Vladimir Putin

Update news Vladimir Putin

Russia election: Vladimir Putin wins by big margin

 Vladimir Putin will lead Russia for another six years, after securing an expected victory in Sunday's presidential election.

Vladimir Putin: Russian president wants doping investigation

 Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered an investigation into claims the country's athletes have been part of a systematic doping programme.

Putin sees sanctions as stimulus for Russian economy

Russian President Vladimir Putin says his country can use Western sanctions to boost economic development by becoming more self-reliant. 

USA Russia: Obama suggests Putin 'not so smart'

 President Barack Obama has said Vladimir Putin made a "strategic mistake" when he annexed Crimea, in a move that was "not so smart".

Putin suggests urgent consultations over Ukraine with European leaders

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday called on European Union (EU) leaders to jointly hold urgent consultations over Ukraine's gloomy economy, insisting that Russia had been playing a supporting role in the country's stability.

Crimea referendum: Voters 'back Russia union'

 Some 95.5% of voters in Crimea have supported joining Russia, officials say, after half the votes have been counted in a disputed referendum.

US military action would undermine UN: Putin

 Russian President Vladimir Putin warned that any US military strike on Syria that circumvents the United Nations would undermine the global body and risk unleashing a wave of terror.

Putin says Snowden to leave Russia when opportunity emerges

 Fugitive U.S. spy agency contractor Edward Snowden will leave Russia when opportunity emerges, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Monday.

Russian President Putin, wife announce divorce

 Russian President Vladimir Putin and his wife Lyudmila Putina on Thursday announced their divorce.