VN-Qatar trade value heads to US$1bln


Deputy PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc met with Qatar's PM Sheikh Abdullah Bin Nasser Bin Khalifa Al-Thani, December 14, 2014 - Photo: VGP



Viet Nam will create favorable conditions for Qatar’s businesses to invest in projects in airports, harbors, highways and agricultural production and processing in Viet Nam.

Deputy PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc made that statement at his meeting with Qatar’s PM Sheikh Abdullah Bin Nasser Bin Khalifa Al-Thani on December 14 during his official visit to Qatar.

He highly valued the active assistance from Qatar’s Government in organizing “Viet Nam Days in Qatar”, expecting the event will consolidate the two nations’ relationship.

Viet Nam attaches importance to the multi-lateral relations with Qatar. The two sides’ two-way trade turnover reached nearly US$265 million in 2013, up 8% compared to the previous year, he added.

The Vietnamese Deputy PM proposed a number of measures to accelerate the relations and conveyed PM Nguyen Tan Dung’s invitation for the Qatari PM to visit Viet Nam.

He hoped that large projects invested by Qatar will be soon launched in Viet Nam, suggesting the two countries support each other at multi-lateral forums for the sake of both countries.

PM Sheikh Abdullah Bin Nasser Bin Khalifa Al-Thani affirmed that Qatar attaches importance to the relationship with Viet Nam, adding that he will direct ministries and agencies to realize agreements with Viet Nam.

He also accepted the invitation of PM Dung and will visit Viet Nam at an appropriate time.

Deputy PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc holds talks with Qatari counterpart Ahmed Bin Abdullah Bin Zaid Al-Mahmoud, December 14, 2014 - Photo: VGP/Le Son

Earlier, Deputy PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc held talks with his Qatari counterpart Ahmed Bin Abdullah Bin Zaid Al-Mahmoud.

At the talks, the two leaders reviewed achievements in the two nations’ relations and exchanged specific measures to promote the multi-lateral relationship in the future.

In term of politics, they agreed to enhance delegation exchanges at all levels, especially high-ranking levels.

The Qatari Deputy PM expects to receive State President Truong Tan Sang to pay a courtesy visit to Qatar, affirming to consider carefully the support of Viet Nam in running for positions in agencies of the United Nations in the future.

Economically, they asserted to determination to raise the two-way trade value to US$1 billion in the future, launch effectively finance-banking agreements, facilitate investments in projects in fields of infrastructure, energy and agriculture as well as supporting their businesses to seek cooperation and investment.

Deputy PM Phuc proposed Qatar receive more Vietnamese guest workers.

On this occasion, the leaders witnessed the signing of documents on cooperation in justice between the Ministries of Justice.

NA’s Law Committee delegation on UK tour

A delegation from the National Assembly (NA)’s Law Committee led by Chairman Phan Trung Ly is making a working visit to the UK from December 8-14 to study the operational model of the UK Parliament .

During its stay, the delegation had working sessions with a number of UK parliamentary agencies to learn about legislative process, and the role and authority of the parliamentary committees in law making and supervision.

The guests visited the London City Council and the Scotland Office, where they were introduced to the UK government's plan to empower the Scottish Parliament after the Sept 18 referendum in Scotland.

The Vietnamese delegates also visited the Brunel University London and discussed the possibility of cooperation in personnel training and expert provision. They agreed to hold more talks in order to sign a memorandum of understanding on cooperation in the time ahead.

Vietnamese parliamentary delegation visits Peru, Argentina

A delegation from the National Assembly (NA) Committee for Finance and Budget led by its Vice Chairman Tran Van paid working visits to Peru and Argentina from December 1-12 to enquire about experience in managing public investment and debt as well as issues related to state budget law and tax policy.

During working sessions with officials of the host countries, the Vietnamese delegation introduced the country’s policy on investment and trade as well as efforts in perfecting the legal system to create favourable business climate for investors.

The Vietnamese lawmakers shared experience with the two countries’ experts in the fields of budget collection management; budgetary decentralisation between the central and local agencies; tax evasion, transfer pricing in foreign-invested enterprises; and public debt management, among others.

On the occasion, the delegation also informed its hosts about Vietnam’s preparation for the 132 nd General Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU-132), that the Vietnamese NA will host next year. According to the head of the delegation, the trip aimed at studying the laws of Peru and Argentine concerning budget procedures and coordination in verifying budget between parliamentary committees, as Vietnam is to revise the law on state budget.

Vietnam eager to share environmental protection experience

President Truong Tan Sang has affirmed Vietnam’s willingness to share experience with other countries in environmental protection and national construction and development.

At a December 13 reception for a delegation of ASEAN Chief Justices attending   the Roundtable on the role of the judiciary in environment protection in Hanoi,  President Sang praised the initiative of organizing the roundtable, saying  ASEAN with a population of over 600 million is becoming more and more dynamic towards shaping a united ASEAN community in 2015.

He said he hopes, in addition to the environmental initiative many more other initiatives will be taken as a contribution to regional sustainable development and prosperity.

Closer cooperation between members will contribute to enhancing the role of the courts and links between the countries in dealing with environmental challenges in the future, Sang said.

The ASEAN Chief Justices’ Roundtable on environment protection is a multilateral regional forum of chief justices aiming to confirm the role and vision of ASEAN courts in a bid to protect the environment.

President meets with ASEAN chief justices

President Truong Tan Sang held a reception in Hanoi on December 13 for delegates attending the fourth ASEAN Chief Justices’ Roundtable on the Role of the Judiciary in Environmental Protection in Vietnam’s capital city.

Chief justices and senior members of judiciaries spoke highly of Vietnam’s organisation of the event, which demonstrates the country’s special attention to environmental challenges.

The roundtable’s outcomes will help participating nations gain more experience in perfecting their legal system, particularly courts’ judging role in protecting the environment, they added.

The Vietnamese leader deemed the function as a forum for member countries to exchange expertise and share their law regarding environmental protection as well as effective measures to deal with related challenges.

With a population of more than 600 million, ASEAN will become more united and active in supporting member nations’ development once a common community is formed in 2015, he noted, while expressing his hope for more creative measures to be devised at the roundtable for the regional sustainable development and prosperity.

The President said Vietnam is willing to share and learn from other countries’ experience in environmental protection and national development.

Close cooperation among member countries will also strengthen their ties in handling environmental challenges in the future, he added.

The fourth ASEAN Chief Justices’ Roundtable on the Role of the Judiciary in Environmental Protection is co-organised by the Supreme People’s Court of Vietnam and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) on December 13-14.-

PM clears up political, social, economic issues

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung clarified a number of political, social and economic issues while meeting with voters in An Lao district, the northern port city of Hai Phong on December 13.

The constituents were informed of the outcomes of the eighth session of the 13th National Assembly which wrapped up in late November after more than one month of working with a heavy agenda on a number of important matters.

The nation has gained comprehensive achievements in all realms despite socio-economic difficulties, natural disasters and diseases, thanks to the leadership of the Party and joint efforts of the whole political system, people, and army, the PM said.

Apart from maintaining macroeconomic stability, curbing inflation, ensuring social and political order and safety, and safeguarding the national sacred sovereignty, the country has promoted external activities to raise the position of Vietnam in the world, he further said.

In 2015, the Government will continue to improve the business climate, reform administrative formalities, and strive to raise the gross domestic production (GDP) growth to 6.2 percent from the current 5.9 percent, the PM said.

Break-through strategies will focus on perfecting the legal and institutional systems; investing in infrastructure modernisation; and enhancing high-quality human resources training, he revealed.

The Government will work harder to ensure social equality by improving social welfare policies, developing education and healthcare services, and bringing new facelift for rural areas.

Touching on safeguarding the national sea and island sovereignty, Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung said cooperation and struggle are two-sided in the international relations to ensure peace, stability, development, prosperity and legitimate interest of each country.

Regarding the outlets for farm produce, the Prime Minister said the Government has sought all necessary measures to expand markets for aquatic and agricultural products, via the recently-signed free trade agreements as well as those under negotiations.

In the coming time, new similar pacts with low or zero percent tariff is expected to bring numerous opportunities to domestic exporters of seafood and farm produce.

Businesses, scientists and farmers need to work harder to ensure the quality of the products and competitive prices, he concluded.

President emphasises political work in army

President Truong Tan Sang has underlined the importance of political work in building a strong military on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the General Department of Politics under the Vietnam People’s Army (VPA).

Addressing a ceremony held by the department in Hanoi on December 13, the President praised the great achievements and efforts made by the department, which he said helped maintain the Party’s absolute and direct leadership over the VPA and strengthen the armed forces in all aspects, from politics, ideology to organisation.

On the occasion, President Sang presented the Ho Chi Minh Order, the noblest honour of the Party and State, to the department in recognition of its significant dedication.

Senior Lieutenant General Ngo Xuan Lich, Chief of the department said the development of the General Department of Politics has always closely associated with the building, growing-up and achievements of the VPA over the last 70 years.

The department has fulfilled its role as an advisory agency on party building and political work for the VPA, he said, adding that political work is the spirit and the line of life of the army, which is the Party’s essential principle in building the armed force.-

Gender equality enables female political involvement

Promoting gender equality in the political field will create more opportunities for women to raise their voice in various spheres.

Vice Chairwoman of the National Assembly Tong Thi Phong made the remark at a workshop held in the Mekong Delta province of Bac Lieu on December 14.

She highlighted gender equality as a fundamental human right and an important measure of social progress.

Vietnam has worked hard to build a legal framework and implement national strategies in the field. Chapter II of the Constitution stipulates the human rights, including the gender equality of both male and female citizens.

By approving the Law on Gender Equality in 2006, the Vietnamese legislature has shown its strong commitment to promoting gender equality, the lawmaker said.

Recognising gender equality as an important contribution to the socio-economic development of each country, participants proposed a range of measures to increase the involvement of women in political issues.

By 2020, Vietnam aims for women to fill at least 25 percent of posts in party committees at all levels and 35-40 percent of seats in the National Assembly. The State and Governments agencies mean to have females occupy at least 30 percent of key leadership positions.-

60th anniversary of schools for southern students celebrated

A grand ceremony was held in Hanoi on December 14 to mark the 60th anniversary of the schools for southern students in North Vietnam, which State President Truong Tan Sang described as one of the most successful educational models in the country.

The event was also attended by former teachers and more than 3,000 former students representing nearly 32,000 individuals from the south studying in the north six decades ago.

In 1954, to realise the Geneva Accords on ending war and restoring peace in Vietnam, the Vietnamese Government decided to send children of some revolutionary families in the south to the north to be trained for the future revolutionary cause, President Truong Tan Sang said, adding that the move was meant to prepare personnel for the national construction once the country was reunited.

Under the Accords, Vietnam would be temporarily divided for two years with the “border” defined as Parallel 17. Nationwide elections were scheduled for July 1956 to determine the country’s political system and government.

The leader hailed the schools for southern students in North Vietnam as one of the most successful educational models, which weathered war hardship to comprehensively educate students.

A lot of people used to enroll in such schools directly engaged in the struggle against the US for the south’s liberation with some even laying down their lives. When the country was reunited, they actively contributed to the national building and defence, he added, noting that many of them became senior officials and exemplary citizens.

Although the schools for southern students in the North existed for only more than 20 years, its success in comprehensive education are worth to be upheld, President Truong Tan Sang said, asking the today educational sector to learn from the model’s experience.

During the ceremony, former teachers and students recalled their time together at boarding schools for southerners.

Former teacher Le Ngoc Lap said most of the southern children then were just between six and 15 years old and had to live far away from their families. Therefore, teachers and staff at the schools also acted as their parents and friends with a high sense of responsibility. Each student always made efforts to study and improve his or herself with great awareness and solidarity.

Hanoi and the provinces of Hai Phong, Quang Ninh, Ha Nam, and Vinh Phuc had the most number of schools for southern students.