VietNamNet Bridge – The newest Broadway-inspired music by Vietnamese director Nguyen Phi Phi Anh has sold over 1,300 tickets in 48 hours.


Homemade art: A Not So Far-fetched Dream will be staged by cast of amateur actor and musicians. The revue is the newest Broadway musical-inspired production by Vietnamese director Nguyen Phi Phi Anh, will debut tonight at L’Espace.

The University of New Hampshire theatre graduate will debut his latest production, entitled Mong Uoc Khong Xa Voi (A Not So Far-fetched Dream), starting tonight.

The revue is part of his art project, Hope, which was launched last October. Alongside A Not So Far-fetched Dream, the project also presented the Goc Pho Danh Vong (L’Avenue), and Dem He Sau Cuoi (A Mid-summer Night Murder), which were major hits in Viet Nam in 2012 and 2013.

Phi Anh, who serves as a producer, stage director and scriptwriter, said that Hope not only aims to delight Vietnamese people but also to introduce a Western art genre.

“Furthermore, I expect Hope can spread the message ‘Live Positively’. Hope always exists in the ones who believe in it, especially the youth. I think everyone should live with their own hope,” the 26-year-old said.

In an interview with Viet Nam News few months ago, the director revealed a bit about this production.

“The story basically follows a car driver for a day. He gets to hear different stories told by the various people who step in for a ride,” he said.

The driver, Ken, and one of the passengers, Mina, then join together in a weird adventure to prevent a strange pandemic that threatens human life.  

Unlike his two other revues, L’Avenue, and A Mid-summer Night Murder--which only have songs from famous musicals as well as contemporary international hits--A Not So Far-fetched Dream will also feature famous Hongkongese and Japanese songs. Anh wrote Vietnamese lyrics for these songs.

A cast of 35 actors, 17 musicians--most of them are amateurs--will stage the production.

Alongside the opening show tonight, A Not So Far-fetched Dream will also be staged from March 6 to 9 at L’Espace, 24 Trang Tien Street. 

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