Students introduces the ArticuLab device. 

Two first-year students from Vietnam are among the winners at Stanford University's TreeHacks - a technology competition for students. The team developed a VR glass device for debate training.

Cam Nguyen (Stanford University, California, USA) and Ryan Tran (Northeastern University, Massachusetts, USA) and their team created a virtual reality headset called ArticuLab.

This device helps users have a debate space similar to the real environment. This virtual reality headset is integrated with ChatGPT - the AI chatbot program developed by OpenAI. Users can debate directly with AI in a virtual environment while wearing the glasses.

ArticuLab aims to help users improve their speaking and critical thinking skills. The device is capable of making comments on the user's speaking speed, speech structure, transparency and body language.

ArticuLab is praised for catching up with trends at a time when large corporations are trying to integrate ChatGPT into their products. The device won the New Frontiers Grand Prize at TreeHacks.

TreeHacks is a contest sponsored by Silicon Valley giants and venture capital firms like Meta, OpenAI, Palantir and Y Combinator. The contest attracted 1,700 students around the world.

At TreeHacks, hundreds of teams worked together for 36 hours and invented nearly 300 products. More than half of these projects use AI (artificial intelligence) - a technology trend that is expected to make a breakthrough in 2023.

Cam Nguyen said: “The competition took place in a short period of time and the number of teams was large, so the competition was fierce. We worked hard to program a product with universal applicability to impress the judges.”

“We hope that in the future, ArticuLab will be used widely, especially in the field of education, to help students practice confidence and improve their presentation skills. Further, this product can be applied in the work environment, project presentations, meetings," Cam Nguyen said.

Trong Dat