President Truong Tan Sang’s State visit to Cambodia on December 23-24 holds a significant importance to the development of the two countries’ relations, Deputy Foreign Minister Ho Xuan Son told the press after the visit.

The official noted that during the visit, the two countries’ leaders exchanged in-depth opinions on the friendship and comprehensive cooperation between Vietnam and Cambodia as well as regional and international issues of mutual concern.

Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni and leaders thanked Vietnam for great assistance in all circumstances, especially during periods of hardship for Cambodia, and affirmed that the Cambodian people always keep in mind Vietnamese volunteer soldiers’ help in liberating them from the genocidal Khmer Rouge regime in 1979.

The two sides affirmed they will continue developing bilateral relations in line with the motto of “good neighbourliness, traditional friendship, and comprehensive and sustainable cooperation”. They will fully comply with agreed principles, including not allowing any hostile forces to use their respective territories to threaten the other’s security, Son added.

Bilateral economic, trade and investment cooperation also received much attention, with both sides agreeing to consider adjusting relevant policies so as to promote investment and bring two-way trade to 5 billion USD in 2015 and higher in the following years.

They renewed the determination to complete border demarcation and marker planting on the two countries’ shared borderline as soon as possible in order to build a boundary of peace, friendship, cooperation, and development.

Besides, the countries’ leaders also agreed to create more favourable conditions and provide equal treatment for the Vietnamese and Cambodian communities in each other’s country, the Deputy Foreign Minister said.

They will continue collaboration and mutual support at multilateral forums, actively engage in the construction of the ASEAN Community, scheduled to be formed on December 31, 2015, and build major orientations for its next stage of development.

The two countries took the occasion to emphasise their support of the peaceful settlement of disputes in line with internationally recognised principles and regional commitments. They pledged to continue coordinating closely with each other and with other member countries of the Mekong River Commission in ensuring the sustainable management and use of the river’s water resources.

Deputy Minister Son underlined that the visit is a great success and its outcomes serve as major orientations for the sustainable development of the nations’ relations.