bác sĩ minh
According to Dr. Nguyen Thi Hong Minh, there are now many solutions to help women effectively control pregnancy. Photo: Dang Xuan Thang

According to the Department of Maternal and Child Health under the Ministry of Health, the rate of teenage pregnancies has shown no signs of decreasing in recent years, accounting for 2.5-3% of all pregnancies.

Annually, an additional 3,000 teenage abortion cases are recorded at public health facilities. However, the actual figure may be much higher due to abortions performed at private clinics.

A 2016 study by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) on the quality of family planning services in Vietnam revealed that approximately 17.4% of women reported having had an abortion at some point in their lives.

The study found that over half of these abortions (53.6%) were due to unplanned pregnancies, 8.9% were the result of contraceptive failure, and 1.6% were related to sex-selective abortions.

During the panel discussion “Modern Women – Empowering Lives” organized by Vietnam Women’s Newspaper, Dr. Nguyen Thi Hong Minh, former Director of the Reproductive Health Counseling and Family Planning Center at the National Hospital of Obstetrics and Gynecology, highlighted that while there are many effective solutions to help women manage pregnancy, the rate of abortions due to unplanned pregnancies remains high. She also noted that many cases involved contraceptive failure.

Dr. Minh pointed out that a lack of information and education about reproductive health and modern contraceptive methods often leads to ineffective or non-use of contraception. Additionally, misconceptions, lack of cooperation from partners, and pressure from family and society regarding contraception contribute to the rise in unplanned pregnancies.

Unplanned pregnancies can disrupt lives, negatively impacting careers and posing health risks for both the mother and child when there is inadequate preparation. This not only affects the personal success and happiness of women but also has broader social implications.

Experts at the panel agreed that modern women must not only be independent in their careers but also take charge of their personal health, especially reproductive health. Choosing the right time to have children, with adequate psychological, health, and financial preparation, is essential to achieving both personal and societal well-being.

Diep Luc