VietNamNet Bridge – A lot of excellent university graduates complain they cannot find jobs. This is not because of the economic recession, but because of the candidates’ lack of necessary skills.





Nguyen Anh Thu, the manager of a dairy company in HCM City, said many times the candidates with “excellent” university degrees “did not understand who they were and what they wanted.”

A bachelor from Ninh Thuan province insisted on having a meeting with the manager after hearing that his curriculum vitae was not shortlisted. He affirmed that no one of the new recruited workers deserved to get the job more than him.

Thu said that the attitude of the candidate alone made her believe that she made a right decision when refusing him.

“In general, the graduates with A-grade believe they are the best. Therefore, they tend to be very demanding when applying for jobs,” she said. “However, their overly high requirements cannot be met by the company.”

T Nguyen, an excellent economics bachelor remains redundant for the last six months because no company offers him the monthly salary of VND20 million, or nearly $1,000, as he expects.

Nguyen was a good student of a well-known university in Hanoi. Therefore, he believed that he would be the target of many head hunting firms. However, to date, Nguyen still cannot find the satisfactory job, because, according to Nguyen, the employers are not experienced enough to discover the talents.

Nguyen Minh, the owner of a glass table enterprise in HCM City, agreed to pay highly to T, the bachelor of an economics school in HCM City, but later, dismissed him.

Minh admitted that T is a qualified worker, but he still decided to dismiss him after some thoughts. The boss several times agreed to raise salaries for T after he excellently fulfilled the company’s plans. However, as T’s demands got higher, Minh decided not to satisfy him any more.

Minh, who believed that he was the only “star” in the company, then asked Minh to sack some workers, because he thought he did not accepted to work under the people who were not as good as him.

“As he is uncooperative with the colleagues, he will not be able to fulfill his duties. I need the workers with good teamwork skills, not a star,” he said.

T left the company when the boss refused to please his requirements. He planned to set up a firm of his own which he believed would compete with Minh’s company. However, his business failed completely, while Minh refused to invite him back.

The statement of a Hanoi Foreign Trade University’s bachelor some months ago-- that she would only take the job if the boss accepts to pay her $1,000 a month once stirred up the business community.

The Hanoi Foreign Trade University is one of the most prestigious schools in Vietnam, which is called the Vietnamese Harvard. Therefore, the school graduates believe that they have the right to be choosy when looking for jobs.

The school’s students, therefore, have been “boycotted” by many employers. Some Vietnamese enterprises, in their recruitment notice, state that they will refuse the Hanoi Foreign Trade University’s candidates.

Tien Phong