VietNamNet Bridge – Saying that the current defense cooperation between Vietnam and Japan is "very good," Vice Minister of Defense Nguyen Chi Vinh hoped that the two countries would have field cooperation in the future.


Vice Minister of Defense Nguyen Chi Vinh.   

Deputy Minister Nguyen Chi Vinh talked with reporters on the sidelines of the inauguration ceremony of the Vietnam Peacekeeping Centre on Tuesday morning.

Answering the question of Japan’s NHK on cooperation between the two countries in UN peacekeeping activities, Vinh said: "We have cooperated with each other very well and we need it better now. We have teamed up in training and experience sharing. We hope to have field cooperation, especially in capacity building for the Peacekeeping Centre."

The Japanese Ambassador to Vietnam, Mr. Hiroshi Fukada, said that the regional and international context is becoming more complicated. Regarding security, the two countries do their utmost for peace and cooperation in the region and outside the region.

"Unfortunately, some countries have forced other countries and unilaterally changed the status quo through the use of force or threat of force. To solve this problem, the law is the key tool. We need to uphold the law. Any country, whether big or small, strong or weak, is fair to raise its voice. We must follow our principles to enhance solidarity in the region and the international community," he said.

In bilateral relations, the Japanese Ambassador said that Japan’s policies in peacekeeping and Vietnam’s international integration policies in terms of politics and defense have many similarities.

He also stressed that the two countries can cooperate successfully in the peacekeeping forces of the UN, particularly in South Sudan, where the two first Vietnamese officers will join the UN peacekeeping mission in June.

Xuan Linh