Vietnamese, Italian Presidents agree on major measures to enhance strategic partnership hinh anh 1
At the talks between Vietnamese President Vo Van Thuong and his Italian counterpart Sergio Mattarella. (Photo: VNA)

President Thuong affirmed that Vietnam treasures Italy in its foreign policy, adding that Vietnam always remembers and is grateful to the Italian people for their valuable support in the past struggle for national independence and reunification as well as in the current process of national construction and development.

Both leaders emphasised the significance of President Thuong’s ongoing visit at a time when the two countries are celebrating the 50th founding anniversary of diplomatic ties and the 10th anniversary of the bilateral strategic partnership.

President Mattarella affirmed that Italy highly appreciates Vietnam’s position and role in the Asia – Pacific region and stressed the friendship and close sentiments between the people of the two nations.

The Italian leader said he was impressed with Vietnam’s dynamic economic development and consented to join hands with the Southeast Asian country to further promote the bilateral strategic partnership, thus contributing to the sustainable development in each nation and jointly coping with global challenges.

The two leaders informed each other about their respective nations’ situation, exchanged views on major orientations and measures to further step up the bilateral strategic partnership and discussed regional and international issues of mutual concern.

They expressed their delight at the positive development of the bilateral relations in the past years as the two nations have promoted the exchange of visits and meetings at all levels and through all channels; effectively deployed cooperation mechanisms such as the political consultation at the deputy foreign minister level, defence policy dialogue at the deputy minister level, the joint committee for economic cooperation, and the joint committee for scientific and technological cooperation.
Vietnamese, Italian Presidents agree on major measures to enhance strategic partnership hinh anh 2
Vietnamese President Vo Van Thuong (L) and his Italian counterpart Sergio Mattarella. (Photo: VNA)
The two Presidents noted with pleasure that economic-trade-investment ties have been developing fruitfully with bilateral trade reaching 6.2 billion USD in 2022. Vietnam is currently the biggest trading partner of Italy in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), while Italy is a leading partner of Vietnam in Europe. Italy now ranks 33rd out of 143 countries and territories directly investing in Vietnam.

In terms of politics, the two leaders agreed to step up the exchange of delegations at all levels, especially high-level ones, via state, government and parliament channels; and continue effectively implementing bilateral cooperation mechanisms.
Regarding economic ties, President Mattarella agreed with Vietnam’s proposal on continuing effectively carrying out the EU-Vietnam Free Trade Agreement (EVFTA) and supporting the European Commission (EC)’s removal of its “yellow card” against Vietnamese seafood exports in a bid to further beef up economic and trade relations and contribute to economic recovery.

President Mattarella announced that the Italian Parliament ratified the EU-Vietnam Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA) right on the day President Thuong began his state visit to Italy, creating a foundation for Italy to increase investment in the Southeast Asian country.

President Thuong thanked Italy and stressed that the deal would bring benefits to businesses and people of both nations. He also proposed Italy urge other EU members to soon ratify the agreement.

The two leaders consented to enhance people-to-people exchanges by stepping up cooperation in education-training, culture-arts, tourism, locality-to-locality cooperation, and student exchanges, among others. Both expressed their support for the establishment of cultural centres in each country to promote understanding and connectivity between the people of the two countries.
President Thuong suggested the Italian Government create more favourable conditions for the Vietnamese community in the country to integrate into the host society, contribute to socio-economic development in Italy, and continue serving as a bridge between the two nations.

They agreed to expand cooperation in security-defence, science-technology; continue to support each other at multilateral forums such as the ASEAN-EU cooperation framework, Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM), and the United Nations, and response to global issues like climate change and food security.

The host and guest also exchanged views on several international and regional issues of mutual concern such as cooperation between Italy and ASEAN, cooperation between Vietnam and the EU, and the Indo-Pacific region.

Regarding the East Sea issue, the two leaders reaffirmed the importance of ensuring peace, stability, security, safety and freedom of navigation and aviation in the East Sea, and settling disputes via peaceful measures on the basis of international law, especially the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

On this occasion, President Thuong invited his Italian counterpart to visit Vietnam at an early date.

Vietnamese, Italian leaders co-chair press conference after talks

President Vo Van Thuong and Italian President Sergio Mattarella co-chaired a press conference on July 26 afternoon to inform about the results of their talks earlier.

Sergio Mattarella said he will hand over the document of the Italian Parliament ratifying the Vietnam-EU Investment Protection Agreement (EVIPA) to the Vietnamese State leader within the day.

President Thuong thanked the Italian Parliament for ratifying the agreement, saying that he believes that the approval will benefit businesses and people of the two countries, significantly contributing to further promoting bilateral trade and investment cooperation in the coming time.

Mattarella said the two sides discussed many important contents and acknowledged achievements in the bilateral cooperation relationship, which has developed fruifully in reccent times. 

The two sides agreed to maintain and expand comprehensive relations, especially the exchange of delegations at all levels, he noted.

The Italian leader showed his happiness when receiving President Thuong’s invitation to visit Vietnam.

He thanked Vietnam for presenting medical face masks to his country during its fight against the COVID-19 pandemic, saying that this was a special connection, embodying the spirit of strategic partnership.

According to Mattarella, there are many Italian businesses investing and doing successfully in Vietnam, and the number is constantly increasing.

President Mattarella also mentioned with pleasure that the two sides agreed to promote culture and renewable energy cooperation.

The two sides discussed the collaboration between Vietnam and the EU community, he said, noting that Vietnam plays an important role for the EU, serving as an axis connecting the EU with ASEAN, especially cooperation in free trade and investment.

The two sides also agreed to continue coordination at international forums and work closely in responding to climate change, Mattarella said.

For his part, President Thuong stressed that in its foreign policy, Vietnam attaches special importance to the friendship and multifaceted cooperation with Italy - an important member of the EU and the international community.

He thanked the host for his recognition and good assessment of the bilateral relations, saying that the specific issues mentioned by the Italian President showed the increasing political trust and mutual understanding between Vietnam ad Italy.

The two countries have achieved important achievements across fields after 50 years of diplomatic relations and 10 years of strategic cooperation partnership.

He said the talks were held in a sincere, frank and open manner with many important contents discussed.

The two sides agreed to expand cooperation in all areas from politics and diplomacy, to trade, investment, education and training, science-technology, culture, and people-to-people exchange, Thuong said, saying that these are necessary and important for stronger and more effective bilateral relations, reaching new heights as desired by the leaders and people of the two countries.

Sharing with the Italian President's concerns about the recent regional and global situations, President Thuong asserted Vietnam’s foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, diversification and multilateralisation of relations, noting that Vietnam wishes to be a friend, a reliable partner, and a responsible member of the international community.

Vietnam always wants conflicts in the region and the world to be resolved by peaceful means, through exchange, discussion and respect for the UN Charter and international law, he said.

Regarding cooperation between Vietnam, the EU and ASEAN, President Thuong affirmed that Vietnam will support and exert every effort to make the relationship between Italy and ASEAN better and better, he stated.

Referring to culture cooperation, the Vietnamese leader said he fully supports and agrees with the Italian President on the establishment of an Italian culture centre in Vietnam to further promote culture exchanges between the two countries, and help Italians understand more about Vietnamese culture and vice versa.

Source: VNA