Vietnam is currently the only Asian recipient of Belgian development aid and is keen to boost investments from Belgium and Europe, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung affirmed.

Addressing representatives from more than 150 Belgian and Vietnamese firms in Brussels on October 13, the Prime Minister said Vietnam prioritised refining market economy regulations, ensuring fair competition and reforming administrative procedures.

Vietnam is now a middle-income country with a gross domestic product (GDP) per capita of over 2,000 USD. The economy is expected to grow by 6.5-7 percent from 2016-2020 overall, with a 6.2-6.4 percent growth rate forecast for 2015, he told the forum.

The country boasts more than 17,000 foreign-invested projects worth almost 250 billion VND (11.9 billion USD) and fulfils a large part of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals.

Additionally, the Vietnam–European Union free trade agreement is scheduled to be completed during the first quarter next year, formalising bilateral trade between the two parties.

Last year, two-way trade between Vietnam and Belgium hit 1.8 billion USD, up by 17 percent year-on-year. The figure for January-June 2014 was 1.2 billion USD.

Regarding pharmaceuticals production, airport and seaport infrastructure, and hospital construction, the government leader made it clear that Vietnam would open its market to all interested parties and implement management practices in line with international standards, adding that the country encouraged investments in infrastructure, especially in the form of public-private partnerships.

Since Vietnam has a shortage of hospitals, the country also pushes for the involvement of the private sector in order to meet public demand, he said.

Marc Stordiau, Chief Executive Officer of Rent-a-Port, a company that recently received its investment licence from the PM, said Vietnam’s business-friendly climate and abundant young workforce were why his company sought to make inroads into the Vietnamese market.

Belgian officials willing to boost relations with Vietnam

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung continued his official visit to Belgium on October 13 and met with Belgian senior officials, who affirmed their willingness to support the development of bilateral relations.

In a meeting with Chairwoman of the Belgian Senate Sabine De Bethune and Vice President of the Chamber of Representatives Françoise Schepmans, PM Nguyen Tan Dung stated that he highly valued the progress made in bilateral relations, which the Belgian federal parliament greatly contributed to.

Both sides agreed to step up cooperation on all fronts, particularly on development cooperation, and trade and investment.

Considering the Vietnamese leader’s visit a milestone in bilateral relations, the two Belgian officials affirmed that the Belgian Senate and Chamber of Representatives would actively support the expansion of their affiliation.

At the meeting, both sides spoke highly of the countries’ close cooperation at multilateral forums. They agreed to work closer to boost Vietnam-European Union ties, ratify the Vietnam-EU Partnership and Cooperation Agreement, recognise Vietnam’s full market economy, and promptly conclude the negotiations on the Vietnam-EU Free Trade Agreement.

On behalf of the National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung, PM Nguyen Tan Dung invited the Belgian officials to the 132 nd General Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU-132), which is scheduled for next year in Hanoi.

In a meeting with the Mayor of Brussels Yvan Mayeur, the Vietnamese leader said the capital city, Belgium’s political, administrative, economic and cultural centre and EU headquarters, played an active role in the intensification of Vietnam’s ties with Belgium and the EU.

A number of activities have been implemented throughout the city to promote Vietnam’s image in Belgium and the EU member countries, he elaborated.

Mayor Yvan Mayeur said Brussels was keen to enhance Vietnam’s relations with the two European partners.

The Vietnamese leader also met with Minister President of the French Community of Belgium Rudy Demotte, and praised the cooperation programme for 2013-2015 and the community’s objective to collaborate closely with Vietnam, which is in line with Vietnam’s socio-economic development needs.

They both spoke highly of the increasing ties between Vietnam and the French community, as demonstrated by the mutual assistance provided as part of the framework of the International Organisation of La Francophonie.

Rudy Demotte said the community attached great importance to its relations with Vietnam and hoped for more cooperation projects, adding that the community would continue to support the Vietnamese-Belgian ties.

In a separate meeting with Jean-Charles Luperto, the President of the Parliament of the French Community of Belgium, PM Nguyen Tan Dung thanked the parliament for its contributions to the Vietnamese-Belgian relationship and asked for further support to enhance the relationship between the two countries.

For his part, Charles Luperto highlighted the progress made in the relations between Vietnam and the French community, suggesting both sides expand their cooperation on tertiary education and vocational training, culture and the teaching of French.

PM Nguyen Tan Dung concluded his visit to Belgium on October 14 and travelled to Germany for an official visit.