Vietnamese, Dutch PMs bike to explore Hanoi’s beauty hinh anh 1
Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh (R) and his Dutch counterpart Mark Rutte on November 2 morning make a cycling tour around some streets in Hanoi. (Photo: VNA)

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and his Dutch counterpart Mark Rutte on November 2 morning made a cycling tour around some streets in Hanoi as part of the latter’s ongoing visit to Vietnam.

They pedaled through streets around the UNESCO-recognised Thang Long Imperial Citadel.

Earlier the same day, following an official welcome ceremony for Rutte, the two PMs held talks.

They are scheduled to witness the signing of cooperation documents and attend economic forums to concretise cooperation agreements between the two countries on this occasion.

Vietnamese, Dutch PMs bike to explore Hanoi’s beauty hinh anh 2
Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and his Dutch counterpart Mark Rutte on November 2 morning make a cycling tour around some streets in Hanoi. (Photo: VNA)

The visit, which is taking place as Vietnam and the Netherlands are celebrating the 50th anniversary of their diplomatic relations (1973-2023), is the third by the Dutch PM to Vietnam since he took office in 2010, following PM Chinh’s visit to the Netherlands nine months ago.

Rutte reiterated that the Netherlands attaches importance to its relationship with Vietnam, and wishes to promote cooperation with the Southeast Asian nation across spheres.

Vietnamese, Dutch PMs hold talks

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte on November 2 agreed to strengthen political trust between the two countries through the exchange of high-level delegations, continue to effectively implement cooperation agreements, and consider the establishment of new mechanisms to deepen coordination.

At their talks in Hanoi during the Dutch PM’s ongoing visit to Vietnam, PM Chinh highly valued the sincere friendship and trustful partnership between Vietnam and the Netherlands, and affirmed that the two countries are determined to cooperate with each other for common self-reliance and sustainable development.

Rutte affirmed that Vietnam is a prioritised and important partner of the Netherlands in the Indo-Pacific region with a relationship starting more than 400 years ago since merchant vessels of the Netherlands docked at Hoi An port of Vietnam.

He showed his impression at the achievements Vietnam has made during the socio-economic recovery and development after COVID-19 pandemic and since his visit in 2019.

The two PMs spoke highly of the efforts in realising commitments and cooperation agreements since PM Chinh’s official visit to the Netherland in December 2022, with bustling delegation exchanges, the effective implementation of cooperation mechanisms, and the signing of new collaboration deals.

Affirming that economy-trade is an important pillar in the bilateral ties, they agreed to continue to fully and efficiently realise the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA).

He suggested that the Netherlands support the European Commission (EC)’s removal of the “yellow card” against Vietnam’s seafood export, ratify the EU-Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA) soon, and encourage Dutch firms to invest more in Vietnam in the fields of high technology, seaport, and strategic infrastructure.

PM Rutte underlined that Dutch enterprises highly value Vietnam’s political stability and favourable investment-business environment. He agreed to speed up the ratification of the EVIPA, spoke highly of Vietnam’s efforts to promote sustainable fisheries development, and pledged to work with other EU members to support Vietnam in the field.

The two PMs concurred to continue expanding the framework of their strategic partnership in climate change response, water management, and sustainable agriculture, contributing to joint efforts in tackling global challenges. Particularly, the two sides will foster collaboration in the fields of offshore sand mining, green economic development, circular economy, climate change-resilient urban development, high-quality human resources training for climate change respsonse and water resources management, irrigation, and natural disaster prevention.

PM Chinh proposed that the Netherlands and G7 countries support Vietnam in technology, finance, human resources and institutional improvement to effectively implement the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP), while establishing a trilateral cooperation mechanism on agriculture, contributing to solving global food security problems.

PM Rutte affirmed that the Netherlands will assist Vietnam in implementing the Mekong Delta planning for the 2021-2030 period with a vision to 2050 as well as the plan on sustainable agricultural transition in the region, and in completing the legal framework regarding water management.

The two sides underlined that science-technology and innovation are breakthrough areas and agreed to optimise the potential for bilateral cooperation in high technology, electronic circuit and semiconductor device production, digital platform and telecommunications ecosystem building, digital transformation, and human resources development in these fields.

Vietnam and the Netherlands will expand cooperation in promising areas such as exploration and sustainable exploitation of important minerals, defence-security, customs, shipping, logistics, and people-to-people exchanges.

The Dutch PM described the Vietnamese community in his country as an important part of the host society, pledging to continue creating favourable conditions for the community to successfully integrate  themselves there and act as a bridge for bilateral friendship.

At the talks, the two PM discussed a number of regional and international issues of shared interest. They agreed to continue to coordinate with and support each other at international and regional organisations, especially the UN and within the ASEAN-EU partnership framework.

PM Rutte lauded Vietnam’s external policy of independence, self-reliance, diversification and multilateralisation, and settlement of disputes through peaceful measures on the basis of international law.

PM Chinh congratulated the Netherlands on becoming a development partner of the ASEAN, and expressed his hope that the European country will engage more deeply in and giving more initiatives to the promotion of the ASEAN-EU relations in general and the ASEAN-Netherlands relationship in particular.

Regarding the East Sea issue, the two sides showed support for the ensuring of maritime and aviation security and safety as well as the peaceful settlement of disputes in line with international law, especially the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), and the negotiations on a substantial and effective Code of Conduct in the East Sea (COC) between ASEAN and China.

Following the talks, the two PMs witnessed the exchange of cooperation agreements among ministries, sectors and associations of the two countries over areas of sustainable exploration and exploitation of important minerals, customs, investment, and trade.

Vietnamese, Dutch PMs attend high-tech business, green economy forums

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh and his Dutch counterpart Mark Rutte attended the Vietnam-Netherlands High-tech Business Forum and the 2023 Green Economy Forum (GEF) in Hanoi on November 2.

In his speech at the hi-tech business forum, PM Rutte said during this visit, he is accompanied by a delegation of nearly 30 leading hi-tech Dutch companies. Many of them are embarking on investment projects in Vietnam while several others are exploring opportunities in the country.

He said he hopes the forum will help the two countries' agencies and companies understand better the potential of bilateral cooperation, thus promoting investment and partnership.

Describing the Netherlands as a vibrant and innovative country, PM Chinh said the Netherlands is the biggest EU investor in Vietnam and the second biggest European trade partner of Vietnam. However, the two countries still have great potential to expand their cooperation, particularly in science-technology and innovation. 

He suggested Dutch firms should promptly come up with specific plans to connect with Vietnamese enterprises in hi-tech agriculture, new and renewable energy, semiconductors, climate change adaptation, shipbuilding services, and other sectors via hi-tech projects that offer high added value and are capable to join the global value chain. 

The PM encouraged Dutch businesses, corporations, and research institutes to consider and actively engage in comprehensive cooperation with Vietnam through the National Innovation Centre and hi-tech zones in Vietnam.

At the event, the two PMs witnessed the exchange of cooperation agreement documents between Vietnamese and Dutch agencies and enterprises in the fields of innovation, creativity and finance. 

The same day, the two government leaders attended the plenary session of the 2023 Green Economy Forum (GEF) themed "European-Vietnamese Collaboration Fuels Green Initiatives” in the capital city.

PM Rutte said it is a special moment in the Vietnam-Netherlands relationship as the two countries are celebrating the 50th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic ties. The Netherlands is now the largest European investor in Vietnam, and 60% of Vietnam's exports to Europe come ashore at the port of Rotterdam.

He said while Vietnam has achieved rapid economic growth, both the Netherlands and Vietnam are facing environmental challenges, requiring the joint efforts of all stakeholders, first of all the business community. Both producers and suppliers are required to comply with the new sustainability regulations set by the European Union (EU), he said, suggesting that Dutch firms assist their Vietnamese partners in this field.

PM Chinh, for his part, affirmed that Vietnam always considers EU one of its reliable and most important partners in its foreign policy.

Vietnam attaches importance to pursuing rapid yet sustainable, inclusive development rather than economic growth at the expense of progress, social equity and environment protection, he said, adding that the country commits to always protecting the legitimate rights and interests of foreign investors in any circumstance. 

He asserted that Vietnam strongly supports the EU's strategies, initiatives, and policies for green development, and will seriously follow regulations related to green production.

The Vietnamese PM wished that the EU would continue to assist Vietnam in the win-win spirit in building mechanisms, policies, technology transfer, financial resource arrangement, high-quality workforce training, and enhancing managerial capabilities to promote green development. 

On the occasion, the PM asked Dutch officials to push for the ratification of the EU-Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA) and the European Commission’s removal of the yellow card warning against Vietnam related to illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing.

The Vietnamese Government leader wished that partners and investors would continue to invest in the Mekong Delta, particularly in climate change response, strategic infrastructure development, the 1-million-ha quality rice cultivation project, and emissions reduction to contribute to global food security.

Participants engaged in discussions on various topics, including common future - opportunities and challenges in pursuing sustainability in the economy, security and sustainability of the energy system, transparency and resilience of the financial system, food sovereignty, carbon emission reduction and circular economy.

PM chairs welcome ceremony for Dutch counterpart

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh chaired a welcome ceremony for his visiting Dutch counterpart Mark Rutte in Hanoi on November 2 morning.

This visit, which is taking place when Vietnam and the Netherlands are celebrating the 50th anniversary of their diplomatic relations (1973-2023), is the third by the Dutch PM to Vietnam since he took office in 2010, following PM Chinh’s visit to the Netherlands nine months ago.

After the welcome ceremony, the two PMs enjoyed a photo exhibition featuring the land and people of Vietnam and the growing Vietnam-Netherlands relations before their talks.

Over the past 50 years, the Vietnam-Netherlands relationship has developed strongly across all fields, especially investment, trade, sustainable agriculture and climate change response.

The two sides established their Strategic Partnership on Climate Change and Water Management in 2010, Strategic Partnership on Agriculture and Food Security in 2014 and Comprehensive Partnership in 2019.

Along with conducting the regular exchange of delegations, especially at high level, the two sides have maintained many bilateral cooperation mechanisms and supported each other at international forums and organisations.

The Netherlands is one of Vietnam’s leading important and time-tested partners. It is currently Vietnam’s biggest investor in the European Union with combined capital of 13.5 billion USD in about 400 projects, and the largest importer of Vietnamese products in Europe, with two-way trade surpassing 11 billion USD. The Netherlands has provided non-refundable aid to many development projects and programmes in Vietnam.

PM Rutte’s visit aims to seek specific measures to realise outcomes of PM Chinh’s visit earlier this year, while promoting bilateral cooperation in trade, investment, finance, science and technology, management science, human resources training, tourism, agriculture, logistics, green transition, and digital transformation.

Alongside, Vietnam and the Netherlands will continue to discuss ways to effectively implement the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA), and further promote the development of the EU - ASEAN strategic partnership for peace, stability, and development of the region and the world.

Source: VNA