Vietnam reaking

Update news Vietnam reaking

Economists warn of Vietnam's growing trade deficit towards South Korea

 The Republic of Korea has surpassed China, becoming Vietnam’s biggest import market.

New trend: Vietnamese capital flowing into foreign real estate markets

 While foreign capital flows into the Vietnamese real estate market, domestic capital also flows out of Vietnam into various markets around the world.

Q1/2017: Export of agro-forestry-fishery products posted good increase

 Q1/2017: Export of agro-forestry-fishery products posted good increase

Vietnam should be ready for bilateral trade deal talks with US: experts

 Vietnam should be ready to negotiate a free trade agreement with the US, according to some speakers at a recent seminar on the impacts of the Trump administration’s policies in Asia-Pacific.

Capitaland, Toong chiefs discuss co-working space business model in VN

 Lim Ming Yan, president and group CEO of CapitaLand, and Duong Do, founder and CEO of Toong Coworking Space, have discussed the potential of the co-working space model in Viet Nam.