VietNamNet Bridge – Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has vowed that Vietnam is determined to promote multifaceted cooperation, especially in economics and trade, with the US.


Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung and the US Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker. (Source: VNA)

The PM made the remark during his meetings with the US Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker and the US Trade Representative Michael Froman on September 27 (Vietnamese time) in Washington DC.

The meetings were several appointments the Vietnamese leader will fulfill in the US, which he is visiting to attend the High-level Meetings of the 68 th Session of the United Nations General Assembly.

In the discussions, the PM highlighted the significance of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement and its benefits for TTP countries, saying that the deal will positively develop comprehensive relations between Vietnam and the US.

He affirmed Vietnam’s determination to promote negotiations in accordance with the agreement reached between the two sides’ high-ranking officials in 2012, adding that the country is willing to work with the US and other negotiators to hasten the signing of the TPP.

Dung also asked the US to give requisite flexibility for Vietnam in the negotiation stage.

He applauded the US Department of Commerce for its decision that Vietnam does not subsidise warm frozen shrimp products imported to the US and declared that the Vietnamese Government will continue to facilitate American businesses successfully operating in Vietnam.

The PM urged the US to recognise Vietnam’s market economy and appealed for it to put an end to investigations into 12 trade disputes between the two countries’ businesses, especially in anti-dumping and price-subsidy cases.

For their part, the US representatives committed to actively promoting all-round cooperation with Vietnam, especially in economics, trade and investment.

They expressed their delight at the establishment of a comprehensive partnership framework between the two countries, which is expected to help further strengthen bilateral relations in the time to come.

The two officials spoke of the advancement in negotiations between the two countries in recent TPP negotiation rounds in Malaysia and Brunei, saying that the US will work closely with other members to accelerate the process.

They also acknowledged Prime Minister Dung’s proposals and promised to consider them carefully and make a decision in the near future.

In 2012, two-way trade value between Vietnam and the US hit 25 billion USD.

Vietnam, US boost comprehensive partnership

Vietnam wants to constantly develop cooperative ties with the US for peace, stability and development in each country, as well as in the region and the world.

PM Nguyen Tan Dung made the statement at a meeting with US Secretary of State John Kerry in New York on September 27.

He appreciated Kerry’s contributions to the growing ties between Vietnam and the US, especially his contributions to President Truong Tan Sang’s recent US visit during which both countries announced the establishment of a comprehensive cooperation partnership.

PM Dung (R) proposed the US recognise Vietnam's market economy status (Photo:VNA)

Dung proposed the US remove trade barriers, work closely with Vietnam to settle trade disputes, and early recognise Vietnam’s market economy status.

He acknowledged US goodwill towards addressing war aftermath, especially the Agent Orange/dioxin legacy, and asked the US to consider providing more assistance to support war victims.  

Dung said both Vietnam and the US have maintained human rights dialogues over the years in a cooperative and constructive spirit to ensure these issues will not affect bilateral cooperation.

The PM also valued the two countries’ close coordination at regional and international forums such as the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) forum, ASEAN Defence Ministers Meeting Plus (ADMM+), and East Asia Summit (EAS).

He particularly valued the US’s Lower Mekong Initiative (LMI) to help narrow the development gap, protect the environment and strengthen economic links between regions in Asia.

For his part, Kerry said President Barack Obama follows with keen interest positive developments in US-Vietnam relations. He thanked Vietnam for making a significant contribution to the ongoing negotiations of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement, especially during the recent round of talks in Brunei.

He expressed hope this free trade pact will be signed very soon.

Kerry also said he believes bilateral relations will further develop, primarily in economics, trade, and investment. He pledged to support Vietnam in overcoming the consequences of war.

Source: Vietnam Plus