A driving instructor teaches a student at a driving training centre in Hanoi. — Photo tapchicongthuong.vn

In the document the DRVN sent to transport authorities nationwide, it required the transport departments in localities and driving training centres to tighten the management of driver training.

The DRVN said it has repeatedly requested the transport departments to review the quality of facilities, cars, and driving instructors at the driving centres.

However, the data on driving instructor quality has not been updated in the management software. As a result, many unqualified teachers are still working at the driving centres.

The DRVN asked the transport departments to urgently inspect and verify qualifications and certificates of driving instructors and complete teacher records in the data from now on.

Those who were not in the management database of the training institutions would not be allowed to work.

For those who participated in teaching at many different training centres, these centres must regularly report to the transport sector on the teaching time spent at each centre, it said.

In March, HCM City’s Transport Department revoked dozens of driving instructor certificates. Eighty-three driving instructors of the city's five driving training centres were banned from teaching after transport inspectors found the instructors had fake licenses.

Transport inspectors also punished the five centres for failing to employ qualified instructors. Thong Nhat, Sai Gon and World driving schools and Tien Phat and Hiep Phat driving centres were suspended for two months.  VNS

HCM City suspends five driving facilities for using fake licences

HCM City suspends five driving facilities for using fake licences

HCM City Transport Department has revoked dozens of driving instructor certificates, as part of an inspection by transport authorities that also sanctioned five driving training establishments.  

VN driving centres mobbed ahead of price hike

VN driving centres mobbed ahead of price hike

People are rushing to take their driving tests following news that the tests will become stricter and more expensive from May.