National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue (L) and President of the Philippine Senate Juan Miguel Zubiri. (Photo: VNA) 

Receiving the Vietnamese leader in Manila, Zubiri noted Vietnam is the Philippines’ only strategic partner in ASEAN. He congratulated Vietnam on important achievements it has recorded in COVID-19 control and socio-economic recovery, resulting in high growth rate and inflation under control.

Hue for his part highly appreciated both houses of the Congress of the Philippines approving a resolution to strengthen relation with Vietnam, saying this is a historic event in the relationship between the two countries and two legislatures.

Both host and guest said that trade cooperation is currently a bright spot in bilateral relations, and they agreed to further increase cooperation in the fields of defense-security, investment, rice trading, agriculture, and maritime security cooperation.

Zubiri thanked Vietnam for supplying rice to the Philippines, helping it ensure food security, and hoped the Philippines would export more products to Vietnam to balance bilateral trade in the context that the former is slipping into a trade deficit with Vietnam.

The two leaders lauded cooperation between the legislative bodies of the two countries both bilaterally and multilaterally. They affirmed the central role of parliamentary cooperation in enhancing bilateral and multilateral relations between countries.

They therefore agreed to maintain the exchange of reciprocal visits and consultations between the two legislative bodies in order to share experience in legislation, supervision and decision making, while facilitating coordination and support in multilateral cooperation mechanisms.

The two sides emphasized the need to strengthen ASEAN’s solidarity, stance and central role in handling current traditional and non-traditional security challenges, including maritime security, defense – security, natural disasters prevention, and climate change response.

Regarding the East Sea issue, the Vietnamese National Assembly leader suggested that the two countries should uphold ASEAN’s stance, effectively implement the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC) and work towards completing the Code of Conduct (DOC) in the regional waters on the basis of the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea.

Vietnam greatly values strategic partnership with the Philippines

National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue affirmed Vietnam's unwavering policy of strengthening its strategic partnership with the Philippines in a multitude of fields during his meeting with President Ferdinand Romualdez Marcos in Manila on November 23.

The top Vietnamese legislator showed his elation at the first visit to the Philippines, while hoping that under the leadership of the President, the Philippines will reap more achievements in national development and raise its role and position in the region and the world.

He conveyed Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s regards and President Nguyen Xuan Phuc’s invitation to the host President and his wife to visit Vietnam.

After briefing the host on the results of his talks with Speaker of the Philippine House of Representatives Martin Romualdez, Chairman Hue stated both nations should boost ties via the Party, State, National Assembly, Government and people-to-people channels.

Marcos said he believed the visit will be an important milestone to further tighten the bilateral strategic partnership as well as the collaboration between the two legislative bodies.

He thanked Vietnam for stable rice supply to help the Philippines ensure food security amid the global food security crisis.

The Vietnamese NA leader suggested the two nations expand coordination not only in economy, trade, investment, national defence-security, but also in agriculture, sci-tech, education and training, digital transformation, digital economy, climate change response, green and just energy transformation, tourism, people-to-people exchange and cyber security.

Bilateral trade between the two countries hit a record high of US$6.8 billion last year and close to US$6.6 billion during the past ten months of this year.

The host leader suggested facilitating visits at all levels to match the two countries’ cooperation potential. He also asked Vietnam to import more goods from the Philippines to achieve a more balanced trade.

Chairman Hue also used the occasion to ask the Philippines to continue with humanitarian treatment for Vietnamese fishermen in line with the spirit of friendship and cooperation in ASEAN, and make it easier for them to reunite with their families.

Regarding multilateral cooperation, host and guest applauded close and effective liaisons between their countries at international organisations and forums.

The top Vietnamese legislator agreed with the host’s proposal to coordinate common stances regarding multilateral issues within the framework of the United Nations, ASEAN and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC).

They pledged to share information, offer mutual support and contribute to reinforcing ASEAN's solidarity, voice and central role in common security issues in the region, including the East Sea. 

President Ferdinand Marcos expressed his pleasure at President Nguyen Xuan Phuc's invitation to visit Vietnam and affirmed that he will arrange the visit soon.

Source: VOV/VNA