Deputy Prime Minister Trinh Dinh Dung at the event


Speaking at the event, Putin welcomed the delegates to the forum saying that their presence demonstrates deep interests in increasing economic-trade links with Russia. He said as an Eurasian power, Russia pays attention to the vibrant development of Asia-Pacific and stands ready to join bilateral dialogues and multilateral cooperation at forums such as the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU), the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SOC) and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (EAEU).

On the occasion, Dung hosted a reception for Presidential Commissioner for Entrepreneurs' Rights B.Titov.

Titov said Russia has taken measures to protect enterprises’ rights such as easing administrative pressure and simplifying criminal procedures involving businesses, and wishes to cooperate with Vietnam to share experience in the field.

Dung lauded the Russian official’s suggestion, saying that cooperation in this field will strengthen bonds between the two nations’ firms and improve the efficiency of collaboration in joint projects.

Within the framework of the fifth Eastern Economic Forum, Dung received Governor of Primorie province Oleg Kozhemiako the same day.

The Vietnamese Deputy PM proposed Vietnam and Russia’s Far East region work closely together in the fields of trade, tourism and training. He said Vietnam has demand for products of Primorie’s strength such as minerals, wood, agro-forestry-fisheries, and stays ready to export aquatic products and consumer goods to the province.

He affirmed that the Vietnamese government always backs partnership between Vietnamese and Russian localities, and suggested the two sides continue researching specific projects.

Dung thanked the authorities of Primorie province and the Governor himself for creating favourable conditions for Vietnamese communities in the locality, and supporting the building of President Ho Chi Minh Monument in Vladivostok, which was completed in July 2019.

Kozhemiako, for his part, affirmed that authorities and people of Primorie will do their best to foster bilateral ties.

Meeting Russian Deputy Prime Minister and Presidential Envoy to the Far Eastern Federal District Yuri Trutnev, Dung asked the Russian authorities to create favourable conditions for Vietnamese citizens in immigration procedures as well as for Vietnamese crewmembers working on foreign vessels that arrive in Russia.

Both sides talked ways to enhance joint work between Russia’s Far East and Vietnam in trade, investment, tourism, labour, education – training, and science-technology.

Deputy PM Dung said Vietnamese enterprises are interested in doing business in the Far East, particularly in mining and agriculture, milch cow farming and milk processing.

Trutnev said the Far East authorities will soon send a delegation to Vietnam to explore business opportunities with localities and partners.

Oil-gas cooperation key to Vietnam – Russia ties: officials



Deputy Prime Minister Trinh Dinh Dung (second from right) and Russian counterpart Maxim Akimov (second from left) witness the signing of deals



Deputy Prime Minister Trinh Dinh Dung and his Russian counterpart Maxim Akimov agreed that oil and gas cooperation bears strategic significance to Vietnam – Russia relations at their meeting on September 5 on the sidelines of the ongoing 5th Eastern Economic Forum (EEF).

The two officials took the occasion to exchange their opinions on the implementation of the two countries’ joint projects and agreements.

They shared the view that bilateral cooperation is going smoothly across all fields and highlighted the need for effective measures to capitalize on the potential of both countries and of the Eurasian Economic Union – Vietnam Free Trade Agreement toward realizing the 10-billion-USD bilateral trade goal in 2020.

Dung affirmed that Vietnam welcomes Russia’s oil and gas companies to carry out exploration and exploitation activities in the country’s continental shelf in line with international law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.

He asked the Russian Government to facilitate Vietnamese joint ventures’ involvement in new oilfields in Russia’s territory.

Both Deputy PMs reached consensus on the need to promptly remove difficulties arising in bilateral cooperation in traditional sectors and expand bilateral engagements to new potential areas like digital economy, e-government building, infrastructure development, and aviation.

They agreed to hold the 22nd meeting of the Vietnam – Russia Intergovernmental Committee in early October this year.

Concluding their meeting, the officials witnessed the signing of an MoU on cooperation between the Vietnamese and Russian construction ministries and another MoU between Vietjet Air and Russia’s Vladivostok International Airport (VVO) on the early opening of a direct air route between Vietnam’s Cam Ranh city and Russia’s Vladivostok city.-VNA