VietNamNet Bridge - The only gaur in the forest of Phuoc Binh, Ninh Thuan province, central Vietnam, died on March 8 due to old age and poor health. It lived for six years with domestic cows and left nearly 30 crossbred cows. Let’s review the gaur’s special life.

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The gaur is "dating" a domestic cowalong the stream, 2010.

This gaur was nearly 1 ton in weight. It left the forest to live in the fields along the Pac Ray River, Phuoc Binh Commune since September 2008. It knocked down three local people and destroyed dozens of hectares of crops. It always “dated” several female cows at the same time.

The "dating" story of the gaur is thrilling. In the first night leaving from the forest to the village, the gaur attacked the biggest male cow in the village and made a hole in this cow’s chest with his strong horns. Since then, all the female cows in the village were under his “control”.

All these female cows were the gaur’s "partners". Four years later (2014), over 30 crossbred cows were born.

This is the strangest and most interesting story about wild gaurs in Vietnam.

International zoologists said that Vietnam’s gaur species is one of the largest species of wild gaurs in the world.

There are about 300 wild gaurs in Vietnam. In Ninh Thuan province, evidence suggests that there are at least three groups of gaurs, including one in Ninh Son and two in the Phuoc Binh National Park, with 30-40 individuals.

Some pictures of the gaur:












Minh Son