Personal location beacon developed by Viettel

Military technologies play an increasingly important role in shaping the world. Many technologies used now are products coming from military inventions.

The US Department of Defense, for example, is the developer of a technology that is widely used today - Global Positioning System (GPS).

At first, GPS was used only for military purposes. After the 1980s, the US allowed GPS for civil purposes all over the globe.

In Vietnam, a military unit researches and develops products serving military purposes – Viettel High Technology Industries Corporation (VHT).

The unit manufactures a variety of complex weapons and equipment such as communication and electronic warfare machines, radar, day- and night-vision glasses (optoelectronics), unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and combat command support system.

Nguyen Cuong Hoang, Deputy CEO of VHT, said, at first, not many officers of the Information and Communications High Command (Ministry of National Defence) believed that Vietnam could manufacture modern military equipment.

“After many workshops, field trials and comparisons with leading products from Germany and Israel, Vietnam-made weapons are increasingly perfect. Currently, 100 percent of the most modern communication machines used in the army are made by Vietnamese,” Hoang said.

Not only communication machines, but all radar systems for guarding, protecting Vietnam's airspace, and combat command and control systems are now mastered by Vietnamese manufacturers.

Not only making high-quality defence equipment, Viettel is also making telecommunication equipment (transceiver equipment and core network 4G and 5G) and equipment serving digital transformation.

From the research and development of products used for military purposes, Viettel has utilized technologies to make many products for civilian life.

One of the products is a vehicle driving simulation system, a variation of the warplane and tank steering simulation model. The simulation system will be used in car driving tests, before trainees take the driving test in reality.

Prior to that, the company had successfully developed personal location beacon. This is a device used in emergency cases, which broadcasts navigation signals and flashing SOS signals so that rescue vehicles can find locations exactly.

Equipping fishermen and soldiers with personal location beacons plays an important role in quickly determining the locations of accidents, reducing the cost and time for search and rescue.

Trong Dat