vietnam retains leading position with entrepreneurship index picture 1

The Amway Global Entrepreneur Report 2023 (AGER 2023) reveals that 96% of those surveyed feel okay about other people pursuing a side income, while 54% see it as either totally normal or a great way for people to use their talents. This figure in Vietnam stands at 98% and 91%, respectively.

Furthermore, 67% view having their own business as a desirable opportunity when they know someone who has started a business, up from 58% in 2019.

The report also outlines that e-commerce and digital technology experienced massive growth during the COVID-19 pandemic, particularly as the world became more comfortable with purchasing products through social platforms.

While traditional retail may never go away entirely, most people globally are comfortable buying products through social media, creating fresh opportunities for businesses to meet people where they are, make connections, and market what they do.

According to the survey, 77% of the respondents are comfortable buying products through social media.

The 2023 AGER, reveals comprehensive data on trends around starting a business. Started in 2013, the Amway-sponsored study represents the world's largest, longest-running global study on perceptions of entrepreneurship. The 2023 AGER examined the state of entrepreneurship in a post-pandemic world, working to collect data from more than 15,000 adults in 15 markets worldwide, presenting five major takeaways.

Source: VOV