VietNamNet Bridge – The Vietnam General Confederation of Labor is working with Quang Ngai Province over a project to build a monument on Ly Son Island off the central province’s coast to pay tribute to Vietnamese people who had sacrificed their lives to protect Hoang Sa (Paracel) archipelago.


Ly Son Island – Photo: SGGP


Ngo Minh Dong, deputy office manager of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, said the confederation is raising money from trade unions and workers across the country to finance the project.

The goal of the project is “to pay respect and express gratitude to the Vietnamese people who were killed while trying to protect the country’s sovereignty over Hoang Sa; contribute to fostering national pride, solidarity and patriotism among the Vietnamese; and create a place for Vietnamese at home and abroad to commemorate and learn about the history of fighting to protect the country,” he said.

The confederation and Quang Ngai authorities have also launched a Hoang Sa monument design contest to choose the best design in terms of historical, educational and aesthetic values.

The project is planned to cover around 1.5-2 hectares.

Organizations and individuals at home and abroad can join the contest and should register their interest at the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor, 82 Tran Hung Dao Street, Hanoi, or at its representative office in HCMC at 85 Cach Mang Thang Tam Street.

The organizer will receive entries from August 1 to October 31. After the best design is chosen, the confederation would invite contestants to visit Ly Son Island.

Currently, the confederation is working on a project to build Gac Ma monument on 2.5 hectares in Cam Ranh City, Khanh Hoa Province, also on the central coast. The project costs around VND100 billion (US$4,583), which is sourced from trade unions and workers nationwide, as well as local and foreign organizations and individuals.

The design for Gac Ma monument was also chosen in a contest held by the confederation. This monument commemorates 64 unarmed Vietnamese troops who were killed by the Chinese while they were protecting Gac Ma (Johnson South Reef) in Vietnam’s Truong Sa (Spratly) islands.