VietNamNet Bridge - On online forums and social networks, many people expressed regret to Dr. Nishimura Masanari, who died in a traffic accident in Hanoi several days ago.

Japanese archaeologist dies in a traffic accident in Hanoi


Dr. Nishimura Masanari.

The death of the Japanese doctor who had 20 years with Vietnam’s archaeology makes people sad and regret. The words of gratitude and grief appeared on many forums and social networks.

Nickname minhtamphamdht wrote: "Farewell my brother, a great friend of our family. We will never forget the memory and the gift of love of your family with us. We would like to offer our condolences to Mrs. Noriko and the children.”

On, Ngo Hoai Chung, who worked with Masanari, recalled his meetings with the Japanese doctor. "I met Dr. Masanari during the excavations in the ancient village of Dong Son, Thanh Hoa in 2008."

In 2009, Chung and Dr. Nguyen Giang Hai went to Japan for business and he paid a visit to Dr. Masanari’s home. "He and his wife, Dr. Noriko and their two sons have had close relations to Vietnam for many years. He always considered Vietnam as a second home."

"In my mind, he is a man with humble spirit who always loves this life. Whenever he was happy, he laughed very loudly. He was very good at Vietnamese and he loved Vietnamese culture. He liked Vietnamese cuisines and he was a gourmet of Vietnamese cuisine as a true Vietnamese person."

"I was really shocked when he died suddenly at this age. His death not just leaves the pain for his family, for his friends, but also a loss for Vietnam archeology," Chung wrote.

Another wrote: "I had five presentations to him about Vietnam culture. At that time his hair was not silver yet. He was very young and dressed very cool (in the style of war correspondents). He drove a Minsk motorcycle and traveled around to do science."

"He was a colleague of my father," a forum member wrote. "Masanari cried so much in my father's funeral – who also died from a traffic accident on the road to an archaeological site in Nam Dinh in 2000. Now I cry for his death. Farewell to Dr. Masanari!"

Not only the people who met and worked with Dr. Masanari, there are hundreds of comments of people who have never met the Japanese scientists on social networks.

"As a civilian, I am very respectful of the Japanese man, the man of a people that we are always learning from. I would like to offer my condolences with his family and his country. And I hope that my people and my country can learn something in him and his people," wrote nickname xuandienhannom.

Sharing the same emotions, nickname muathuhanoi sent to Dr. Masanari’s family deep condolences, infinite grief and sincere gratitude for the precious love, the great contribution of Dr. Nishimura Masanari for Vietnam.

"Let me thank his beloved family on his special affection for Vietnam. His death is the pain of all of us," wrote muathuhanoi.

Another member wrote: "It is sad and unfortunate! He is only 48 years old, the best age for scientific activities. Vietnamese people in general and the archeology sector in particular please do not let his death in countless meaning. We must have learned something from the accident as well as his example of scientific work."

"Vietnam and Vietnamese people are always grateful to you and owe you a debt," nickname namkaokts wrote.

Nguyen Thi wrote: "Bac Ninh people appreciate you so much. Your scientific career for my hometown Bac Ninh is huge!"

Nickname drthanhnguyentienn wrote that the death of the Japanese archaeologist means losing a great friend, a very talented person. "I do not know whom to blame because there are too many people for blaming on," the nickname wrote.

"Thanks for your contribution to Vietnam archaeology! Thanks for what you did for Vietnam!" one wrote.

"I'm grateful for the hard work and love that you gave to my hometown. Wish you go to the heaven. When will traffic accidents reduce in Vietnam?" another commented.

Phqthanh wrote: "Nishimura Masanari, you lived with us, you left forever for us. I would like to offer apology and condolences to the family."

"Extremely mourning for Dr. Masanari, a Japanese scientist who loved Vietnam. I send my condolences to his family and wish his soul going to a peaceful place!" another wrote.

Information about the death of the Japanese scientist also received sharing from the Facebook community.

In addition to grief, the online community also urged the community to do something to reduce traffic accidents.

In the last few days, several serious traffic accidents occurred, killing many people. According to the Bureau of Traffic Police, in the first week of June, 339 traffic accidents occurred across the country, taking the life of 151 people and injured 232 others.

M. Lan