vietnam to master technology for producing 15 types of vaccines by 2030 picture 1

The main objective of the scheme is to meet demand for vaccines against infectious diseases which are required to be deployed in the Expanded Immunisation Programme for the 2021 - 2030 period, with vaccines to be used to service immunisation and pandemic prevention and control.

Vietnam aims to master technology to produce 10 types of vaccines by 2025 and 15 types by 2030 against diseases such as diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus, Haemophilus Influenzae (Hib), and either Polio or Hepatitis B, with all the vaccines required to meet international standards.

Top priority will be given to outlining specific mechanisms for vaccine research and production, especially for vaccines which combat emerging, dangerous, and highly infectious diseases, as well as new vaccines.

The programme also proposes strengthening investment in developing science and technology research centres for vaccines, while simultaneously accelerating the use of advanced technology to produce vaccines against cancer.

Moreover, it will also focus on the development of human resources for research and production of vaccines, thereby attracting investment and co-operation from international organisations in training human resources.

Source: VOV