VietNamNet Bridge - Over the years, many Vietnamese experts have made important contributions to the U.S. Space Center (NASA), such as Trinh Huu Phuoc and Dr. Bui Tri Trong.



The "perfect couple" - Dr. Trinh Huu Phuoc and his wife Dr. Vo Thi Diep - Photo: NASA 

For years, the Vietnamese community in the U.S. have talked about astronauts Trinh Huu Chau or Eugene Trinh, an astrophysicist who joined NASA's flight attendants into space in 1992. He became the first Vietnamese American who went into space and stayed there for nearly 15 days.

Also at NASA, along with astrophysicist Trinh Huu Chau, some Vietnamese-origin experts are also frequently referred to an admiring way.

Dr. Trinh Huu Phuoc and his wife, Dr. Vo Thi Diep are mentioned as a "perfect couple" at NASA. For the past 30 years, they have made many contributions to the U.S. space center.

In 1979, Phuoc left Vietnam at the age of 16 and went to the United States. With all efforts to both earn his living and going to school, Phuoc obtained the aerospace engineering diploma at the University of Missouri-Rolla in 1985.

Two years later, he received a master's degree in aerospace engineering from the University of Missouri-Rolla and then he joined NASA. In 2004, he was granted a doctorate of the University of Alabama in Huntsville.

The first days at NASA, he joined the research group of rocket motor components. Relentless efforts, he repeatedly achieved many impressive successes, including the invention of a new method of pumping fuel into the combustion chamber to help bring optimal performance.

His latest success is the leader of a project to develop propulsion system for lunar robot. This is an important part of the target for which the United States is pursuing a strategy to pave the way for NASA to continue to conquer other planets.

Success is what Dr. Phuoc hardly dared to think of but he has achieved thanks to the efficient work methods, beyond the rigid mold.

So, he shared with the young people, who cherish ambition to contribute to NASA in particular and humanity in general, that: "Learning new methods and approaches not only important when you are at school but also at work" -- " Ready to accept the responsibility and challenging work in earnest, self-discipline will give you the most emotionally satisfaction when the task is done."

Dr. Vo Thi Diep is not only a wife but also a fellow of Dr. Phuoc from the years of study in Vietnam until they went abroad, studied and worked at NASA.

Like her husband, Dr. Diep was born in Bac Lieu and left Vietnam in 1979 at the age 17. Going to the United States with limited English, she exerted great effort to receive a bachelor's degree from Southern Illinois University in Edwardsville. Then, she received a doctorate in chemistry at the University of Missouri at Rolla and then joined NASA.

At the U.S. Space Center, Dr. Diep specializes in structural engineering materials. In this field, she marked by the successful development and testing of new materials for rocket engines of the Space Shuttle. To date, Diep and his husband have always been the pride of the Vietnamese people working at NASA and become a model of success in aerospace engineering research.



Dr. Bui Tri Trong (right) - Photo: NASA. 

Another Vietnamese expert who is successful at NASA is Dr. Bui Tri Trong. Also in 1979, he left Vietnam at the age of 14 and began the arduous days in the foreign land. Inherently, right from his childhood, Trong dreamed of becoming a pilot.

He said: "I always enjoyed jet fighters and wanted to be a pilot. As a child, I was always proud to be the first child in the village, by looking at the style and hearing the sound of the engine, determining the exact type of aircraft that flew over our village."

However, due to limited eyesight, he is unable to pursue the ambition. So, he decided to pursue aerospace engineering to work close to what he wished.

With all the will and hard work, he received an engineer and then master degree in aeronautical engineering from the California Polytechnic University. Next, he received a doctorate in astronaut engineering at the Stanford University. In 1988, while attending the master's level, he had internships at NASA and quickly demonstrated his capacity there.

Until 1990, when he got the master's degree, he officially worked for NASA. Initially, he worked on the air inlets and air pipes on the rocket.

In 1997, he made important contributions in the project on advanced control technology on F-15 fighters.

After that, he repeatedly left many imprints on the development of improved rockets, especially thrust. Through contributions at NASA, he has turned his dream into a reality, creating a breakthrough in aeronautical engineering.

Son Tung