

According to the General Statistics Office of Vietnam, this was also the fastest growth rate since 2015.

Revenue from accommodation and catering services reached VND187.4trn (USD8.1bn) in the first four months, accounting for 11.8% of the total retail and services revenues and increasing by 9.2% compared to the same period last year.

Tourism revenues were VND14.9trn (USD641m), an increase of 13.1% on last year. Revenues from other services were VND165.6trn, increased by 5.7% on last year.

The retail sales and services revenues in April alone was VND400trn (USD17bn), an increase of 2.3% compared to the previous month and 12% compared to 2018. Retail sales were VND306trn, increased by 2.2% on last month. Revenue from accommodation and catering services reached VND47.7trn and VND45.7trn from other services.

Revenues from food industry increased by 14%, revenues from appliances, tools and household equipment increased by 12.9%, about 12.4% for garments; 11.1% for transportation and 10.7% for educational items and services.
