VietNamNet Bridge – Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc and his Canadian counterpart Justin Trudeau agreed to establish the framework of a comprehensive partnership between Viet Nam and Canada during their talks in Ha Noi yesterday.


PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc (left) and his Canadian counterpart Justin Trudeau view a guard of honour during a welcome ceremony yesterday in Ha Noi. — VNA/VNS Photo Thong Nhat

This marks an important milestone in bilateral ties, serving as a driving force to promptly step up friendship and extensive and productive cooperation at a time when the two countries have increasingly been sharing interests bilaterally, regionally and globally, they said.

They agreed that the two sides will co-ordinate to realise contents in the comprehensive partnership framework across politics-diplomacy, trade-investment, development, education-training, national defence-security and science-technology.

Both sides showed their appreciation at the positive development of bilateral ties across many fields. PM Phuc spoke highly of the immense contribution to relations between the two countries made by late Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, Justin Trudeau’s father, affirming that Viet Nam treasures and wants to further its relationship with Canada.

He said over the past two decades, Canada has always been among the top suppliers of official development assistance (ODA) to Viet Nam, and asked for the country’s further supply of this capital source, especially for poverty reduction, climate change response, agriculture and sustainable growth, and support for Viet Nam’s access to preferential loans after 2017.

The host suggested Canada recognise Viet Nam as a market economy soon, further open its market to Vietnamese goods and provide more support for the Vietnamese community.

Trudeau, who is paying an official visit to Viet Nam from November 8-9, described Viet Nam as an important partner of Canada in the region and wished to foster bilateral friendship and long-term co-operation.

He committed to supporting Viet Nam in climate change response and promotion of sustainable development via the implementation of the 2030 United Nations Agenda for Sustainable Development.

The guest pledged to expand academic exchange via establishing partnerships and student exchange programmes between the two countries’ educational establishments.

The two leaders promised to continue working closely together at regional and global forums such as the UN, APEC, Francophonie, as well as on issues of shared concern.

On regional and global issues, the two leaders expressed support to ensuring maritime and aviation security, safety and freedom in the East Sea, the peaceful settlement of disputes in the East Sea, full respect for diplomatic and legal processes, and international law, as well as promotion of ocean use for peaceful purposes, environmental and marine ecological protection.

Following the talks, the two PMs attended a joint press conference.

Later the same day, the Canadian PM was received by Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong.

Party General Secretary Trong spoke highly of the bilateral relations between the two countries and expressed his delight that relations had been lifted to a new level – a comprehensive partnership – on this occasion.

He proposed the two countries actively implement signed agreements and continue promoting relations more deeply, practically and effectively for the benefits of people of the two countries and for peace, stability, co-operation and development in the region and the world.

Canadian PM Trudeau affirmed that Canada attached great importance to relations with Viet Nam and committed to strongly promoting co-operation in economy, science and technology and education.

Later the same day, President Tran Dai Quang received Canadian PM Trudeau, lauding progress in bilateral relations, particularly in trade and investment and education.

PM Trudeau hailed Viet Nam’s socio-economic development achievements and said the country is Canada’s top trade partner in Southeast Asia.

On the same day, National Assembly (NA) Chairwoman Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan received Canadian PM Trudeau, hailing the establishment of the countries’ comprehensive partnership as an important milestone.

She took the occasion to thank the Canadian Government for its new projects worth more than US$43 million in total to help Viet Nam cope with climate change, ensure food safety and increase co-operatives’ capacity. 

PM Trudeau said on the basis of the fine relations between the two countries over the years, the two sides should continue developing co-operation, particularly as Canada and Viet Nam have established a comprehensive partnership framework.

A joint statement between Viet Nam and Canada on the historic deal was issued yesterday after the talks held between PM Phuc and his Canadian counterpart Trudeau.

Vietnamese, Canadian PMs co-chair press conference


Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc (R) and his Canadian counterpart Justin Trudeau 

The establishment of comprehensive partnership between Vietnam and Canada is not only an important milestone in the bilateral relationship but also gives a momentum to cooperative ties, especially when the two nations are sharing more interests bilaterally, regionally and internationally.

Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc made the statement when co-chairing a press conference with his Canadian counterpart Justin Trudeau after their talks in Hanoi on November 8.

PM Phuc affirmed that the new agreement on bilateral relations will open a new chapter in socio-economic, cultural, defence and security cooperation in the spirit of comprehensive partnership. 

Sharing the view, PM Trudeau said that the Canada-Vietnam comprehensive partnership will be an important legal framework for the two countries to further foster their existing cooperative ties in all fields.

He expressed his belief that bilateral relations will grow further, including economic cooperation.

Regarding Canada’s participation in the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement, PM Trudeau affirmed that Canada attaches importance to international trade collaboration as it helps generate jobs, boost economic development and improve people’s living conditions.

Therefore, Canada has actively taken part in TPP negotiations in an effort to promote economic growth, he added.

President hails Canadian Prime Minister’s visit to Vietnam


President Tran Dai Quang (R) meets Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in Hanoi on November 8

President Tran Dai Quang hailed Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s visit and his attendance at the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders’ Week during a reception in Hanoi on November 8. 

The Vietnamese leader said the establishment of comprehensive partnership during the visit is an important step forward in bilateral ties and will create a new driving force to lift Vietnam-Canada ties to a greater height as the countries share more common interests on bilateral, regional and global aspects. 

The President spoke highly of new and practical progresses in bilateral links across trade-investment, development and education, national defence, climate change response and settlement of regional and global issues.

President Quang voiced his belief that the implementation of the focal content and development orientations clarified in the comprehensive partnership framework will strengthen traditional cooperation fields like economy-trade, education-training, science-technology, and development cooperation, while opening up many new cooperation opportunities in such potential aspects as security-defence, green and sustainable growth, and climate change response.

Lauding the outcomes of the talks between Trudeau and his Vietnamese counterpart Nguyen Xuan Phuc, he said both sides need to actively implement the content of the comprehensive partnership framework so as to bring Vietnam-Canada relations to a new period that is more substantive and effective.

The two countries will mark 45 years of their diplomatic ties in 2018, which is an occasion for them to carry out meaningful activities to affirm a new level in bilateral relations. The two sides should maintain high-ranking delegation exchanges and set up new cooperation mechanisms between their ministries, sectors and localities, he noted.

He said the countries should expand educational cooperation to help Vietnam have high-quality human resources to serve national development.

PM Trudeau valued Vietnam’s socio-economic achievements over the past years, stressing that among Southeast Asian nations, Vietnam is the leading trade partner of Canada and has the biggest number of students there.

He affirmed that the cooperation tradition between Canada and Vietnam will surely serve as a foundation for the comprehensive partnership to grow strongly in the future.

He also said that multilateral cooperation will help to boost the relations between the two countries in the coming time.

Sharing the view with the guest leader, President Quang suggested the two sides step up cooperation at multilateral forums and international organizations, like the UN, APEC, and Francophonie, saying this will help not only enhance bilateral ties but also enable both to work together in seeking peace and stability in the world.

He said Vietnamese people always remembered and thanked valuable assistance given by Canada, especially late Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, during their struggle for national liberation, and current support for the country’s nation-building effort.

Top legislator applauds Vietnam-Canada comprehensive partnership

Chairwoman of Vietnam’s National Assembly Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan (R) meets with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in Hanoi on November 8

Chairwoman of Vietnam’s National Assembly Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan met with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in Hanoi on November 8, hailing the establishment of the countries’ comprehensive partnership as an important stride.

She said the Vietnamese and Canadian Prime Ministers’ issuance of a joint statement on the comprehensive partnership is an important stride and a necessary basis to promote bilateral relations in a substantive, stable and long-term fashion.

She took this occasion to thank the Canadian Government for its new projects worth over 43 million USD in total to support Vietnam to cope with climate change, ensure food safety and increase cooperatives’ capacity.

The host leader voiced her support for Canada’s foreign policy of enhancing connectivity with the world and the Asian-Pacific region and reinforcing ties with Vietnam and ASEAN.

Appreciating Canada’s contribution to the preparation for APEC events in Vietnam, Chairwoman Ngan said PM Trudeau’s participation will contribute to the success of the APEC Economic Leaders’ Week, promote regional economic cooperation, and help raise Canada’s stature in an evolving regional security and economic-trade structure.

This is an opportunity for Canada to show that the country is an important and active partner in the cooperation and development of the region and the world, she added.

For his part, the Canadian leader affirmed his country treasures ties with Vietnam in its foreign policy, noting that on the basis of their sound relations, the two countries should intensify cooperation, especially when they have set up a comprehensive partnership.

At the meeting, the two leaders exchanged views on such issues as gender equality, women empowerment and children protection, adding that these fields should become their countries’ policy priorities.

They also touched upon some regional and international matters of shared concern. Regarding the East Sea issue, they expressed their support for the maintenance of order on the basis of international law, peaceful settlement of East Sea disputes, and full respect for diplomatic and legal processes and international law.-

Party leader Nguyen Phu Trong welcomes Canadian PM Trudeau


General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Nguyen Phu Trong (R) meets with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on November 8 

General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Nguyen Phu Trong hosted a reception for Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in Hanoi on November 8.

He welcomed the Canadian PM’s official visit to Vietnam and considered it as an important milestone in the two countries’ relations.

He informed his guest about Vietnam’s reform, development and foreign policies, noting that Vietnam always treasures the traditional friendship with Canada.

General Secretary Trong applauded bilateral cooperation over the past years as well as the elevation of their relations to a comprehensive partnership during Trudeau’s trip.

Valuing the outcomes of the talks between Prime Ministers Nguyen Xuan Phuc and Justin Trudeau, he asked both sides to implement the reached agreements well and continue enhancing bilateral ties in a result-oriented manner for the sake of the two peoples and for peace, stability, cooperation and development in the region and the world.

For his part, PM Trudeau said he is impressed with Vietnam’s economic development achievements, particularly in improving people’s living standards. He also spoke highly of the country’s foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, and multilateralisation and diversification of foreign relations.

Canada attaches importance to its connections with Vietnam and will remain a good friend of the Southeast Asian nation in a changing world, he said, pledging to strongly step up the two countries’ cooperation in economy, science-technology, education, and promotion of multilateralism on the basis of respecting law in a globalised world. 

He also valued Vietnam’s preparations for and important contributions to the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting, which is going to take place in Da Nang city in the next few days.