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vietnam record

Update news vietnam record

Ao dai, 220 meters long, sets Vietnamese record

A Vietnamese Ao Dai (traditional gown) by designer Phuong Ho has been awarded the Vietnamese record for the longest hand-made ao dai with a length of 220.6m and a weight of 250kg.

Phu Dien Cham Tower in Vietnam sets world record

The central province of Thua Thien – Hue on June 27 held a ceremony to mark WorldKings’ recognition of Phu Dien Tower built by the Cham people as a world record.

A veteran harmonica player in destitute

 Few people know that harmonica player Tong Son who has played this musical instrument across the country for over 50 years is leading a difficult life at his home in HCMC.

Record fruit map in Can Tho

 A map of Vietnam made entirely out of fruit has been recognized as the largest fruit map in Vietnam by the Vietnamese Guinness Book of Records on February 9 in the Mekong Delta city of Can Tho.