Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Le Thi Thu Hang 
Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Le Thi Thu Hang 

“Vietnam affirms that security and defence cooperation activities of countries need to be in accordance with international law, especially the United Nations Charter, and international treaties to which that country is a member. This serves to contribute to maintaining peace, stability, security, safety, cooperation and development in the region and the world at large", Hang stressed at a routine press briefing on April 21.

Earlier, on April 19, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Wang Wenbin stated that China and the Solomon Islands signed a security agreement early this month. According to Wang, the deal allows China to cooperate with the Solomon Islands in maintaining social order, protecting people's safety, responding to natural disasters, and safeguarding national security.

He also emphasized that this agreement is transparent and does not target any third party.

However, the US, Japan, New Zealand and Australia have expressed concern about the pact.

Source: VOV