VietNamNet Bridge – Vietnamese Defence Minister Phung Quang Thanh met with his Chinese counterpart Chang Wanquan in Brunei's capital Bandar Seri Begawan on Tuesday, on the sidelines of the seventh ASEAN Defence Ministers' Meeting (ADMM-7).

Defence Minister Phung Quang Thanh (right) meets Chinese counterpart Chang Wanquan in Brunei's capital Bandar Seri Begawan. — Photo


At the meeting, the Chinese minister affirmed his country always treasures ties with Viet Nam and will continue working together to lift the two countries' relations, including defence co-operation, to a new level.

He also highly valued Viet Nam's successful organisation of the first expanded ADMM and the establishment of the ADMM-Plus mechanism.

Thanh said Viet Nam always attaches importance to developing neighbourly and long-standing relations with China, adding that the strengthening of co-operation, solidarity, mutual trust and understanding between the two countries is an important factor in maintaining peace and stability in the region.

He stressed that the two countries have existing issues at sea and suggested the two sides strictly obey agreements and common perceptions made by their senior leaders.

In terms of defence co-operation, he noted the two sides must continue speeding up defence dialogue strategy, boosting contacts, exchanges and consultations at all levels to intensify mutual trust and understanding, while setting up hotlines between the two sides at Defence Ministry, Military Zone and Border Guard Force levels.

Source: VNS