (Truth) National Political Publishing House Nguyen Thai Binh said.

The publishing house hoped that the sets of calendars would continuously bring knowledge to everyone, and raise awareness and appreciation about the historical and cultural values, love for the country, promotion and preservation of cultural values and strengths of the country in the new period, he added.

On the last days of this year, the hustling and bustling atmosphere of the 2024 calendar season was recorded. A number of stores are offering discounts of 20, 30, and up to 50 percent on their products to stimulate purchasing power.

HCMC- Gyeongsangbuk Culture, Tourism Festival 2023 opens

The Ho Chi Minh City - Gyeongsangbuk Culture and Tourism Festival 2023 opened at the September 23 Park in HCMC last night.

Speaking at the opening ceremony, Deputy Chairman of the People’s Committee of Ho Chi Minh City Duong Anh Duc expressed his gratefulness for the initiatives and efforts of authorities of the Gyeongsangbuk Province in promoting the cooperation between Ho Chi Minh City and the Republic of Korea in general and for the festival in particular.

Visitors experience culture of the Republic of Korea at Ho Chi Minh City - Gyeongsangbuk Culture and Tourism Festival 2023.

In the warm atmosphere of friendship, Deputy Chairman Duong Anh Duc sent his congratulations and best wishes to the Ho Chi Minh City - Gyeongsangbuk Culture and Tourism Festival 2023.

Governor of Gyeongsangbuk Province Lee Cheol Woo confirmed that more than 9,000 Korean companies are operating in Vietnam, and the country is now the third largest trade partner of the Republic of Korea.

Especially, the two countries have a deep cultural affinity with more than 40,000 Korean–Vietnamese married couples.

According to the Gyeongsangbuk Province Governor, the Ho Chi Minh City - Gyeongsangbuk Culture and Tourism Festival 2023 aims to exchange and enhance the close culture via Korean pop (K-pop) music and tourist activities apart from developing a playground for economic exchange based on tourism platforms.

Vietnam Fatherland Front, Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference step up ties

Delegates of the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF)’s Central Committee and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) shared their working experience at a conference held in Ha Long city, the northern province of Quang Ninh on November 28.

The conference drew the participation of nearly 140 delegates from the VFF’s Central Committee and VFF chapters in Quang Ninh, Lao Cai, Dien Bien, Cao Bang, Ha Giang, Lai Chau and Lang Son provinces, the CPPCC National Committee and its committees in Yunnan province and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region.

Highlighting the roles of the VFF and the CPPCC in the political life in each country, especially in promoting the national strength, Vice President and General Secretary of the VFF Central Committee Nguyen Thi Thu Ha said the two sides have enjoyed fruitful cooperation over the past time.

CPPCC Vice Chairman Wang Yong said that the conference will help nurture the close friendship between the two nations, while promoting the bilateral relations in the spirit of “friendly neighbourliness, comprehensive cooperation, long-lasting stability, and looking forward to the future” in the 21st century.

At the event, delegates exchanged experience in improving and promoting the role of supervision and social criticism work, and participating in Party and government building, collecting and reporting the people's opinions to the Party and State, thus contributing to national construction and defence. 

Both sides agreed to bolster friendship exchanges and cooperation in various fields, and promote the implementation of common perceptions of high-ranking leaders for a stable and healthy development of the Vietnam – China relations in the coming time.

Besides, they reached consensus on stepping up cooperation between the VFF and the CPPCC at all levels, and promote their roles in enhancing people-to-people exchanges and popularising the Vietnam-China traditional friendly neighbourliness.

Vietnamese, Cuban young army officers gather at seminar

Young officers from the Vietnam People's Army (VPA) and the Cuban Ministry of Revolutionary Armed Forces gathered at a seminar in Hanoi on November 28 to tighten the loyal solidarity between the two countries and armies. 

Speaking at the event, Col. Tran Viet Nang, head of the VPA’s Youth Department said the activity aims to popularise the traditions and relations between the two countries’ armies and people, their culture and people while nurturing revolutionary ideals and fostering the spirit of dedication among the young generations of both armies and countries as a whole.

The two sides briefed each other on the general situation of the two countries and armies, and discussed measures to further strengthen the bilateral special relationship.

The Vietnamese side affirmed that the young officers of VPA will always stand shoulder to shoulder with the Cuban people and comrades from the Cuban Ministry of Revolutionary Armed Forces,

On the occasion, Nang proposed that both sides strengthen their fight against all sabotage plots and tactics of hostile forces aimed at dividing the solidarity between the two countries and armies. He also suggested increasing exchanges and improving professional competence for young officers, with an initial focus on medical field.

While in Vietnam from November 23-December 3, the Cuban delegation paid tribute to President Ho Chi Minh at his mausoleum and toured the Presidential Palace and Ho Chi Minh Museum in Hanoi. They also attended a meeting hosted by leader of the VPA’s General Political Department, and exchanges with some military schools.

Source: VNA/SGT/VNS/VOV/Dtinews/SGGP/VGP/Hanoitimes