Genetica, a leading technology company in the field of genetic testing in Asia, has launched a gene-decoding product with AI which detects the genetic risks of getting infected with respiratory viruses.
According to Cao Anh Tuan, technology director of Genetica, when the epidemic broke out, Genetica’s scientists began discussing the application of AI and Machine Learning to find solutions to fight against coronavirus.
This is also what scientists in the world are focusing on under the call of governments, specially the US and Finland.
The scientists found that the pandemics in the world, including SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV which shook the world, and the current Covid-19 all have relations with coronavirus.
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Genetica, a leading technology company in the field of genetic testing in Asia, has launched a gene-decoding product with AI which detects the genetic risks of getting infected with respiratory viruses. |
In such conditions, G-CoVi (Gene Coughing Virus) has been launched which can show each person's risk of viral infection through their genetic parameters.
Studies show that the risk of infection varies from person to person, due to the different receptor structure on the surface of host cells and the different ways of how bodies react to viruses.
There are many genes in bodies responsible for the receptor structure on the surface of cells and the body's immune response to the viruses.
These factors determine the body’s susceptibility to virus infections and corresponding complications.
“We based this on the world's leading studies on the correlation between genotypes and the risk of infection with viruses to calculate the multi-gene index of individuals’ virus infection risks and then give detailed information in G-CoVi analysis reports,” Tuan explained.
“Our G-CoVi reports analyze 32 genes and more than 80 mutations that have the greatest impact on the genetic risk of infections with SARS-CoV, Influenza amd ARDS. Genetica's machine learning system has learned from more than 250 international research works on SARS-CoV, MERS-CoV, H1N1 and H5N pandemics, thereby helping assess the risk of virus infection of each person,” he said.
Studies pointed out that genes play an important role in determining if one is easily infected with viruses, and what complications occur after infection.
Recognizing genetic factors helps doctors quickly decide who need vaccinations the most. Meanwhile, those who are at high risks of getting infection, can take initiative in applying measures to protect themselves.
Analysts praised Genetica’s G-CoVi, saying that it is a useful product because humans need medium and long-term strategies to cope with it and other virus-related diseases.
“G-CoVi reports will be helpful not only in the current epidemic type. They will also help detect the risks for other types of viruses, such as dengue fever, A-type influenza and other seasonal flus,” he said.
Kim Chi

Vietnamese and Japanese researchers develop test kit for SARS-CoV-2
Fifteen researchers from Vietnam’s National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology and Japan’s Nagasaki University have successfully produced antigens to develop quick test kits for SARS-CoV-2.

How did Vietnam develop its SARS-CoV-2 test kits?
SARS-CoV-2 virus test kit, developed and produced by the Military Medical Academy and Viet A Technology Company, is an important and necessary tool to help control Covid-19 in Vietnam.