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10th Party Central Committee Conference. Photo: Nhat Bac

This decision was highlighted in the communiqué from the 10th meeting of the 13th Party Central Committee, which emphasized the importance of fast-tracking the project.

The Party Central Committee tasked the Government’s Party Personnel Committee and the National Assembly’s Party Delegation with directing relevant agencies to expedite the preparation of the project dossier for submission at the next National Assembly session.

The high-speed railway is viewed as a critical infrastructure project that aligns with key Party policies and resolutions. It is expected to bolster regional connectivity, link key growth hubs, and stimulate new economic development opportunities.

The project will also address the transportation demands along the North-South corridor, the largest transport route in the country, ensuring economic development while strengthening national defense and security.

The Party Central Committee noted the need for special mechanisms and policies to mobilize resources for the 350km/h high-speed railway project. These measures will be part of the proposal presented to the National Assembly.

In addition to the railway project, the Central Committee approved the proposal to establish Hue as a centrally administered city. The Government's Party Personnel Committee and the National Assembly's Party Delegation will collaborate with local authorities to finalize the proposal, which will also be reviewed at the 8th Session of the 15th National Assembly.

Thu Hang